Looking for a good 15-20 min Pilates Ab Video...


hi all... :) (i tell ya, it's great having access to all the great advice and rec's from an educated crowd! :D )

i'm looking for a good pilates type ab routine that i can use as an add on to my cardio. but i'm looking for something short.. 15-20 mins...30 MAX. i have a couple stott vids, which are great, but just way too long..

anybody have any rec's for a good pilates ab video? (i 'do' have the 10 minute solution which is okay..but was hoping for something a bit more challenging.) and i also have michelle dozois and tracy york's pilates videos..but they're chaptered kinda funky..and i'm looking for a short AB FOCUSED routine.

thanks so much!
I don't think my link worked, sorry! It's Windsor Pilates Ab Sculpting. I got it at collagevideo.com.

Try Body Target Pilates for Abs, it has about 20 minutes pilates & 20 minutes of yoga (after you get past all the yammering of the instructors), nice to split up or do at the same time.

Also my tried & true favorite, the MTV Pilates Mix. It's 30 minutes per section, but there's also some kind of bonus workout at the end that's only about 15 minutes long.
MTV Pilates Mix is great. It's got two workouts and has the ability to mix and match. I got mine at Borders and I think it's available on Amazon.com.

hmmm...kristin mcgee has really got me curious. but i can't seem to find any clips of her mtv vids anywhere. do they exist? should i go out on a limb and try one of her vids? eek! :eek: i've had so many 'duds' lately..i'm a bit gunshy.

okay, if i "do" take the plunge (which okay, realistically...i probably WILL DO.. what can i say? :p) i'm torn b/t "power yoga" vs. the "pilates mix"...any rec's either way? i noticed she has a 4 pack, as well..but wanna try and 'contain myself' and proceed conservatively (we'll see how long that lasts! LOL )

thanks, as always.

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