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  1. S

    For those that have Cardio Fusion

    Thanks Marcy :-) Does everything else sound right?
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    For those that have Cardio Fusion

    Hi, I don't have CF and I was thinking of trying to do the work out by playing the different segments from each of the dvds. It might be a hassle switching segments but I thought I would try it until I can buy CF. I have seen the work out broken down and I was wondering if I have it right...
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    Replacement dvd?

    I got an email back from CK Sales and this is what they said: As long as Cathe office backing the life time warranty, we will offer it. CK Sales I don't know if that would include shipping, or how this would work. I am starting to think I am just going to get them replaced once the...
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    Not fair - but if you could ONLY buy 1 DVD???

    I haven't done Drill Max yet but out of the other three I think it really depends on what you are looking for. BM2 is fun and has many options but it is tougher, IMO, than LIC. So if you are looking for a harder workout I would go with it. I find LIC more fun, and it's still tough, but not as...
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    Are you going to replace your new DVD's....?

    >If you have no problems with your DVDs, why on earth are you >replacing them? This makes no sense to me. You paid for >functioning DVDs and that is what you have. You don't need or >merit anything esle. And if they play on your DVD player now, >they will presumably also play on the next...
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    Replacement dvd?

    >I ordered throuch Ck Sales too. Would you mind posting their >response? Thanks a bunch. I sure will Sherry :)
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    Hip Flexor question

    Lately I seem to be having troubles with my Hip Flexors. They seem to get sore very easily while doing certain exercises, like pulsing lunges & squats, and during some of the core exercises. I have never had problems in the past, so I don't know what is causing this. It's frustrating because I...
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    Cathe, substitue for Cardio Fusion

    Hi Cathe, I am starting the November rotation tomorrow, (can't wait, all the workouts are fantastic), but I don't have Cardio Fusion and was wonderig what would be a good substitute for it? Thanks :)
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    Replacement dvd?

    >I asked this question because I am thinking about buying a >5-disc changer later. SNM said that the DVD's have a >lifetime guarantee and if I have problems in the future, they >would replace them. Right now I have no freezing problems. > >Here's the link.... >...
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    Replacement dvd?

    Some players may be able to handle >the "glitches" better than others, > Yes, this is what I am concerned about. Sure one of my players works on these dvds right now, but eventually I will have to replace that player. How will I know if my next player will have a problem playing them, and...
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    Replacement dvd?

    What is everyone going to do whose dvds play fine on one of their players, but freezes on another player. Are you going to get replacements?
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    Help! I Have Program ADD

    I found a little information. I'm sure you probably know this but just in case: The Hypothyroidism / Metabolism Connection If you have undiagnosed hypothyroidism, or your condition is not adequately treated by your...
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    Help! I Have Program ADD

    Kathy, I know exactly how you are feeling. I wish I had some advice but I'm afraid I am in the same boat. It seems like no matter what I do I don't lose weight. It's so confusing and frustrating when you think you are doing everything right. It seems like other people who work out less and...
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    Which players?

    Mine are playing fine on my Panasonic dvd player, it's a couple of months old. However, they do freeze on my Liteon player, it's about a year old. I normally only use the Panasonic player for my workouts, but who's to say that when that player quits working that the dvds will play in another...
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    Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the "surprise gift"

    RE: Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the >>This gift came from a buisness, so to me it's not the same >as >>randomly giving out a gift to someone. > >i don't think that websters has a different meaning for a gift >from a person versus a gift from a business.... > > > To me it is...
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    Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the "surprise gift"

    RE: Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the Wow, there were a lot of replies while I was posting. Christine I think you explained what I am trying to say way better than I did. Thank you for understanding :)
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    Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the "surprise gift"

    RE: Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the >if someone demanded a GIFT from me.... i wouldn't give it to >them! cuz that takes all the joy out of gift giving... i >decide WHO gets a gift and i decide how much i spend on that >gift.... the receiver has NO say in it whatsoever (and if they...
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    Low Impact Circuit - LOVING IT!! Thanks Cathe!

    I agree. I did this one this morning and I had so much fun! My back muscles are already a little sore.
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    Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the "surprise gift"

    RE: Cathe, Is it possible to purchase the To find out that everyone that pre-ordered on >Cathe's site, even if it was only one dvd, got the bonus >workout is disappointing. >Michele I lied, I am going to post again :-) I didn't know this. I am happy for them, but now I am really...
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    Anyone w/ new dvd's not have a freezing issue?

    I have only done LIC and I didn't have any freezing problems. I have previewed the rest at the spots were there are reports of freezing and they are fine. I have a one disc Panasonic player that is a couple of months old.