The variation to the Pull up Tower door Bands??


I was looking for the door bands that were shown on the first segment of Cathe TV. Are those available yet or are they still in the process of production and sales?

Thanks a ton!
what is the plyo workout???
and ,,,,,
I LOVE STS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FABULOUS JOB YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Latex Resistance Toning Tubes

No, just the Latex Resistance Toning Tubes come with the door attachment. They come in three colors and strengths:

1. purple/light
2. blue/medium
3. red/heavy
Is the tubing available for sale in any nyc locations? If not, I will just buy through, but I wanted to pick it up tomorrow and avoid the shipping lag.
I had checked Paragon, but they did not have it.

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