Search results

  1. D

    cottage cheese

    Jelly, jam, preserves, and my favorite, pumpkin butter (or apple butter...)
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    not happy with jari's "extremely ripped"

    I really like all of Jari's workouts EXCEPT this one. Too many squats and lunges in EVERY SINGLE SEGMENT, it all moves too fast, no rests, and not in a good way - it feels very rushed to me. I have only done it once (I did both 30-minute segments, may have been a mistake) and will have to try...
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    Meal Change-Up

    Maybe the calories, but maybe also the extra protein. When I have eggs for breakfast I feel full and energetic for much of the day. DH has two eggs every day for breakfast, nothing else, and he says the same thing - he feels happy and energetic for much of the day and is just barely hungry for...
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    The Art of Listening

    This is a HUGE problem for me in my life, so much so that I have more than once considered going to a therapist to sort it out. I very often find myself "at the mercy" of other people, more or less stuck listening to them blather on and on and on about everything. Then why I have something I...
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    Slowcooker recommendations - cookbooks too

    Another vote for Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook - I use it all the time and everything I've made has been simple to prepare and delicious. There's a good mix of old standards (many interesting versions of stews and chilis) and more unusual things (Moroccan chicken thighs with spicy...
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    Do you re-wash bagged salad and veggies?

    I don't and we are still alive and well! Sandra Lee of the food network does not and that's good enough for me. Part of the problem is that for me, even with a salad spinner, the leaves are still damp when I eat them, and I like my greens dry and crisp. I am however a STICKLER for...
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    Cathe, I stopped smoking and need help

    I'll just throw in a holistic theory about weight gain when you quit smoking, it's from the Fit for Life books that were popular awhile back, and I have no idea whether it's true. But the authors said that yes, smoking does raise your metabolism a bit, but they thought that most of the weight...
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    Eat Right for Your Blood Type

    I have not tried the blood type diet, but for months and months I admired an older woman who works at a local Trader Joes - she has the body of a young ballet dancer, runs around stocking shelves with great energy, beautiful hair and skin, radiates happiness, she just glows with health, a very...
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    eating frequently

    Kathryn, I think you are absolutely right - I've read that eating frequently creates more free radicals and oxidative stress in the body than eating less frequently. I was chuckling because there's another active thread about intermittent fasting, which is all the rage now! LOL. 6 meals a...
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    Did Slumdog deserve best picture??

    I see a lot of movies and was not in love with any one of the nominees. Slumdog was interesting, a crowd-pleasing feel-good movie, well shot and well acted. I guess out of the choices offered that was the best. I thought Benjamin Button was too long, too full of itself, too pretentious. Milk...
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    Help me find a workout!

    Nancy, I'm right there with you. (Except for the "don't need to lose weight part" - I'm more in the "losing weight not really a priority any more and even if it were, intense cardio and heavy weights never did the trick anyhow" camp.) Anyhow, I also do not want to do super intense workouts...
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    Mom of Octs

    Baylian, you are spending a lot of your time and energy saying negative things about this woman. This is the third thread you have started about her! Maybe your time and energy could be put to better use, in a more positive way.
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    I just HAVE to ask what you all think about the woman....

    Carola, I totally agree with your comments and you are so well-spoken! I agree that it is interesting how angry people seem to be about this. I heard something on a radio program yesterday that really made me think. The talk show hosts (John and Ken for you L.A. types) were saying that...
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    I just HAVE to ask what you all think about the woman....

    But actually, if she's going to make several million dollars selling her story, maybe she will be able to pay her medical expenses herself!
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    I just HAVE to ask what you all think about the woman....

    I have no problem with what she did, or with her selling her story if she wants to do so. It's unusual definitely, but, freedom of choice is paramount to me. I chose not to have any kids, other people make different choices, and that's fine with me. It was an expensive endeavor, I'm sure, but...
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    Heavy vs. light lifting

    Thanks, fitnessfreak. So when you say "more definition" with the lighter weights, that would be a smaller muscle mass than to "build" with the heavier weights?
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    Heavy vs. light lifting

    If my training regimen is to lift 10 lbs. (say in a bicep curl) for 50 reps, to failure, and I do this consistently, will my bicep muscle be smaller than if I usually lift 20 lbs for 15 reps, to failure? In other words, if I always keep lifting whatever weight it is until I feel the burn, will...
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    ideal image of female beauty...

    Yes, I agree with this. My first thought on seeing the ballet dancer pictured was that she looked much thinner than I think of as being attractive. Different perspectives, I know...
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    Shock Training System: Fat Shred

    What is metabolic resistance training?
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    Why are you NOT ordering STS?

    I did P90x a few years ago and, while I'm glad to have done it, I did not achieve noticeable results from it, and I am not interested in repeating that kind of program. I don't really care to be the strongest I can be, the most defined, the leanest, whatever. I mostly want to keep the good...