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  1. B

    Went to chiro......LONG

    I don't trust chiropractors...but then I am training to be an allopathic MD.
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    KK's May Check In

    Hi ladies. I thought I posted yesterday, but I guess I didn't. Anyway, yesterday I did about 50 minutes on the treadmill while reading. Today I did ME. DH is having a rough go of it. He has a history of migraines (brought on by tension headaches) and they seem to be sticking around...
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    KK's May Check In

    Good afternoon ladies. Today I did Cardio and Weights (minus the ab work because I am going to do ab ripper x w/ dh tonight). I am sick of the 1 body part per day thing. Freestyling it is boring to me. I'll just have to do shorter workouts or something w/ Cathe. So sorry to hear about...
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    Lexapro for depression

    I don't know all the specifics in your particular case. Was this your family doc or a psychiatrist? Did the family doc refer you to the psychiatrist or did you just choose to go on your own? How long have you had symptoms of generalized depression? You are on the Cathe forums, so I assume...
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    25 ways to spot nutritional quacks....

    I'm pretty much going to stay out of this discussion as I have to study for my USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exam) so that I can become one of those big bad allopathic MDs that seem to be so hated on this forum (until someone gets an injury and not just a cold...then it seems the...
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    KK's May Check In

    I did get my scores back from the practice boards I took last Friday the 11th. I went up 25 points w/ only 1 week of studying!!! I am in a great place. That score was only 5 points below my low happy score. Here's my goals (highest I have ever heard of is 260): Screaming ecstatic score: 250...
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    Nitrates and Nitrites

    Avoiding preservatives is a good thing...but make sure you eat that food in a timely and safe manner. Improperly canned foods, improperly stored foods, improperly cooked foods can all make one sick. I was just posting to let you know that nitrates are natural. The use in lunch meat just...
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    Nitrates and Nitrites

    First of all, nitrates and nitrites are VERY natural. They are components of the nitrogen cycle, which plants use to make energy. Nitrites are also used by bacteria. For example, when you have a urinary tract infection, one of the tests we run on urine is to check for nitrates. Certain...
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    KK's May Check In

    Today I did legs and some cardio on the treadmill (actually lots of housekeeper was at the house and I was trying to stay out of it until she was done:) ) Now, must CRAM for tomorrow's test. -Becky
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    KK's May Check In

    Hello ladies. Today I did shoulder and chest work. (had to double up since I did plyox yesterday and no weights). Then I did ab ripper X w/ DH. I decided not to do cardio today as I feel that 6 days is a bit excessive. Tomorrow I am supposed to do legs and some cardio. Must get back...
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    Is there one job they couldn't pay you enough

    I mentioned before that I couldn't be a teacher. I am, however, not upset by the thought of specializing in gastroenterology, urology, or gynecology. Actually, urology might be my forte...I love kidneys and if I have to do my share of rectal exams to get to them, so be it. :) Becky...
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    Is there one job they couldn't pay you enough

    Elementary school teacher Day care teacher I guess I have no patience
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    How do you lower your cholestoral?

    Do you know what the breakdown was? How much LDL? How much HDL? If your HDL is high, I really wouldn't worry about it. Work on raising your HDL (it takes lipids from LDL and transports them back to the liver...good) Niacin does this. So does omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil capsules)...
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    For Goodness Sake...

    Haha Makes good business sense I guess. I mean, if they actually helped their clients lose weight they wouldn't be needed would they? Becky
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    KK's May Check In

    Good morning ladies. Today I did PlyoX w/ DH. My hip flexors are screaming. I may get around to doing my chest work...but it will be a bit later. I will NOT be doing the treadmill today, not after PlyoX. :) Hope you enjoyed ME today Karen. Jeanette and Rhea, hope you have great...
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    KK's May Check In

    Hi ladies. Wanted to add to my post now that DH has done his first P90x workout. He did Chest and Back followed by Ab Ripper X (I did ab ripper w/ him). That is some crazy stuff! I think I will do Plyometrics w/ him tomorrow. -Becky
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    Teachers! Help me, please.

    I still just don't see students coming to an algebra class expecting to be entertained. I always like to be taught the material and learn it and that's it. Especially in an algebra class you'll have a range of intellects. I always hated being put in group projects and being the only one...
  18. B

    KK's May Check In

    Hello ladies! Karen, so glad your anniversary went well. Friday I did those dreaded shoulders. Saturday I did biceps and a run on the elliptical Sunday I did triceps and a run on elliptical and treadmill. Today I did back and a run on the treadmill. DH is starting P90x classic...
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    Daily facial moisturizer w/ SPF -- what do you use?

    I think the whole thing about 2 sunscreens canceling each other out has to do with the formulation. For example, creams and normal sunscreens have different consistencies. It isn't the SPF that is screwing it up, it is the lipids, oils, etc that the SPF is in that is screwing it up. If your...