Search results

  1. ReenaPP


    Great workout. I felt very strong. Didn't really think I would be able to do the barbell curls or the seated alternating curl at the suggested weight, but was amazed when I did...definite failure at the end though. One legged deadlifts had my low back crying for mercy at the end. I use the...
  2. ReenaPP

    TTCers m/c support

    Hi Everyone, Off to an all day meeting so I can address everyone individually, but just wanted to say hey and Happy Thursday - hope it is a good one for you all!
  3. ReenaPP

    Wide Squats versus Narrow Squats: Are your weights different?

    hmmm, mine was a bit different - heaviest for Plie, then narrow, then wide leg lightest.
  4. ReenaPP

    TTC/Miscarriage Support Week of Mar. 22

    Hey there - still here but work is crazy. Plugged in all my data into fertility friend. It says I ovulated about 1 day before I thought I did based on my temperature spike. Either way doesn't help since I was very late this month and our planned "activities" coincided with my usual cycle...
  5. ReenaPP


    This workout was hard. Most certainly. My DH got home last night just as I finished, took one look at me and said "Cathe killed you, eh?" I felt like the 1 min rest periods go so much faster than in the upper body workouts - really breathing hard on all the trisets. Loved Jai's face when...
  6. ReenaPP


    good workout. backoff sets really made my arms feel like they were floating.... DOMS today in shoulders... Worked my triceps to failure (quivering like jello during the workout), but no real DOMS today. Similar to week one, I feel like I could have gone heavier on chest and I upped it from...
  7. ReenaPP

    TTC/Miscarriage Support Week of Mar. 22

    good luck Melanie. congratulations Priscilla
  8. ReenaPP

    TTC/Miscarriage Support Week of Mar. 22

    Happy Friday Ladies, Thanks for the warm welcome :-) Autumn - so nice we can chat in 2 forums.....we are going to have to race to get that new book in May and finish it to trade our opinions. Go Eric! Wendy - congratulations! that pic is of me and Cathe at the roadtrip last year :-) Susan...
  9. ReenaPP

    Need help from those who have read the Twilight series

    I am going to have to check your suggestions out...The Hollows sounds I sense a Borders trip coming on tomorrow - good stuff on a rainy day, which is what the weather predictions are :-) Thanks! Not sure how I feel about Taylor as Jacob - not what I pictured in my head lol
  10. ReenaPP


    Did this Wednesday. Good workout. Missed lifting heavy for biceps and back, typically two better performing muscle groups for me, particularly back, so I was in the zone and feeling strong. Still had DOMS from shoulder work on Monday, but in general a good workout. Definitely built up a...
  11. ReenaPP

    TTC/Miscarriage Support Week of Mar. 22

    Hi There - new to the thread Just going to jump in and say hello to everyone. I confess I haven't had time to get fully caught up on everyone, but definitely will. I am ttc. It hasn't been a long time, but it has been frustrating. This will be baby #1, which makes it worse because the whole...
  12. ReenaPP

    Need help from those who have read the Twilight series

    One word answer drove me nuts....only because I didn't realize it existed and I read the books one right after another and was wondering if I had fallen asleep while reading the prior book. I wasn't sure if they were worth it, but I will give it a try. Read Salem's lot. Also heard good...
  13. ReenaPP

    Those against a modifier in high impact workouts, what's the downside?

    Gin Miller successfully employed multiple modifications in her Intense Moves video - an oldie but a goodie....since it was an interval workout, she illustrated the options during the rest period. She also suggested you choose your option and focus on that person .... It worked for me and I...
  14. ReenaPP

    Need help from those who have read the Twilight series

    have you read any other vamp themed books? always looking for good ones, which is how I stumbled upon the twilight saga, but want something comparable to Harris.
  15. ReenaPP

    STSers on the Road Trip

    no, no, no, let us delight and amuse you with our stories of how we run to pop in the dvd for more Cathe torture :-) please join us!
  16. ReenaPP


    I did this on Tuesday. Felt great in the beginning, but by the third tri-set a general malaise set in and I really wanted it to be over (but I say that in the best possible way lol). I was very excited about not having to put down the weights for the plate work. Calves were quite the...
  17. ReenaPP

    STSers on the Road Trip

    peanut butter and choc are just pure evil :-)
  18. ReenaPP

    STSers on the Road Trip

    LOL - oh Gayle, I am trying, but those easter m & m's keep calling to me....evil little bad could a handful be :-)
  19. ReenaPP

    Need help from those who have read the Twilight series

    June or July....looking forward to it...first episode seems to be following book 2 opening. I am wondering how they will handle the series with the infusion of that tribunal for Bill (hated that). It basically negates book 5 and means they have to change the way the relationship between Sookie...