Search results

  1. J

    Cathe, I want to hit a home run!

    No, seriously. I do. I play a lot of slowpitch softball in the summers--mostly coed, but a little women's too. I know that a lot of the ability to hit a home run comes from swing mechanics, the kind of bat I use, etc etc, but a lot of it is pure strength too. FYI, I'm looking at a ~250 foot...
  2. J

    Where's your home page?

    RE: Latest Update Hey, still works so that's the main thing. We can still get our Cathe fix! ;)
  3. J

    Cathe and Crew

    If I was going to be part of a hive mind, I'd want my queen to be Cathe. Just think, if you're Borg...every time a workout calls for a new piece of equipment, you can just have it added on. Cybernetics are the workout trend of the future! Incidentally, when my husband took me to see Star...
  4. J

    Cathe: Why some videos have 1 risers; others 2?

    I am 5'8" and only rarely use two risers--with higher impact stuff, it bothers my (otherwise trouble-free) knees. My sister is 6'1" and prefers to step at 6" as well. Also, sometimes stepping at 8" just makes the workout too darn hard. It took a summer of boot camp style workouts to get me to...
  5. J

    Good Luck, Cathe and Crew!!!!

    Break a (figurative) leg, Cathe and crew! :) :)
  6. J

    SNM -- About Nancy

    Another post singing the praises of Nancy. I have been Flaky McFlakerton adding to my preorder, and she has been unfailingly polite and friendly while helping me to spend my money. ;) Give this woman a raise!
  7. J

    Butts n' Guts

    I am butt-challenged. Rather than wanting something to shrink my posterior, I want a workout that will help round it out! Will B&G help the butt-deficient or should I look elsewhere?
  8. J

    Future formats? (16:9 and/or HD)

    All the media convergence that's happening right now is pretty exciting stuff. I would *love* something like you're talking about. I'd get online, select the workouts, segments, and premixes I want and they show up in a set top box or portable unit that I can take anywhere. (*sigh* I could...
  9. J

    Future formats? (16:9 and/or HD)

    I'm a Cathe fan and a eletronics nerd...a dangerous combination. Cathe/SNM, I was wondering about future plans for workout DVD formats. I know that buying new gear is a considerable expense, but do you have plans to eventually start filming in high definition once the format war is won by...
  10. J

    Lovin' the blog!

    As a blogger myself I was super stoked to see you start blogging, Cathe! I have to say the behind the scenes info is so fun to read. Tempting, too--I just added Body Max 2 to my preorder. :) I can't wait to see more!
  11. J

    Cathe/SNM, Would You Consider An On-Screen Timer?

    Oh, man. If there was a way to make the timer optional that would be ideal for me. Clock watching absolutely *kills* my motivation. I'd have to put duct tape over that part of the screen if I couldn't make the timer go away.
  12. J

    Revisiting Music Louder Option :-)

    I don't use the music louder option. I still need the vocal cues, especially for cardio workouts. What you're planning for the new series (does it have a name?) sounds perfect, though!
  13. J

    Will there be WO Blenders in the new workouts?

    I am not a big fan of the Workout Blender mostly because of the 6 segment limitation. Between that and the 3-5% incompatibility rate, I think it might be more trouble than it's worth. It's a super cool idea, but the technology just isn't there yet to support it properly. On the rare...
  14. J

    Official Cathe Beginner Rotation

    RE: Offical Cathe Beginner Rotation My mom and her neighbor both bought the "home" steps and LOVE doing Basic Step and Body Fusion together. They alternate them. Mom and I have done Low Impact Step together a few times. The last time we did LIS, I got out my Total Body Stretching DVD and we...
  15. J

    Please help with son's school project

    I can take care of Kansas! :)
  16. J

    It's 12:30 eastern time......

    Cathe, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury! I hurt myself recently too--I got a little ambitious doing the deadlifts in PLB and hurt my low back. I've been getting PT for the last three weeks and I've been using your beginner/intermediate workouts with the step at 4" and I am getting...
  17. J

    OT - blogs

    By way of full disclosure, my fitness blog is listed on both these portals, but here you go: and I am sure there are plenty of others, but those are the two I know about.
  18. J

    Im sorry...did you want some?

    Wow, that doesn't sound like a lunch, it sounds like a binge. When my friends and I were doing WW, we'd usually have a slightly bigger lunch after our weigh-ins, but nothing like that. I hope your friend isn't setting herself up for some really damaging eating habits. Not to mention the fact...
  19. J

    How can they do this?

    Labeling requirements, pure and simple. From this article: ----------- "Under the new FDA labeling requirements, manufacturers can label products containing less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving as having 0 grams trans fat. So, a...
  20. J

    My team STINKS!

    I feel your pain. I play on a Thursday night team, and sometimes I swear the other women just leave their hustle at home or something. I'm in it for fun, but I like to play hard and I hate to see people playing like Daria, you know? I don't mind losing, but I hate to lose because we didn't...