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  1. T

    Still waiting....patiently

    I'm in California (North Orange County). I got mine on Oct. 2. I don't know how mail delivery is for the mountain areas or the outskirts of the state, i.e, Chula Vista or Weed, but if they are getting them in Canada and the U.K., it seems like you should have yours by now. If yours was sent...
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    I'm back, thank you and new workouts

    Welcome back! We love you Cathe! Welcome back. Congratulations of another great series (or should I say "collection" since it's not a series). Your team worked so hard and kept us posted on the status of things just like you would have. I've said it several times over the years...
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    Got mine in California!

    The workouts have made it to California! I'm in Orange County. The priority mail box was waiting for me when I got home a few minutes ago. Yabba Dabba doo! Be encouraged fellow Californians. You'll have your workouts soon. Fitness Friend, Teals
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    I live in Orange County. Mine were waiting for me a few minutes ago when I got home! It was shipped Priority Mail. It used to take way longer to get the new workouts than it has the last few times. Maybe most everyone else out here will have theirs by Friday at the latest. Fitness Friend, Teals
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    Maybe this is old news, Collage Video has the clips up

    I saw the Collage Video clips last week. Some of the footage is different from what is on the Shop Cathe site. I guess it's sort of moot to mention now since most of us will have our videos this week. For those like me, that have to wait a little longer and want to see more of what we will...
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    They came!!!

    Feeling Jealous in California I found it amusing when I read that the DVDs were shipped via truck from California where I am, to New Jersey, to then be put on another truck headed back to California. I'm glad I didn't know what truck they were on or where it was coming from or I may have...
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    Anyone try any new workouts?

    Hi Renee. I'm Teals. I've been using the forum years but seldom post anything. I do read them though and have enjoyed your posts and interaction on the forum over the years. I know you're going through a very tough time. I hope each day brings you closer toward healing. You have way more friends...
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    muscle vs. fat

    Hello again Ela, Maybe these two posts will help clarify things as well (Cathe gets this question a lot): Cathe Friedrich - Weightlifting Myths Debunked AND MAYBE READ THIS ONE FIRST: Cathe Friedrich - Weight Gain Myths and read the responses from at the bottom of the page. This...
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    muscle vs. fat

    Hi Ela, What Sue said is correct. One pound of muscle weighs one pound. One pound of fat pound. The difference is in the volume. Muscle is more dense so it takes up less space. It would be more accurate to say that one cup of muscle weighs more than one cup of fat. That's why...
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    New Videos Shipping Alert!

    Yabba Dabba Dooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Stretch song in Intensity and High Reps

    Hi Jesse, Songs from both workouts are on iTunes and Amazon. Here's the link for iTunes: FYI, Cathe's Newsletter has the link at the bottom of the page. I hope you find the ones you're looking for. Fitness Friend, Teals
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    Black wrist band on Workouts

    Hi all, This question has been asked several times over the years. Here is one of Cathe's responses to it from a thread dated 12-6-06: "...Yes, I used to wear my black wristband to help me keep my opposite rights and lefts straight. Now I feel "naked" without my wristband and use it for good...