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  1. S

    Chinner's Checkin 2-20-07

    Hey Joanne! I do plan on attending the road trip. It's only about a five-hour drive for me. I encourage you all to attend if you can swing it. You only live once and you'll be so glad you did it and regret it if you didn't. Wouldn't it be fun to meet each other in person? It really was a...
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    I just wanted to say your thread title made me laugh out loud!:)
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-20-07

    Hey Catherine and Briee! Briee, I'm glad your fever's gone but am sorry to hear about the lingering cough. I'm also glad you're listening to your body (albeit reluctantly:)) and not working out. You won't lose anything by taking a break when you're sick and getting back into it when your...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-20-07

    Briee, did you get to the clinic today? You've had a rough winter health-wise, which I know is unlike you. How's the rest of the family? Catherine, did you get in a workout today? How are the dogs? I did Imax 3 1-6 followed by the SB abs section of B&G followed by 20 min of seated yoga...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-20-07

    BRYAN KEST POWER YOGA #1??? I think your fever has made you delirious, Briee!:) I actually can't believe you work out when you have a fever - you really are a machine. I never have the energy when I'm sick like that. Catherine, sorry about your dog trouble. What a pain! I'm glad you're...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-20-07

    Hey guys! I'm back from NJ. We're not going to know anything further about my mom until her appointment at Sloan-Kettering next Monday. In the meantime, her pain is finally being managed after eight months, although she still has bouts of tremendous pain here and there. Her spirits seemed...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-14-07

    I have more bad news: my mother was just diagnosed with cancer. She had been having pain in her face since the summer and after MRI's, catscans and other tests, she was diagnosed with "tri-geminal neuralgia," which has to do with a three-pronged nerve behind her ear causing pain around her...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-3-07

    Catherine, good for you for doing BM2! (That rhymes:)) I've only done segments of that one but should set aside some time one day do the whole thing. I'm continuing with my same rotation this week, doing UB (including chins) today. I had cardio on my plate yesterday and usually do a short...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-3-07

    Thanks for asking about Nathan. He started chemo last Thursday and will be getting it in cycles for the next 42 weeks: 2 days of chemo, 3 wks off, 5 days of chemo, 3 wks off, 2 days of chemo, etc. I haven't heard anything further about radiation or surgery. He tolerated the first round...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-3-07

    Yay for you guys! Keep doing it once a week for the rest of the month and see if you notice anything. I agree, that floorwork is killer! I've never done a premix but almost always do the ab work separately. What's the world going to do with all our northern-facing butts?:)
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    Butts & Guts is Incredible

    Thanks for your sweet reply, Cathe. North is good!:)
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-3-07

    Catherine and Briee, you two inspire me to no end. I'm always in awe of natural strength and athletic ability. You've both got to cut yourselves some slack when you're not as consistent as you'd like to be. Briee, your body and mind seem to require extremely intense (and often lengthy)...
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    Butts & Guts is Incredible

    Just once. The only other LB weighted work I do the same week would be either Drill Max or BC. I don't know if these results are due to a shake-up in my normal leg routine (heavier weights) or what. I'll go back to heavy when I stop seeing results and then back to B&G again when I stop...
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    Butts & Guts is Incredible

    Hi Cathe! I've been doing B&G once a week for the past six weeks and have not seen results like this from a workout in a long time! I'm seeing muscles in my legs I've never seen before and my butt is rounder and really facing north!:) I've also noticed a marked improvement when doing Drill...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-3-07

    Wow, Briee - 10 chin-ups is absolutely amazing! I bet .00001 per cent of the female population can do that many! I'll be doing UB at the Y today so will do some assisted reps. You're right about using as much resistance as I need so as not to get injured. I'm totally with you there...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-3-07

    Catherine, I haven't exactly been following a rotation either. It's hard to when life gets hectic. My #1 priority is lifting, so I always make sure I do two bodyparts per week. Three cardios is plenty for my goals and two is fine for time-crunched weeks so I feel fine there too. It's the...
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    Chinner's Checkin 2-3-07

    Hey everyone! Sorry I've been AWOL this week - too much going on, but I did manage to keep my workouts going. Interesting how you felt you needed more than B&G, Briee. I've been noticing an improvement in Drill Max, Boot Camp and other high endurance workouts since I've been doing it - more...
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    Tell the truth: do you lie?

    Nancy, I am just like you. I NEVER lie, even if it's to make someone feel good about themselves. My friends often tell me that they'll ask my opinion about something because they know I'll give them an honest answer. But if someone gets a haircut I don't like, for instance, I would never tell...
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    Do Chinups, I dare YOU!!

    The hineys rule!:)
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    Do Chinups, I dare YOU!!

    Hey Catherine! I did power yoga for the first time in ages (although I often do seated and balance postures after my other workouts). I haven't lost any flexibility and felt stronger than usual, probably due to my UB workouts at the Y as well ad B&G. The cardio I do seems easier these days...