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    Salt Bloat

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    Gym style

    Hello There Miss Cathe I am getting really (!) tempted to buy the latest Gym Style workouts but I have noticed that there seems to be a lot more chest work than the other muscle groups. I am concerned that this might cause muscle imbalance (my chest is quite well developed compared with say...
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    Limited Space

    Hi Shelbygirl Yes, I did mean cardio tapes! Thanks for your response, I will "investigate" the workouts you mentioned! :)))) Have a great day Trevor
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    Limited Space

    Hello All You Knowledgable People I was wondering which of Cathe's step videos takes up the least amount of room. I have limited space and I don't want to end up in my book case! Any help anyone can give me is much appreciated! Trevor
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    New tapes and building muscle

    Thank you so much for your response Cathe!! Yes, you are right, they do feel like rapid fire, I still can't straighten my arms three days later!!! LOL Luckily, I did the lower body tape the next day, which meant that the pain in my hamstrings helped me forget about the upper body agony!!! LOL...
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    New tapes and building muscle

    Dear Cathe Before I ask my question I'd just like to say "thank you, thank you, thank You!!!" For the amazing effect you have had on my life. I have exercised for years, but in the last year or so (since I "discovered" you!), people have actually been commenting on my buff appearence... this is...