For some reason I like the order of the exercises. There is a flow to them. I also like the variety of ways of exercising in the different workouts. In Chest there are a lot of pushups. I really like Gym Styles.
I never liked kickboxing until a did 4DS. Now I really like it and realize the benefits for my body. I can't tell you what just clicked for me, but it did!
We have a "pet Sitter". She picks the girls ( a Yorkie and a Pointer) and keeps the Yorkie overnight in her kennel. The pointer comes home because she can't settle down. They both love to see her come! She also brings in the paper and the mail and checks the house. She also comes at the last...
I thought that I would be in the minority here using only one riser per side. I'm surprised to find out that I am not! I'm short and if I go higher it hurts my knees and now I find that it really isn't worth it!
I really like this DVD, too. I like the combo of exercises and the variety of ways Cathe uses to work your muscles. I am never bored with this one!
Because of the writers strike, my husband is bored so we started watching other channels like the BBC. He program is great! there's another one where two gays clean these disgusting houses! I'd like to get her book!