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  1. J

    STS-thinking of shelving it. :(

    All I can tell you is the first time I did STS, the weight suddenly started falling off me around the last week of Meso 1/first week of Meso 2. I understand you not wanting to start again until after summer is over though!
  2. J

    I thought Cathe sold this...

    I have the Troy lite barbell: You might be able to find it cheaper if you look around some. My apartment is one bedroom, 686 sq. feet so I feel your pain! Space is always an issue.....I keep it disassembled until I'm ready...
  3. J

    New to Cathe

    Not Cathe but thought I would give my two cents worth..... :D you might be interested in Low Max, Low Impact Circuit, and Low Impact Step. In case you haven't seen them yet, you can find clips of the workouts in the "Shop Cathe" section. Check them out!
  4. J

    Help someone is claiming I bented there bumper, I'm 100% sure I didnt!

    If she wasn't there when this allegedly happened, then how does she know it was you? This definitely sounds like a scam to's up to her to PROVE it was you and obviously she can't so I wouldn't think any more about it.
  5. J

    Help someone is claiming I bented there bumper, I'm 100% sure I didnt!

    That seems really weird to me...they just left a note saying you dented their bumper?? Did they leave a number for you to call to get in touch with them? Did they say they would be contacting you somehow? I mean....what did they want you to do about it???
  6. J

    New Friend Request!!!

    Me too! Very cool! :cool:
  7. J

    How would you respond?

    It's probably just me...but I kinda take crazy as a compliment. Who wants to normal and like everyone else? Besides, his idea of crazy might be anyone who eats with utensils :p The next time you see the kids, tell them "Tell your daddy crazy Miss Annette says hi!" :D
  8. J

    Working out when it's 80 plus degrees

    I really like the heat--just not when I'm trying to work out! Oh well...more sweat = more calories burned right? :p
  9. J

    Working out when it's 80 plus degrees

    Geez, I WISH it was 80 here!! I'm in Tucson where it was been 103-108 every day for the last couple of weeks--and it's going to stay there for awhile. I blast the A/C, keep a glass of water nearby and a bowl with a couple of ice cubes in it to rub on my face-because my face gets so hot you could...
  10. J

    Do you double up on your sports bra?

    I do too if I'm going to be jumping a lot (like Imax 2 or HiiT) or running on the treadmill but otherwise my fake 34D girls are good with just the built in shelf bra. Since I'm working out in my living room 90% of the time, I don't really care what it looks like cuz nobody is going to see me...
  11. J

    Workout check in

    Good morning Cathe! This morning I'll be doing 45 minutes of running/walking intervals on the treadmill and this afternoon I'll be doing GS: Chest & Triceps with you! :eek:
  12. J

    Cathe, why is lower body DOMS is so severe?

    Thanks for your input Cathe. It's such a catch-22 for me.....I WANT to make my lower body stronger but when I use heavy weights, I'm paralyzed for 4 days or so and can't do any cardio during that time (sometimes walking is even slow and difficult) and I HATE to do? :confused...
  13. J

    Is Glucosamine Helpful?

    They work wonders for me. When I first started working out a few years ago, I started getting sharp pain horizontally across my kneecaps. Someone suggested glucosamine supplements so I tried them and after a few days the pain was gone. If I stop taking them for 3 days or more, the pain returns...
  14. J

    Urban Rebounder Advice Needed...

    I love my rebounder, I pair my urban rebounding workouts with another workout though, since they aren't huge calorie burners but I definitely feel them working my legs. I wouldn't feel safe on a rebounder that had a broken frame and had been "fixed"...that's just me. You can get the urban...
  15. J

    Do you wear make up when working out?

    Only if I was already wearing it and forgot to take it off before I started my workout. Sweat running in your eyes is bad enough, but sweat AND makeup, yuck!! :p
  16. J

    Who's doing a double today?

    I don't know if it counts but I walked for an hour on the treadmill this morning on a 2% incline at 3.5mph and I have Power Hour scheduled this afternoon. :cool:
  17. J

    New study: working out on empty stomach

    I'm with you two....I need to be properly fueled AND hydrated before starting an intense workout or I'll get light-headed and dizzy. I also agree that everyone is different and should do what works best for them.
  18. J

    OUCH - I Fell Off My Step

    Unfortunately yes! A couple of months ago I was doing Imax 3 (which I don't attempt often because it's just too much jumping for me) and during the very first blast of jumping on and over the step, I didn't clear the step completely and my foot caught on the platform and down I went--I came very...
  19. J

    anyone else here an exclusive cathlete?

    Cathe is far and away my favorite instructor but I find I get better results by mixing it up with some Firms, Kim Spreen, Jillian Michaels, Kelly Coffey-Meyer, rebounding, yoga, running intervals on the treadmill and walking/hiking outside. As Joannafit said, I would consider it a disservice to...
  20. J

    What are your fitness plans today?

    I loves ya Cathe but I'm taking a little break from you today (I did do Rhythmic Step on Monday and Maximum Intensity Strength yesterday!). I'm hitting Jillian Michael's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism today...and doing run/walk intervals on the treadmill tomorrow...and then back to you on Friday...