Search results

  1. C

    Has Cathe given diet tips?

    I'm new to this forum and I also to Cathe's workouts... I think they are GREAT!!!! Now I wonder if Cathe has given any diet recommendations/tips... if so, where can I find this info? Thank you much, Carla
  2. C

    Anyone Heard of XFlowsion (at Brian Kest in Santa Monica)?

    RE: Anyone Heard of XFlowsion (at Brian Kest in Santa M... Thanks for posting this as I just realized Bryan Kest is coming to my area in June :) I'm gonna sign up for his workshop soon!!!
  3. C

    Low Impact Workout DVDs

    Thank you all for your suggestions... I'm very new to Cathe's workouts and I'm addicted so I hate to stop for a few days to wait until my knees feel better.... yesterday I did the first part of body max 2 with modifications... and loved the workout.... I wanted to jump like they were but I...
  4. C

    Low Impact Workout DVDs

    Hello all!!! I hope you are doing great ;) Can you suggest low impact DVD's? I'm having some issues with my knees right now... I hurt them doing TJ Cardio Party 3 on carpet and they've been hurting for the past 3 days... I'm icing my knees and I also using knee braces when working out, and...
  5. C

    Question About Shoes

    > I purchased my Ryka Affirm XT's on and I >love them. Sierra Trading Post has them for much cheaper than >I found them elsewhere and they are very nice there. I can't find your model either in the website... am I in the wrong web site...
  6. C

    Question About Shoes

    >I really like my Ryka's. The Enlight style has a higher ankle >but I have a chip in mine so the higher ankle bothers me. I >purchased my Ryka Affirm XT's on and I >love them. Sierra Trading Post has them for much cheaper than >I found them elsewhere and they are very...
  7. C

    Question About Shoes

    hello guys, What are the best shoes to use for Cathe's workouts? I read in this thread that Ryka Enlight is the best, however I don't see that model in the Ryka's web site.... is there a new model for the same shoe...
  8. C

    What are your top 3 Cathe's DVDs??

    Hello all!!! I'm new to Cathe's workout. I just got today Drill Max (my first Cathe's DVD) and it seems tough by great!! I will do that tomorrow morning.... I guess I want to know what should I get after Drill Max???? I consider myself intermidiate/advance.... I'm sure I won't be able to...
  9. C

    Buying from

    I did contact her and she replied right away... she said that if I order from amazon, I will get glitch free DVD's :) I will order after my vacation :)
  10. C

    Buying from

    >We really don't sell our DVD's directly to Amazon. DVD's sold >on Amazon that are our DVD's are either sold by an authorized >distributor or sometimes by a person illegally selling our >DVD?s. It is very difficult even for us to know sometimes who >is selling our products on Ebay and...
  11. C

    Buying from

    Hello all!! I'm new to this forum and actually new to Cathe's workouts... Never done it but I love to try them as everyone says they are really good.I'd like to buy the new DVd's through as I have a gift certificate to Amazon but I'm wondering whether Amazon is shipping the New...