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  1. CAgostini

    Powerpoint Presentation

    Pinkmom, I just pm'd you. Cathy
  2. CAgostini

    Holy Cow! Is that Cede in the Road Trip pics?

    Hey FitnessFreak, my husband Kevin, asked if you were on the Road Trip. I think he wanted to meet you. Anyway, he said he's registering next year (maybe you will too ;-) )
  3. CAgostini

    Cathe RT experience and Disney World

    That poem was AWESOME Jerry...everyone should have the opportunity to read it. I hope you or Cathe will post the words soon. Cathy
  4. CAgostini

    Blog has been updated!!

    I still say end of Sep '08 for completion of STS! No harm in being Cathy
  5. CAgostini

    A couple of tips:

    Great tips Xschwarz! I agree wholeheartedly with the last one: Cathe and crew are introduced around 6pm. SO DON'T STRESS, like I did, about getting to the gym on time (4pm)...the meet and greet is accompanied by dinner-a nice buffet. The food will not run out. I wish I had settled into my...
  6. CAgostini

    Big J-Loewe shout out to Cyndi!! (RetroFit)

    Cyndi, I have to thank you just for putting me in some of your gorgeous photos. I don't stand out much in a crowd and there's no reason for anyone not knowing me to take a pic of me. So I was really happy to see that I'm in some of the official RT shots. Thanks again Cyndi!
  7. CAgostini

    Thank you, Cathe!

    Jerry, Kevin enjoyed meeting you too...he said you are a really nice guy. I look forward to seeing you next year (I'm going to tell him to jump in this thread and wave hello). Cathy
  8. CAgostini

    Thank you, Cathe!

    Cathe and crew, including SNM was great meeting all of really bent over backwards to make us feel welcome and comfortable. Cathe, Jai, Brenda, Cedie and Lorraine were so gracious in taking as many pics as we wanted. They were great. Even my husband was surprised by...
  9. CAgostini

    Fitness by Cathe Line Update

    The 10lbs weight vests Cathe uses in STS will be available at the same places as the other Fitness by Cathe products. A sample was on display during the Road Trip. Cathy
  10. CAgostini

    Fitness by Cathe Line Update

    Cathe and crew were really busy this weekend with us Road Trippers. I hope they will have the opportunity to update the blog soon. I went to one of the seminars about Fitness by Cathe and the rep said they are trying to market the power tower to Costco, BJ's and stores like that as part of a...
  11. CAgostini

    Having a good time on the Road Trip!

    Hey guys, Just wanted to report that we are all having a great time here on the 2008 Cathe Road Trip! We were greeted with a nice meal then we got to meet and greet other road trippers. Cathe and crew showed up about 2 hours later; they are absolutely adorable and very welcoming. They let...
  12. CAgostini

    Any new updates??

    Hey guys, FYI: I am on the Road Trip. Cathe and Chris know they owe a blog update, but they said they've been workout password issues and the Workout Manager bugs pretty much non stop for the past week. CAthy
  13. CAgostini

    Fitness by Cathe Line Update

    Actually, Information about Cathe's Fitness Line is supposed to be given to the Road Trippers today...and it was. We were provided with a booklet of all the items; we also got a listing of the stores that will carry the line. I believe the line won't actually be available for a few more...
  14. CAgostini

    Custom Avatar Update

  15. CAgostini


    I plan to take two pairs of workout pants and use each pair twice...but I plan to change the top for each workout. Cathy
  16. CAgostini

    How Will STS work for Me?

    Cathe, WOW! Thank you for that explanation...I have preordered STS and I am looking forward to it. I never had a doubt about STS working or that it would be another quality production, but for some reason, that particular explanation, as simple as it was, just really made me feel more...
  17. CAgostini

    Blog Update!

    Jonahnah, I agree with you. NFL films has to get Cathe's DVDs done before preseason. YAY! Cathy
  18. CAgostini

    Fellow July RT'er, let me hear from you!!

    Hi Jerry, My name is Cathy. I'm going in July and I'm very excited. btw, I'm Kevin's wife--the Kevin that posts to the men's thread on the challenges forum. He will be coming, but is not registered. The only picture I could link was my engagement photo with Kevin...we are the bottom row...