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  1. S

    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    >>If you want to pass a law to make it illegal to smoke in a car >for the same reason one is not allowed to use a cell phone >(unless it is hands-free) then that is fine. Outlaw smoking >by the DRIVER for reason of dangerous distraction and I will >not argue... > >Just my 2 cent more!:P...
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    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    "This probably due to too many hockey related head injuries." Thank you for making me laugh out loud, literally! But I think it is true that there is a different perspective and perception. And the fact that we are part of the Commonwealth Realm, and were a British colony for so long probably...
  3. S

    Don't pump gas on May 15th!

    >>Ahem. I'm slipping on my fire retardant clothing in >>preparation for flaming. It would make a whole lot more >sense >>if people would cut down needless trips and buy smaller, >fuel >>efficient automobiles. > > >Amen, Robin! > >These "gas-outs" will do absolutely NOTHING for gas...
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    Don't pump gas on May 15th!

    As much as I would love to stick it to the man! That is an urban legend. Sorry. Check out this link it will explain why.
  5. S

    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    And I see what you are saying too!;) Maybe it is because I'm from Canada and for some reason we don't fear losing our freedom that I don't see this as such a threat. OK that didn't sound right. Don't get me wrong, it's not like Canadians want to lose their freedom, but we don't fear Big Brother...
  6. S

    Customer service doesn't seem to be in fashion anymore

    While I don't have any suggestions either (jeez I didn't with your Body fat thread either. LOL) Perhaps a letter would make you feel better, but these days I'm not sure what good they do. I do however agree with you that there is no such thing as CS these days. I hoping (sitting with fingers...
  7. S

    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    But this isn't about protecting you from's about protecting your child that can't protect themself from the second hand smoke.
  8. S

    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    I totally see what you are saying with drawing the line and common sense. But that is the problem, it seems that an awful lot of people lack common sense these days. And that is where what I said in my previous post about people taking responsibility comes into play. And I disagree with you...
  9. S

    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    If I was endangering my children....then No I would have no problem. Well that isn't entirely true, because if I was dumb enough to be endangering my children, I guess I would be dumb enough to not think I was doing anything wrong. Then I would be dumb enough to think that the government was out...
  10. S

    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    I just want to put out there that you guys that are worried about "protecting your rights" and going by the constitution etc etc.....following those rights are the same thing that allow you to have a pedophile living next door to your 2 year old. Sometimes it's not such a bad thing when the Gov...
  11. S

    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    That's soooo funny. I'm in Alberta Canada, but last week end we were out driving and I saw a mom smoking with her kids in the car. I turned to my husband and said that should be against the law! I think it is ridiculous that even though we know the risks of smoking and second hand smoke yet...
  12. S

    Facebook aka Crackbook

    Oh my lord! You are dead on with crackbook! I signed up on a whim cus I don't like My space.....well now I'm checking the darn thing hourly! But i'm really happy cus I have hooked up with so many old friends.
  13. S

    Question about bodyfat

    I'm not really educated in the scales, but what was your sodium intake like the day before? I know that can throw things out of whack really easy.
  14. S ???

    I haven't personally ordered from them....but I have implants, and with the online community I belong to, there are LOTS of girls that love them and swear by Figleaves. You should be happy with your experience with the site....I haven't ever heard of a complaint yet.
  15. S ???

    I haven't personally ordered from them....but I have implants, and with the online community I belong to, there are LOTS of girls that love them and swear by Figleaves. You should be happy with your experience with the site....I haven't ever heard of a complaint yet.
  16. S

    more on the pet food recall

    >Slimmingmom, > I'm wondering if any of the >foods that were recalled are supposed to be organic. Hopefully >not. > It shouldn't be, because the reason for the recall was a pesticide used in China. And as we all know, Organics should have that! ;) > > Have you checked into how much...
  17. S

    more on the pet food recall

    >I was afraid arguments would start when I mentioned PETA in >my post. > I'm sorry for my part in turning your post into that. I just don't like it when people put words in my mouth. >I called my vet's office and they said has a >current list of which foods are safe...
  18. S

    more on the pet food recall

    >Well, I am sorry to say that, but you are just changing your >statements as we go along. First it is that PETA doesn't want >us to have pets at all, then you get caught on your so-called >info website being a lobbist, so you change your tune on that, >because nothing on the PETA website...
  19. S

    more on the pet food recall

    >>Well according to PETA's can have a pet as >>long as it comes only from a shelter, it is not caged if it >is >>a bird, it is not allowed outside if it's a cat (unless on a >>leash) or if it is a dog that is never chained, or crated. >And >>don't you dare breed your...
  20. S

    more on the pet food recall

    Well according to PETA's can have a pet as long as it comes only from a shelter, it is not caged if it is a bird, it is not allowed outside if it's a cat (unless on a leash) or if it is a dog that is never chained, or crated. And don't you dare breed your animals.....and that...