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  1. tneah

    Think President Obama needs a little help...

    Beavs...*snorts*...:eek::D I would have given the Queen a puppy, or a fish, a "pet"..that would have been great, she is an animal lover right? Walk in with a goldfish swimming in a little bowl.;) I also like the "Snuggie" idea...:D What I did like was how elegantly our first lady presented...
  2. tneah

    Housewives of NY

    I hate Kelly, she is a man I swear it. Plus she beat up her hubby.Her personality is as interesting as watching paint dry,. Romona is a spaz who acts like she has taken one too many uppers.. Jill is a mess but I like her... Alex and Simon crack me up, her hair is always such a mess too isn't...
  3. tneah

    Stubborn Belly Fat

    Just a thought...I hit 42 and all of a sudden my wine went to the belly. Straight away. I am currently on a program that consists of a little over 1,500 calories a day, no wine, sugar, limited carbs..intense cardio sesssions twice a day and weights (heavy to moderate forced reps) 4 times a week...
  4. tneah

    Obama fires the CEO of GM

    Oh, on another note I love me some Chewbacca! Is that how you spell that hairy beasts name?:p
  5. tneah

    Obama fires the CEO of GM

    The path this country is going down is starting to scare me...the government is going to dictate how much a person should earn? What, so the folks who work their asses off and built something from the ground up do not deserve the fruits of their labor. Or would it be more fair if the government...
  6. tneah

    Have you ever googled yourself?

    I used to come up with all the stuff I write, but now there is a marketing/media whore with the same name monopolizing all of the Google pages with "our" name. Slut.;)
  7. tneah

    whats your unhealthy vice

    Vices? Oh number one HAS to be white wine...any wine actually. I am on a strict eating plan and cannot indulge...I don't really miss it actually, I make a herbal tea at night now instead, but it WILL be fun on 12 weeks to drink a bottle or two, OOPS, I mean a glass or two.;) I quit...
  8. tneah

    Cathe, is your favorite color blue?l

    Cathe, are you a Leo?
  9. tneah

    Announcing My Next DVD series

    I am number 86 and waiting with baited breath, this is exactly what I was wishing for...the perfect compliment to STS and any weight workout...perfect, perfect, perfect!!! Thank you so much!
  10. tneah

    The Summer Vanity Thread

    You guys rock, thanks! I am just so insecure on most days, its sad actually. But I promise to try and "strut my stuff" this summer. I am dieting right now so my arms will look alot leaner, maybe I will feel proud enough to show them off.:rolleyes:
  11. tneah

    The Common Thread thread

    1. Cathe rocks 2. Clean eats equal visible muscle definition 3. Imax 3 is HARD 4.Shoes always fit even if your clothes don't...:p
  12. tneah

    The Summer Vanity Thread

    I have really large breasts that get alot of attention, so the added attention my arms get is very, very unwelcome and women especially can be such bitches...sorry, its just hard for me to show off my hard work...sometimes I wish I just had scrawny arms so no one would notice or comment.:confused:
  13. tneah

    I am having bad anxiety attacks

    I have them too. So bad that I went to a cardiologist to see if something was wrong with my heart. I have "white coat" fear, so my blood pressure spiked at over 167/121 last time I was in his office, my heart palpitates and I get flushed and break out in hives, its horrific!!! I record my blood...
  14. tneah

    What's your favorite workout song?

    8 Mile Soundtrack... Dangerous- Akon Whatever you like-T.I. Hung Up-Madonna Ready, Steady Go-Paul Okenfield Lets Dance, Lady Gaga Anything by the Scorpions Round and Round-RATT Enter Sandman-Metallica Soulmate-Natasha Bendingfield My tastes are all over the place...I love hardcore techno...
  15. tneah

    The Summer Vanity Thread

    I don't like people commenting on my "guns" or how I could "kick their ass", I have gone out and had other women with their men snicker at me too, so that makes me feel super insecure, I enjoy my arms by myself in my gym only. And believe me, they aren't even that big or defined at all.. Come...
  16. tneah

    Real Housewives NYC

    Gag me..."countess" indeed. And whats funny, she has a book on etiquette. I agree with Laura many times over,respect your fellow human beings, "countess" or not. God I hate all that uppity crap, it has never, ever settled well with me. I think I would hate the Hamptons...just cause of the...
  17. tneah

    Help! The 40's have struck!

    Strivectin and Retin-A. Or do the NuDerm Obagi line.Time to get more aggressive!
  18. tneah

    Well, the fire engines have all left....

    Thank the good lord above you all are safe and sound.:)((HUGS)) cause you need lotsa them.
  19. tneah

    Need a book to read

    I am reading Jane Eyre for the first time, Leanne recommended it, her class is reading it. After a slow start trying to get used to the language...I am loving it! My next read? Howard Stern's 'Miss America"...:p
  20. tneah

    Is anyone else sick of this Rihanna story?

    I was in an abusive marriage, and am glad domestic abuse is in the spotlight, maybe it took someone famous to put it there. What is important however, is that the news and magazines offer helplines and make it clear that this is WRONG period. Just today at my dentist office, the assistant left...