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  1. P

    Season change = makeup change?

    Hi everyone! I wanted to share a recent discovery with you all - and I wondered if anyone has had a similar experience. Around last October I noticed that my makeup (a mineral makeup) was starting to looked cakey and dry. It was also emphasizing the lines on my face. So I switched to a cream...
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    This may interest some of you....

    Hi BNS, It's the Strength and Conditioning textbook for NSCA. :) Carolyn
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    Happy Birthday Michele (mf545)

    Happy Birthday, Michele!! I hope you have a marvelous day!! :) C
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    Does anyone swim?

    >>I love swimming but it makes me too hungry. DH says it's >>because of the water pressure. It presses on the organs >>(including the stomach) causing gastric emptying. So, in the >>water you feel full but once you get out, your stomach feels >>empty and you're starving. This is why he...
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    This may interest some of you....

    It makes you wonder what Cathe's fast to slow twitch fiber ratio is. I'm thinking she has lots of both somehow.:) She has the power and strength of the fast twitch crowd with the endurance of slow twitch people. Some people have all the luck huh? :) Carolyn
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    Does anyone swim?

    I love swimming but it makes me too hungry. DH says it's because of the water pressure. It presses on the organs (including the stomach) causing gastric emptying. So, in the water you feel full but once you get out, your stomach feels empty and you're starving. This is why he recommends to his...
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    This may interest some of you....

    As I was studying my CSCS book, I ran across some info that may be interesting to some. They theorize that people who have more fast-twitch fibers ( or 'type 2' fibers - used for power and short spurts of energy - sprinters, power lifters, etc) tend to have an easier time with hypertrophy...
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    For friends, new & old...

    * I currently live in Germany * I was born in Germany * My German ist nicht so gut! :) Carolyn
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    Happy Birthday Belinda! (bayerngirl)

    I hope you had a great day!! :) Carolyn
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    I really need your thoughts and advice...

    Just a thought - but instead of focusing on 'perfect alignment' you may want to think about actually moving more. Sometimes trying to mimic perfect posture can be as bad as slumping in front of a computer all day. I believe the body needs movement (sometimes just small movements) to keep blood...
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    Speaking of movies--No Country for Old Men?

    >Carolyn, that is such a bummer! I agree about the TLJ >character--it seemed to me he'd pretty much given up at the >beginning of the movie. > >But they totally lost me when Moss died. At that point I >thought well, I am no longer emotionally invested in this move >& I can think of no...
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    Speaking of movies--No Country for Old Men?

    GREAT movie but I wouldn't want to see it again. I think the ending portrays the entire point of the movie. To me, it was an aging man trying to make sense of a modern, violent world in which he feels he doesn't belong. He realizes in the end, that he cannot stop what is apparently inevitable...
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    I like to call the Teletubbies the 'porta potties'. Does that count?:P Carolyn
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    Used DVDs from

    I also haven't had any issues with Amazon and I've bought some high ticket items there (my iMac!). And I've ordered COUNTLESS used DVDs there as well. All of them have been legit. I don't always have the luxury of following the highest rated seller (because they don't always ship to...
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    Who isn't going on a RT this year?

    Nope, not this year. But hopefully Amy and I can make it next year. This summer we'll be a bit busy but I really would like to go (and I'm pretty sure she would like to go to!). Carolyn
  16. P

    What impacts do you see re: economy?

    >>>>Cost: 400 Euros (!!!) or around $275. >>> >>>If only! >>> >>>400 Euros is more like $600! >> >>Yes, you're right Kathryn. It was around $600 (I was >thinking >>that it would have been $275 if we went to an American >>dealer). >> > >Isn't that about right to have a brake job...
  17. P

    What impacts do you see re: economy?

    >>Cost: 400 Euros (!!!) or around $275. > >If only! > >400 Euros is more like $600! Yes, you're right Kathryn. It was around $600 (I was thinking that it would have been $275 if we went to an American dealer).
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    What impacts do you see re: economy?

    I must say that this is a HARD time for Americans to be living in Europe. We do get a cost of living adjustment but sadly, it's not enough. A few weeks ago, DH and I took a trip to Holland and while there we had to have our breaks fixed. Cost: 400 Euros (!!!) or around $275. It stung, but it had...
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    P90X - Live on QVC - 4/30

    >Everybody loves P90X and Lara bars except for me :-( :7 *waves hand* Not me, Beavs! I'm right there with you!! :) Carolyn
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    How cool is this-skype wifi phone!

    >{{{{{Carolyn}}}}} > >I don't know what to say, and I wouldn't like it either. You >know you always have your forum friends and you can come here >for support or any time you need to vent. It may not be of >much comfort, but I truly and deeply respect and appreciate >your DH for his...