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  1. F

    Sad news for petite ladies

    I agree with you about the Blazers. A regular Blazer does not fit right on me, I need a petite or it is sloppy in the upper arms and does not look good. I am sorry to hear this.
  2. F

    Dark circles under eyes - correction/concealer

    Lumineyes by Mary Kay actually helps elminate the dark circles. A less pricey alternative is Vitamin K Cream by St. Ives, available at your local drugstore. Apply at night and allow about two weeks to see results.
  3. F

    Advice for instructing a rude class....

    I don't think anyone here expects her to accept abuse. She has the option of not teaching the class. I thought she wanted comments on the intensity and choreography. I still believe she should keep the intensity at the level they are accustomed to.
  4. F

    Advice for instructing a rude class....

    Carolyn indicated in her beginning post she was was doing this partly to see how she would be received and partly to help another instructor. She also asked for opinions on what she should do. She did NOT say we had to agree on what she should do, just offer our own opinion. That is what I did...
  5. F

    Advice for instructing a rude class....

    If they are used to a certain intensity you might want to keep it at the usual pace or slightly above. You are there for their workout. Changing the choreography is something else, you can't be expected to learn someone else's choreography in one day. JMHO
  6. F

    Help from you lovely x-smokers

    The worst is over! I PROMISE! It takes four days to get the nicotine out of your system! You are through the physical withdrawl the rest is mental. It is downhill from here. Go buy some breath spray and use it whenever you want a ciggy, it works like a charm! It worked great for me...
  7. F

    Has anyone every remodeled a bathroom?

    Funny you asked... I am sitting here in my office where I can see my partially gutted bathroom from a big whole in my wall - we are in the process of doing it right now. We were careful to measure so we did not have to move the plumbing, it is less expensive and easier since we are...
  8. F

    My REVIEW of "Finding your core"

    RE: My REVIEW of The more often I do this one the more sore I get. When I listen to Susan's cuing carefully and heed every word I find myself make small adjustmenets that make a difference in form and how I feel the next day. I now find myself squeezing my glutes the entire workout and sucking...
  9. F

    Band in Stretch Max

    The green one is fine. Cathe indicated she only used a pink one so it would match the outfits.
  10. F


    1/2 cup oatmeal, a little cinnamon, some stevia, ground flaxseed put through a food processor add to three egg whites and stir with a fork until well mixed (this takes some stirring) fry like a pancake I use about 1 T Log Cabin sugar free syryp but I have eaten it without and it is "OK"...
  11. F

    Do you collect anything?

    I collect antique irons and quilts. Both collections are small to avoid clutter.
  12. F

    Slave to the ciggies

    They are out there smoking in the cold because if they do not, it will feel like their scalp is leaving their head and they will become extremely bitchy. I am happy to say I have not smoked in 7 years, but the previous people are right, It is a VERY TOUGH habit to break.
  13. F

    Hardcore vs. P90X??

    > >I personally think that both series will complement each other >quite nicely, and this is what I was hoping for. I think >doing one week of the HC's followed by a week of P90X would be >a great rotation. That is exactly what I had in mind. Cathe builds endurance and P90X builds...
  14. F

    Hardcore vs. P90X??

    So far, I think HC will be more intense because P90X has a longer rest between sets. I clocked it and the rest between some of the HC gymstyle sets is around 15 seconds, that is short since you are working the same muscle group again. I like the fact that Cathe does one bodypart before she...
  15. F

    what kind of floor ?

    Is anyone having a problem slipping ON the puzzle pads? I'm finding that my feet slip when I'm wearing sneakers. ruppie My puzzle mats were slippery at first but I scrubbed them and it helped some. Eventually it wore off. I bought my puzzle mats, new shoes, and the Step Co step...
  16. F

    Cathe Imax 3 flooring ?

    I purchased subflooring squares from Lowes for less than $6.00 each. They are almot two feet by two feet and click together with a rubber mallot. They have plastic runners that get the wood off the floor. I put my Puzzle mats on top.
  17. F

    I have a confession.

    I don't like the low-rise can I show you my thong look either, on thin or heavy girls. One thing that goes through my head when I see a too heavy girl wearing a get up like this is "at least she doesn't have body image issues". I would rather see that than an anorexic teenager or woman.
  18. F


    I have P90X but I also have the HC series pre-ordered. One of the things I like best about P90X is you execute the lift at your own pace. When I grab heavier weights I can't keep up with Cathe's pace and that slightly spoils it for me. When doing a P90X workout, the entire cast is going at...
  19. F

    Any hairdressers out there - or anyone?

    It sounds like you have been using a lot of product on your hair. You might try Neutrogena shampoo to get some of the product out. Also, if it is dry try washing it less often, if you can stand to do that. The only thing for split ends is a trim. I don't think any product can put split/dead...
  20. F

    Excersize Bands??!!?

    Bands are color coded. The pink ones have less resistance than the green ones.