Im sorry...did you want some?


I never thought about asking before I threw it out:eek:
A friend of mine goes to ww and after every weigh in on monday night she as what she calls a "lunch".She called on Sun night and wanted to know if I wanted have a lunch with her.I said sure...with the hopes of having a super light dinner and a long run.Which worked out fine.

Here is what she brought/bought:

Chocolate fondue, with cake,cookies,brownies,strawberries,
grapes,apples,bananas and pears.
Nacho dip with chips
Chocolate covered almonds
Salt and vinegar chips
Fruit and Nut bar
And when I looked she even had pizza brought into my house! I cracked up laughing at her b/c she is so funny.She only has 7 lbs to lose(and thats according to her) but Im thinking she shouldn't have to many more "lunches" or those last coupld of pounds won't come off.

Anyway..before I throw it out the next time, I will ask if you want some:) :)

Oh...and then she left everything here that she didn't eat.She WOULD NOT take it home! Oh well, my dad is here...he will eat it!
I never thought about asking before I threw it out:eek:
A friend of mine goes to ww and after every weigh in on monday night she as what she calls a "lunch".She called on Sun night and wanted to know if I wanted have a lunch with her.I said sure...with the hopes of having a super light dinner and a long run.Which worked out fine.

Here is what she brought/bought:

Chocolate fondue, with cake,cookies,brownies,strawberries,
grapes,apples,bananas and pears.
Nacho dip with chips
Chocolate covered almonds
Salt and vinegar chips
Fruit and Nut bar
And when I looked she even had pizza brought into my house! I cracked up laughing at her b/c she is so funny.She only has 7 lbs to lose(and thats according to her) but Im thinking she shouldn't have to many more "lunches" or those last coupld of pounds won't come off.

Anyway..before I throw it out the next time, I will ask if you want some:) :)

Oh...and then she left everything here that she didn't eat.She WOULD NOT take it home! Oh well, my dad is here...he will eat it! many WW points is all that crap?? She'd reach her goal a lot quicker if she didn't fill herself up with junk after her weigh ins. Sounds like a lot of wasted effort. At least she is smart enough to not take any home. So glad you can see the error in her habit. Great job giving it out to others and pitching it!
Im glas we don't have to many "lunches":) She is one of those people you can eat that and be super good all week.But I am not.I get better with time.Thats why I had trouble with BFL b/c you get good all week but then one day a week you can eat whatever you want and how much you want.And it would always continue into the next day.
The stuff is still in my house but funny enough, I am not tempted AND its on the counter.Right in site.
A bunch of people here at work go to WW. They all go out to eat something forbidden after weigh in. HMMM. I don't think they've realized it takes a change in life style, not a few low calorie meals.
Wow, that doesn't sound like a lunch, it sounds like a binge. When my friends and I were doing WW, we'd usually have a slightly bigger lunch after our weigh-ins, but nothing like that. I hope your friend isn't setting herself up for some really damaging eating habits. Not to mention the fact that she's going to have to stop doing that if she wants to lose that last bit of weight. The "home stretch" of weight loss is the hardest part, imho.
I agree that it's not a very good habit to get into, and certainly doesn't show that she's learning a new lifestyle that will keep the weight off. When she hits her goal weight, will that be an excuse to have "a lunch" every week? every day?

I'll take the fruit, though!
Kathryn hit the nail on the head - YES! Hitting goal weight for a lot of people IS an excuse to eat like that every day. Then they wonder why the weight comes back.
Hitting goal weight for a lot of people IS an excuse to eat like that every day. Then they wonder why the weight comes back.

And WE all know how counterproductive that is, don't we? I think the whole idea of "diet"(as in "way of eating to specifically lose weight")as most people see it is so misguided. It shouldn't be a temporary way of losing some pounds, but a refocusing of what one eats and a lifestyle change that one can stick with forever.

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