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  1. jtlane25

    I owe a big THANK YOU to someone!

    Wow...what an awesome story to read. It's sooo wonderful to hear about someone's generosity! I have tears in my eyes....
  2. jtlane25

    Power And Speed Max

    I LOVE the idea...and the name "AgilityMax"....perfect!!!
  3. jtlane25

    Thanks for emailing us with TV updates!

    I echo that! I really ENJOY all the updates...and Cathe TV! What a wonderful addition to CatheNation!!!! Thank you soooo much for ALL that you do for us!
  4. jtlane25

    RT date set

    Gulp! Is it that time again???!!!!??? I think I may be so ready for this. Boy I !
  5. jtlane25

    The variation to the Pull up Tower door Bands??

    Perfect! THAT is what I needed to know! Thank you for your time!
  6. jtlane25

    The variation to the Pull up Tower door Bands??

    SNM - Does all the tubing come with the attachment for the over the door capability?
  7. jtlane25

    ? about elastic tubing

    HI Beth...where did you order yours? I have been looking through the Shop Cathe and I am not seeing one like that? Thanks!
  8. jtlane25

    The variation to the Pull up Tower door Bands??

    I was looking for the door bands that were shown on the first segment of Cathe TV. Are those available yet or are they still in the process of production and sales? Thanks a ton!
  9. jtlane25

    About Cathe TV

    Love the New Cathe TV! Great feature! Thank you sooo much!!!
  10. jtlane25

    PowerMax 2?

    I second that vote. I love PowerMax!!! I would love another one!
  11. jtlane25

    Scary morning

    Well, I think you handled it well. I don't know that I would have opened the door...I'm a parinoid person! However, if he had a phone...why couldn't he get "coached" how to get out of the neighborhood from someone he knew. Wow...sounds like it could have been a really nasty situation if you...
  12. jtlane25's truly awesome to see you on here! Your advice and suggestions is over the top and...'s truly awesome to see you on here! Your advice and suggestions is over the top and thoughtful of you! Look at you girl! You look terrific (as usual)! I have been a part of the Cathe boards for a while but never put your face with your name. Giggle... I think a divorce and age...
  13. jtlane25

    Oh bad I'm now Tanya Jackson (Jones was my maiden name)...eek..flash backs!

    Oh bad I'm now Tanya Jackson (Jones was my maiden name)...eek..flash backs!
  14. jtlane25

    Tanya "Lane" back Tanya Jones. I was a TaeBo fanatic as well as one of the one a...

    Tanya "Lane" back Tanya Jones. I was a TaeBo fanatic as well as one of the one a Cathe Fans forum. Anyhoo...I remember you posting that Oxygen accepted your story etc.. If I remember correctly you were "Debbie in Ohio"?
  15. jtlane25

    Debbie! I use to be on a Fitness Forum with you through a Yahoo group a long time ago! Good to...

    Debbie! I use to be on a Fitness Forum with you through a Yahoo group a long time ago! Good to see your face! Had NO idea it was you! That's if you remember me....giggle...
  16. jtlane25

    NO STEP?

    Kickboxing workouts do not require a step. Have you searched through those workouts?? The step is a valuable tool and Cathe really has some terrific knowledge of multiple ways to use the step for her weight workouts etc...along with her step workouts. I was a 2 left footer person for...
  17. jtlane25

    Calorie readouts on cardio equipment

    My cardio equipment always says it's higher than my actual HRM!
  18. jtlane25

    How about Bob on the Biggest Loser last night??

    Great episode huh? Bob's outburst was well overdue! I was proud to see he had it in him! But, to see him get soooo ANGRY was one those "everybody hush" and listen to this moments in my house! Wow! Jillian's reaction was priceless. Usually it's she was impressed herself...
  19. jtlane25


    Oh gosh...sounds like a mirror image of my previous marriage! You can PM me and I can give you an idea of how I handled it. I am a rather private person in this regard... I still feel like there was something wrong with ME.