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    FLOAM mini-rant

    My friend bought some for my kids for Christmas. It ruined two shirts and is stuck all over my wooden magazine rack.
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    will it matter in the end????

    Yes, absolutely. I see it all around me - my friends I've known since we were in our 20s are now in our 40s and I see a HUGE difference in the way they look, their complexion, their energy level, the level of activity . . . We went hiking on one of the smaller trails at Yosemite last...
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    Calories in vs. calories out?

    Well, you don't immediately "gain" weight - but you do gain water weight. It's discouraging to see the scale jump up, but that is all that it is - water, not fat.
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    Interval training question

    Depends on how hard you want to work. The idea of HIIT (high intensity interval training) is to push yourself as hard as you can. 75% for recovery is still kinda high IMO. You're supposed to recover enough to give the maximum everything you've got. But, interval work can mean anything...
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    Oprah & "The New Earth"

    RE: Oprah & >If you are Christian you need to be careful of new age >teachings. > > > >only sharing for those who are interested. I don't see where, by this one sentence, she was judging, condemning, jumping on a soapbox, etc. She...
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    Condolences to Beavs....

    Oh, that is so tragic. What a terrible loss. My deepest condolences.
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    CSCS Exam/Courses?

    Carolyn and Shayne - Thank you both for your replies. I really appreciate it. I trained 4 years ago at a private gym, but my DD was only 4 at the time, so I couldn't work a lot of hours. I tried selling insurance for 2 years - yuck - and went back this January to training at 24 Hour...
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    CSCS Exam/Courses?

    >>>>I believe the personal training profession is headed towards a degree requirement with a certification. I really hope so - they've been talking about this for at least 4 years now, but I don't know if anything has come to fruition. It is encouraging that some colleges are offering...
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    CSCS Exam/Courses?

    Are you planning to become a personal trainer or a physical therapist? Will you be working for a large chain gym or a private gym? I just want to tell you that I've worked for 2 gyms (chains) and a YMCA and they really don't care where your credential comes from, just so you have one. The...
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    I pray that you gather enough strength, courage and wisdom to do what you know in your heart is right for you and your children.
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    Anyone use doggie day care?

    Timely post - we just put our Kirby at the doggie daycamp at Petsmart and I was very pleased with them. We sat and watched the interaction between the caregivers and the dogs for about 30 minutes on separate days and then had Kirby assessed (he passed with flying colors, of course!). All...
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    >>>>>She's a pretty smart cookie so I hope she doesn't fall for any crappola. If she does, there are plenty of family members who would attempt to set her straight. I just wish she'd pimp Lia Sophia instead! Hmmm, I'd say my friend is a very smart cookie and she got hooked into the company...
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    How do you know if your core is weak

    Do you do any plank holds? I have noticed that my core is noticeably stronger since I've been doing these. Strong abs (the "six pack") do not necessarily mean your core is strong (transverse abdominus). The stiff-legged deadlifts also used to bother my lower back if I went too heavy, but...
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    Why does this bother me???

    >>>Even my 10 year old doesn't NEED a cell phone. Do any of US really NEED a cellphone? It may be more convenient, but I'd argue whether we really NEEDED one. In the past 15+ years I've had a cellphone (DH works for a big cellphone company and his first cellphone weighed 20 lbs. LOL!) I...
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    Would you do this if you could?

    You don't sound like a compulsive person and it seems you have finances squared away, so - I would definitely travel before having children. The time away from work may also give you a chance to reflect on what you'd like to do instead of accounting. DH and I did LOTS of traveling before we...
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    Homeless stop marathoner in her tracks

    Wow! Simply amazing. It's so wonderful to read stories like these as opposed to the more common tragedies.
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    My DH's secret Myspace account

    Clarissa - I wasn't going to post until I read your comment about your children not knowing whether their father was going to be happy or grumpy. Your DH sounds a lot like my father. He was handsome, charming, funny, but when he was angry/upset, he was a totally different person. He...
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    News about Singulair

    Carola - you made many valid and thought-provoking points.
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    Wedding Rant!!

    Your wedding plans sound wonderful!
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    Getting back into fitness career after 10 year "layoff" - wish me luck!

    RE: Getting back into fitness career after 10 year What are you afraid of exactly? I am almost 42 and personally, I think my age and experience is working to my advantage. Many women erroneously think that they can't get in shape once they hit 40. Well, we know that is NOT true. :wink...