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  1. K

    Problems after stopping the Pill

    You're not alone It also took me about 3+ months to get my period after going off the pill (I had been on it for 10 1/2 years). So you're definitely not alone. Before I went on the pill, I had irregular periods and now that I'm off, they're irregular again. As for the pregnancy part, well...
  2. K

    Side pain during Cardio

    Breathing and Warm-ups I ditto the breathing thing. Although I haven't quite mastered it yet, I do find that if I concentrate on breathing slowly, I can make the occasional side stitch go away. I also remember Cathe once saying here on the forum (about a year or so ago), that she will...
  3. K

    Need suggestions for low impact tapes!! (for RA sufferer!)

    Possible RA relief Denise, I'm not a RA sufferer, but I did want to share that a colleague of mine has been diagnosed with RA for about 2 years. She was having to take a lot of sick days (2 or 3 days a month) due to pain and swelling. This summer her doctor recommended that she cut out meat...
  4. K

    Pilates tapes anyone?

    I also recommend The Method's Precision Toning tape. The first section is a 15 minute "primer" that I think has excellent instruction. After you do that a couple of times, you could always skip the first section and start with the more advanced portion. But I highly recommend doing the...
  5. K

    "Real" New Millenium Goals & A Big Thanks to All of You!!!

    2001 Goals Great thread. I love reading others' goals and thinking about how they could improve my own! I have two primary fitness-related goals: 1) Work out 5 days a week. This one is definitely doable, since it was my modified goal from last year. (Last year I wanted to do 6 days/week...
  6. K

    Holy Cow! Cake

    Me too, Sophie. I finally succumbed and made the Holy Cow Cake last night -- it is fabulous and decadent! The folks in my office are LOVING it. Thanks for the recipes, Honeybunch. I actually went out a bought The Cake Mix Doctor cookbook just based on the responses to all of your recipes...
  7. K

    James Clapp Book

    You might want to try doing a search on the internet for out-of-print books. There are a couple services (can't remember their names or websites at the moment, unfortunately) that will locate out-of-print (usually used) books. Lucy K