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  1. ellesan

    Hate starting over - Whine!

    I can totally relate. When I had my thyroid removed last year I could barely walk to take a shower, let alone do a Cathe workout. I was sick for months and felt like a weakling after all was said and done. I didn't think I'd be able to get any fitness back...but I started slowly and did my first...
  2. ellesan


    Hmm...I think it also depends on what kind of learner you are (self study or need a class for motivation?) and the time you are able to commit to it. There's always the library. Community college classes are a great idea, which you can do in person or online For some really good basic...
  3. ellesan

    Marriage-Dealing with religious differences

    Hi Janie, Wow, that's a tough one. I'm sorry you feel like you're in a position where you have to pretend or not be yourself. Of course that doesn't make you a bad person! I can relate in many ways. Have you told your husband how you feel? He must know your personality/preferences for...
  4. ellesan

    Missing my Hawaiian Seafood Lau Lau

    Yumm to the food and Hawaii!!
  5. ellesan

    Just ran the Go Girl 10K Trail Run!!!

    Travis, Congrats!!! Fabulous job, isn't it so fun to challenge our minds and bodies this way and meet like-minded people? So excited for you, you rocked it!!;)
  6. ellesan

    Night Shift workers -- need advice!

    Hi Sheryl, You'll probably have to try working out before and after work and see how you feel. I also work that shift and although I've had good intentions of trying to workout when I get home, it never happens. I'm always exhausted and I have a bit of a commute--when I get home I'm...
  7. ellesan


    This was a great movie! Have to agree the Spanish Buzz and the Ken fashion show were hilarious. ;)Totally creeped out by the baby, monkey and clown though:eek:
  8. ellesan


    going to see this in an hour...wearing my waterproof mascara just in case!
  9. ellesan

    Swimmers/Swim Caps

    cool! Don't know where you ordered from, but I love I've ordered tons of stuff from them, great prices, fast shipping,etc.
  10. ellesan

    Swimmers/Swim Caps

    I like the Speedo silicone caps, cover well and don't pull my hair when I take them off. I dislike any latex caps--they smell, pull my hair, etc.
  11. ellesan

    Nike empowering Real Women!

    I was just thinking about these again today--I love them!
  12. ellesan

    does make up expire?

    from article: Concealer Up to 12 months. Powder 2 years. Cream & gel cleansers 1 year. Pencil eye liner Should be sharpened regularly. Will last up to 3 years. Eyeshadow Will also last up to 3 years. Extra tip: A dark eyeshadow can double as eyeliner, in fact...
  13. ellesan

    Do you double up on your sports bra?

    I'm not well endowed either, but I've heard from several ladies that the Enell sports bra is the only one that does the job--maybe something to check out!
  14. ellesan

    Just read about the most heartbreakin story

    I go to work everyday dealing with this (I work at a children's hosptial). It is disgusting and simply unimaginable what some of these kids go through. Some days the only way to get through is to know they are in a better place and not suffering anymore. :(
  15. ellesan

    Top 3 Non-Cathe workouts

    Great lists! Like many, mine keep changing but currently: Lauren Brooks Kettlebells Cardio Coach on my bike KCM kickbox
  16. ellesan

    Anyone tried homeopathic hcg diet?

    Christie, I know these types of diets are tempting because the weight will come off fast, but it's just another hype diet. The weight will always come back on unless the reasons for the weight gain are addressed, challenged and changed. The more depriving a diet, the quicker the weight loss...
  17. ellesan

    Rude or not?

    You are so right, very well said. I just don't feel like I fit in. They are so nice, but very controlling and my DH doesn't see it because he's used to it. When 90% of the conversations are in a different language that doesn't get translated, it's very frustrating. I won't be going on further...
  18. ellesan

    Summer Camp Lost my 3 year old - vent

    What an awful experience!! So sorry you had to go through that. I can't believe that they weren't doing head counts, etc and think a $25 gift voucher will make it all better. Wow. Power to your husband!!
  19. ellesan

    Rude or not?

  20. ellesan

    Rude or not?

    Hi Lisa, no, there were 8 people in the group. Three of the 8 knew about it, one in which I specifially told we had a budget the night before (my SIL). We were in Montreal, my niece that lives there made the plans and told her mother and aunt only. I had NO idea it was going to be a...