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  1. BeethovenRocks

    Question for gym goers

    It can be very annoying/distracting if the instructor hasn't specifically asked the entire class to help her 'raise the roof' so to speak. Tuesday night in spinning one girl decided she just HAD to be in the front row and so jammed her bike up next to mine--a little too close for my comfort...
  2. BeethovenRocks

    A commercial Christmas

    Hi Nan, Sure, lots of people may still want a less commercial Christmas but since that would mean a financial :( for retailers I think businesses are putting even MORE effort into advertising and convincing consumers that splurging is worth it for family, friends, colleagues at this time of...
  3. BeethovenRocks

    What is Your Favorite Exercise? And Least Favorite?

    Not fond of push-ups. BUT... I can completely balance while kneeling on a stability ball and do overhead presses and lateral raises with a pair of dumbells (yay) I was ssooo pleased with myself the first time I did 3 sets of 15 reps. (I thought my gym instructor was on drugs the first time...
  4. BeethovenRocks

    Diagrams of classic songs!

    What a scream...and so clever too! The best jokes really do have to be well thought out :D
  5. BeethovenRocks

    VERY strange dating question

    Sorry, I know there is quite a serious tone to this post but this,
  6. BeethovenRocks

    Filming again this weekend!

    Thanks for the link, Cathe. Those outfits make you all look super if you all weren't that already ;)
  7. BeethovenRocks

    Halloween Cuties

    "Well, since you're pregnant, Liann";) congratulations on your mini-Cathe-fan in the making! Take good care...
  8. BeethovenRocks

    Apples make me hungry. Anyone??

    They make me pee...A LOT (haha). I actually end up having to use the restroom soon after having an apple...and, true, they don't fill me much either. Bananas have the exact same effect on me.
  9. BeethovenRocks


    Hey, I got a belly as well so I'll raise a toast to that :) ITA, not as easy as it looks. Takes so much skill, strength and concentration - deceptively difficult. (I'm reminded a little of folks who think ballet is for sissies, when actually it's such a display of pure grace AND great...
  10. BeethovenRocks

    Coming today....Travel FIt Photo's

    Hey, anyone else catch the irony of posting travel fit pics the day before she plans to travel?? Ah, Cathe, you're so good to us! :)
  11. BeethovenRocks

    HiiT 30/30

    Whoa, I can't believe how damned sexy they all look!! How can they keep smiling during all that exertion?? I don't even smile when walking briskly....
  12. BeethovenRocks

    Where IS Everyone??

    Are you calling the rest of us no-bodies?? ;)
  13. BeethovenRocks

    Cathe doll

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Too cute!! I'm envisioning a whole series of dolls in different outfits/poses: Kick Max Cathe Stretch Max Cathe Lo-Max Cathe Boot Camp Cathe... ...and ah, yes, Daytona Cathe (perched on the surfboard) and Eggland's Best Cathe (wielding an omlette filled...
  14. BeethovenRocks

    I taught my 15 year old daughter to crochet

    Aw, that takes me back. I was really into crochet for a while as a teenager. I first learned when I was in the 6th Grade and afterwards my Mom went out and got me a few pattern books. I still have a couple of doilies my grandmother worked on when she was more able (she passed away 21 years...
  15. BeethovenRocks

    So what do you think of Roman Pulanski?

  16. BeethovenRocks

    So what do you think of Roman Pulanski?

    Just call me a last word freak… ;) True, the rape of a child is an act that can not be compared to infidelity between consenting adults. One’s a horrid crime the other’s a case of irresponsibility, inconsideration etc. I was just thinking the reason WHY some people (who you’d normally...
  17. BeethovenRocks


    Geez, for a second there I thought you physically misplaced a pair of toddlers!! I mean I am sorry your numbers are down and hope things start to pick up for you soon. But otherwise, whew.... :)
  18. BeethovenRocks

    So what do you think of Roman Pulanski?

    Oh for sure, point taken, Laura. Shelby, while I agree that what Letterman did was wrong, it didn't rise nearly to this level since it wasn't illegal, all partners were adults & was most likely consensual. Someone pointed out in another thread that he might even have been the one hit on...
  19. BeethovenRocks

    So what do you think of Roman Pulanski?

    The whole scenario is so vile I can barely put it into words. Makes me wonder if we've had any progress AT ALL in women's and/or children's rights or if it's all been an illusion to appease the masses. In a way it puts me in mind of Mr. Letterman and his current woes, being threatened by...