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  1. M

    I'm biting the bullet and doing Atkins

    Huh? Missy, Dr. Atkins slipped on a patch of ice, hit his head, went into a coma and never revived. Where did you hear he died of "the very thing he claimed it would prevent?"
  2. M

    Desperate for some new cardio!

    OK I adore Cathe but I've done all her cardio workouts so many times I can do them in my sleep. I'm bored & I really really need to mix it up a little. I've tried running & jumping rope, but they both bore me to death. I use machines at the gym but normally don't have time to get there during...
  3. M

    I'm biting the bullet and doing Atkins

    Go for it CBelle! I've been on it for 3 years & I don't know why anyone would call it unhealthy. Carbs are the primary source of energy, fat is secondary. When you reduce carb intake you burn fat. It's that simple. I think people who call it unhealthy are people who've never tried it. I...
  4. M

    When was the last time you did Interval Max?

    Since IMAX2 & 3 came out, I've barely touched this workout. So I figured just to mix it up a little I did it this morning. It was so easy! LOL! The only interval that really kicked my but was the one with the power scissors (power lunges?), which always kick my butt, regardless of the...
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    Unscented Mitchum. Very effective.
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    Burn The Fat people

    I don't use anything except the scale, the mirror, & how my clothes fit.
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    Hollywood Hypocrites Grrrr...

    Michele, that would make the woman a freakin genius! :o Seriously, she does have some nerve. She's so ostentations & what she spent on that ridiculous wedding could probably have fed the entire city of NO for a day. I don't know why she's on the show, or why she has a leading role on any...
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    Going to court-long

    That really is a shame. And I don't even want to think about the BS your county has pi$$ed money away on, when it could go to people who really need it. Good luck--I really hope they do the right thing.
  9. M

    Three Things I've Learned about Me and Food

    This is a fun thread! OK here goes: 1) I simply cannot do what's traditionally called "grocery shopping." Perhaps this is a by product of being single & living alone, but I buy my food daily. 2) God's greatest creation is the prepared foods section at King's. 3) If I stay busy, I...
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    Just read an article from the Salt Lake Tribune about their FFs deployed in LA--basically it said their role is solely "community relations," meaning they're doing lots of really critical things like handing out flyers & taking sexual harassment classes. OK I know I'm really being selfish...
  11. M

    question about lucky jeans' sizing

    I prefer the Lil Maggie fit--LOVE LOVE LOVE those jeans. I always order a size up in jeans, especially stretch jeans. I take a 27/4 in Lucky's--although according to my friends their too big (something about a gape in the rear & the world's ability to see my undies :o ). But I've tried the...
  12. M

    Looking for a good 15-20 min Pilates Ab Video...

    Try Body Target Pilates for Abs, it has about 20 minutes pilates & 20 minutes of yoga (after you get past all the yammering of the instructors), nice to split up or do at the same time. Also my tried & true favorite, the MTV Pilates Mix. It's 30 minutes per section, but there's also some...
  13. M

    I Probably Shouldn't Have Done This...

    I would do it too. Now your next step is call your town's code enforcement department & have a summons issued. Pretty much every town in the country has an ordinance prohibiting garbage on the front lawn. }(
  14. M

    Help! I'm gaining weight

    Hmmm maybe you need to take a long hard look at your diet. I know after I turned 30 my low fat diet just stopped working for me--I mean literally stopped, period, end of story. I switched to low carb after the weight gain got a little out of control.
  15. M

    Is this for real?

    Oh god, my BF is leaving for New Orleans tomorrow for 16 days (500 FFs & POs from north Jersey are going), I don't even know if he'll be able to call me just to let me know everything is OK, I am just freaking out here. I wish he'd just stay home & donate some cash & let someone else go, but I...
  16. M

    True or False? Drinking too much caffeine can cause

    My dr. told me to cut out caffiene & dairy. I only have one cup a day, but no way can I cut out my dairy. :-(
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    Supersize She--OMG!

    She's a MAN baby! :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
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    Social alcohol and fitness

    I don't think so. I drink a few (or more) glasses of wine every week or two. I might be a little hungover the next day, but it hasn't affected my fitness goals at all.
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    Supersize She--OMG!

    NO! That's one of the things that's so sad--Miss Olympia 1st place gets $2000! As opposed to Mr. Olympia, who wins $150,000. These women are mutating themselves for pennies. :o To supplement her bodybuilding income, this woman had a boderline pornographic website that charged $25 per...
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    Supersize She--OMG!

    Did anyone catch this last night on TLC? It was about a "female" (and I use the term loosely) bodybuilder trying to make it to the Miss Olympia competition. First let me say those "women" are just disgusting. There are 70 female bodybuilders in the world, as opposed to the hundreds of men...