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  1. 6

    * * Monday Musings at the Watercooler * *

    Patricia: I've never watched that game show. However, I do have problems with the premise. For one, not all schools teach the same scope and sequence. There will be gaps in the best education. So, to say that something is of a 5th grade level is not entirely accurate. At any rate, I highly doubt...
  2. 6

    * * Monday Musings at the Watercooler * *

    Well, what can I say. Other people's kids aren't all bad!!! I don't know what they are teaching this boy at this very expensive (paid for by the local school district), private school for children with autism. Whatever it is, it's worth every cent!!! OMW! He was so well behaved, polite, and laid...
  3. 6

    * * Monday Musings at the Watercooler * *

    You all remember me saying how I don't like watching other people's kids. And, that ALL my gfs know not to ask me unless it's an emergency requiring a trip to the emergency room. Well... That day has arrived!!!! My neighbor called me from work. She works in the public schools with children with...
  4. 6

    * * Monday Musings at the Watercooler * *

    Good Afternoon Ladies, Got home late from MIL's house. Everyone except Phil slept in this morning. Can I hear a collective, "Poor Phil!";) I ordered some curriculum for next year. Since eldest will be in 6th next year, she'll be finishing her elementary math books. I got a panic attack...
  5. 6

    ~~~~Watercoolers~~~Sunny Saturday

    Popping in... did Eoin last night... Long day... finished catch-up homeschooling... going to MIL's house sometime today... plan on doing some sort of circuit and Eoin later... Jeanette: Good Luck on your race!!!!! Sending you lots of hot air!:+ I'll pop in later if I get more time...
  6. 6

    ~~~Watercooler~~ Fiesty Friday

    I'm here! I'm awake!:+ Just got myself one crazy life!!! I am feeling sore all over my upper body today. I swear Patti finds new muscles to aggravate every time she massages me. But, I do LOVE her!!!! She went straight to that spot on my butt when I told her about my sciatica nerve was...
  7. 6

    ~~~~Watercoolers, Thrilling Thursday~~~~

    I thought it only fair to do the three remaining Jackie Warner Workout workouts on Exercise TV. Well, the form really didn't matter much while actually doing the exercises considering I wasn't watching the tv. However, the rep pace was a problem when I followed along on tv or didn't glance up at...
  8. 6

    ~~~~Watercoolers, Thrilling Thursday~~~~

    I'm LATE!!! I've gotta grab some toe nail polish before art class!!! Jeanette: I caught up on a little personals last night after you most likely went to bed. Thinking of my personal to you last night, I have to say that I don't think your mom fears the internet. I just have some older people...
  9. 6

    ^^^Watercoolers Working it on a Wednesday^^^

    Yes, I realize it's late. Better late than never!!! I just finished MIS and Shoulder ^^. MIS is much easier now that I've realized my barbell and rolling locks weigh 15.5 pounds instead of 5 pounds!!!:7 :7 :7 Shuush! I did lower my weights considerably for the shoulder and some of the back...
  10. 6

    ^^^Watercoolers Working it on a Wednesday^^^

    Hi Ladies!!! All afternoon and evening I was dealing with a stomach bug. NOT FUN! It was an unexpected rest day. I'll make Phil his CC today. We were able to get some belated presents for Phil: sunglasses, shirts, a piggy bank for his spare change and a mug. Instead of cake, we made...
  11. 6

    ~~Watercooler~~~ Top of the Morning Tuesday

    Good Morning Ladies! Debra: Sending your advisor Get Debra's Schedule Straight!!!! vibes!!!!! Backed up a whole year! Now, we can't have that nonsense. Don't they know you want to move on with your life?!?! I will certainly not squeeze my dh for you!!!:P For one, have you seen his...
  12. 6

    ~~~Watercooler~~~Water Buffalo Monday!

    Popping in to share eldest dd's first catch. We cooked up Phil's catch for his birthday. We're cooking dd's catch tomorrow for dinner. It weighed 7.5 pounds and was over 25" tall. Here's a closer pic of the trout: She caught her rainbow trout on my friend's stream Sunday night...
  13. 6

    ~~~Watercooler~~~Water Buffalo Monday!

    Hi Ladies! It's eerily quite today!!! I'm on my way home. Today was Phil's birthday. Chat more when I get home. Wendy
  14. 6

    Watercoolers Happy Mother's Day!

    Happy Mother's Day!!! Wendy
  15. 6

    Watercoolers.....Saturday, May 10, 2008

    Hi! I'm all thumbs this weekend. I'll post personals when I get home. I'll try to reply to emails during free time. Last night was LIC Cardio timesaver plus abs and Shoulder ^^. I haven't decided what I'll do tonight. Probably KPC and yoga. OH!!! The Crazy Asian is due to arrive...
  16. 6

    ~~~~~Watercoolers~~~~Friske Friday!

    Hi Lea!!! I will check out the you tube link shortly. Patricia: I PM'd you. Jeanette: Check your email when you get the chance. Debra: Wow those are some intimate issues. I vote for LG if you're bound and determined to do a lower body/cardio type workout. That's a tricky situation you...
  17. 6

    ~~~~~Watercoolers~~~~Friske Friday!

    Laurie: Refresh my memory. Which one is Malificent? I know who Cruella Devil is... Debra's sister.:o :+ ;) Shuuush!!! Yeah, I think a smaller ipod would be good to store only workouts. If you think you'd like to store music on it too, maybe get another MP3 for music only. (Don't you love how I'm...
  18. 6

    ~~~~~Watercoolers~~~~Friske Friday!

    Laurie, look ^^ Traci: So nice to see you on the check-in!!! Wendy
  19. 6

    ~~~~~Watercoolers~~~~Friske Friday!

    I haven't decided what workout to do today. I may refer to Dr. Rastin's Lower Body Rotation. :) We're heading out of town this weekend. I won't be able to play as much with you guys since I'll be all thumbs. Play hard and give me something to read.:) Debra: Check your email. Then clean...
  20. 6

    ****Watercooler*** Thankful Thursday

    I never got around to scoring a massage. I just finished booking my flight and hotel room. Debra, check your email. Now my head is pounding. Jeanette: If you're still awake, :* :* :* :* Wendy