Search results

  1. C

    Power Half Hour

    I wouldn't mind a time-crunch type workout that's 30-45 minutes long, but still works the total body in one workout. Similar to Power Hour or Muscle Endurance, but just shorter and heavier. I love hour workouts, but sometimes with 2 kids it's better if I can have a shorter total body workout...
  2. C

    One body part per day

    I'd like to see them SLOW and HEAVY!! Maybe 15-20 minutes per body part. Carole
  3. C

    Calf Work Please!!!

    I love your workouts, especially Muscle Endurance, Power Hour, and Cardio & Weights. I would like to see more calf work though. It's a body part that gets neglected in most videos. Thanks for listening!! Carole
  4. C


    It's pretty much the same format. It's just Tracie instructing. But, I think SB is better than the others as far as the way it's presented. It's better quality. Also, Tracie is wearing a headset, and seems like she is your personal trainer. This workout doesn't seem as cheesey and...
  5. C

    Where do I find Cathe's rotation suggestions?

    I've heard people mention rotation suggestions that Cathe has made. Where do I find those? I know it's probably in a really obvious spot , but I can't find it.... Thanks, Carole :+
  6. C

    the latest weight workout tapes

    I have Muscle Endurance, and love it. There is just a tiny section where you use the weighted ball for chest. You could use a regular ball for that. Then, there is some weighted ball work for abs. I don't use a ball, but you could use a regular ball or a light dumbell. You don't use the...
  7. C

    New Series...Which One??

    I REALLY LOVE Muscle Endurance. It's an all weights tape though, and I don't know what you are looking for. Cardio & Weights is fun too, but it's pretty high impact for the step portions. Carole :)
  8. C

    Cathe, please help me with post-partum shape-up!!!

    Hi Cathe, Just thought you might have missed this since you were out of town for a few days.... Carole :)
  9. C

    Anybody tried Muscle Endurance yet?

    I love Muscle Endurance!! It's very tough though, more so than Power Hour. She has you do about a million leg presses!!! The leg work is KILLER! Just to let you know, I used my HR monitor when I did Power Hour and Muscle Endurance. It said I burned 267 calories with PH and 416 with ME...
  10. C

    Cathe, please help me with post-partum shape-up!!!

    Hi Cathe! I know you were gone for a couple days. Thanks, Carole
  11. C

    Cathe, please help me with post-partum shape-up!!!

    Cathe, I'm addicted to your tapes!! I got my first Cathe tapes two weeks ago after hearing everyone rave about them! I got: Power Hour Muscle Endurance Body Max Circuit Max Cardio & Weights I LOVE THEM!!!! What would be a good rotation/routine to lose 10 pounds, build some muscle and...
  12. C

    Cathe, just got my first five tapes!! I'm addicted!!

    LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-03 AT 03:49PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-03 AT 06:42 PM (Est) I got my first Cathe tapes two weeks ago after hearing everyone rave about them! I got: Power Hour Muscle Endurance Body Max Circuit Max Cardio & Weights I LOVE THEM!!!! What would be a good rotation to...
  13. C

    Do I need Power Hour

    You have to get it! It's like Body Pump, the moves go perfectly with the music. My fave section is the biceps!! Carole