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  1. C

    FEB 2011 Rock Bottoms Rotation

    not to sound stupid, but is the barre segment of LBB suppose to be done after every BBW?
  2. C

    Yoga sugesstions

    I am interested in trying yoga. Can anyone suggest some good dvds. I'm not total beginner, but not super advanced.
  3. C

    Question about Jai in HSC

    So true Cathe. Thank you for the positive reinforcements. :) and oh you are so right on the scary site of downward dog, I just actually experienced that a little bit ago, YIKES!!! Again, thanks for making me feel better.
  4. C

    Question about Jai in HSC

    Hi Cathe, thank you for your response. I figured all the hours of rehearsals leading up to the taping of the dvd really whips on into shape :) I'm having lots of frustrations that things are in shape or even in the same place they use to be. Turned 41 in december and I know I'm not going to be...
  5. C

    Question/opinion on Jai

    thanks for all the words of wisdom, alot of good food for thought. I have eaten gluten free for a few years because of an allergy to wheat I found out I had. I have been interested in starting yoga because I've heard of so many who have had success with it. Can anyone recommend some good yoga...
  6. C

    Question/opinion on Jai

    what exactly does one consider clean eating? because i don't eat any junk, sugar or fatty foods. doesnt seem to help me any
  7. C

    Question about Jai in HSC

    Just did High Step Challenge after not doing it for quite sometime. I had forgotten how amazing Jai looks in that workout. How did she acheive that as far as diet and workouts. I realize with rehearsals and taping workouts requires alot more working out that the average person would do. Thanks...
  8. C

    Question/opinion on Jai

    Just pulled out High Step Challenge after not having done it for a pretty long time. Wow! I had forgotten how amazingly cut Jai is in that workout. Even my 15 yr old son was amazed that a girl could be that cut. :) I would love to be that lean, cut and defined. Anyone know how to get those...
  9. C


    I have some pesky lower body fat I want to lose and tone. Anybody have a good rotation for that?
  10. C


    i'd like to look at your results stebby, how do i do so
  11. C


    I do have insanity and after I started I puffed up and haven't been able to get back down since. I stopped doing it and am afraid to go back cause I think it freaked my body out. anyone done the get ready for summer rotation from fitnessfreak
  12. C


    I think in increasing my amount of weight used thru 4 rotations of sts, i've now become bulkier than I want to be and have lost my "cut" look i had and want. I'm wanting to do fitnessfreaks getting ready for summer rotation, will that remedy this problem? Don't like the increase in my lower...
  13. C


    Thank you all so much for your great suggestions. Some great food for thought. The suggestion with using the poundage from meso 1 is a good place to start cause if memory serves the number of bicep curls on ME is pretty high. I still have another month to go since I have to still do meso 3, but...
  14. C


    Whats your opinion on what amount of poundage used
  15. C


    I'm on my 4th rotation of STS starting meso 3 next week. This is the only weight training I've done obviously for quite a while and though I love STS I think I need a change cause I don't think I'm shocking my body anymore even though I've increased my amount of weight lifted with each...
  16. C


    The only weight training I've done is STS since it came out. Next week I'll be starting meso 3 and this is the 4th rotation Ive done. I think I'm going to following fitnessfreaks get ready for summer rotation when i'm done with STS. I've made significant increases in the amount of weight I can...
  17. C

    where to go from here

    Thank you for all your suggestions, I have many options to consider.
  18. C

    where to go from here

    I'm on my 4th STS rotation and have had great results, but I think I need to do something else for a while and need some suggestions. I've have strength gains and increased my 1RM with each rotation I do. I think I've hit a wall though. I seem to not be shocking my body anymore and my lower...
  19. C

    where to go from here

    The only weight training I've done since it came out is STS. I'm on the last week of meso 2 and this is the fourth time I've done the 3 month rotation. I have gained strength and upped my weight with each rotation. Although I love STS, I think I need to change things up a bit. Recently my...
  20. C


    I had female hormones checked, thyroid, vitamin D, CBC and not sure what all else. I told doc of the sudden on set of weight so I think she checked for whatever reasons she thought it could be. i'm do for pap and physical, actually was sched for mon and doc had to resched, anyway going to ask...