~~~~Watercoolers~~~Sunny Saturday


Just starting us off. No coworkers to run with this morning for a long run. DS might come and bike alongside of me. He's still sleeping right now though, I'll give him a bit longer.

We're going to head to the cottage after lunch and be back Monday afternoon. :7 DD is so excited about the cottage, her bag has been packed by the front door ever since yesterday morning.

Last night we took kids out for dinner and then stopped at Sears and ordered our new fridge and stove. Yippee! Funny how excited I am. Our current ones are from the 1970's so they looked pretty dated but they still work fine. We ordered black and I'm a little worry over the colour choice.

Have a great weekend! Kim
Just wanted to pop on quickly to say.....

GOOD LUCK JEANETTE!!!!!!!! Have a great time and ride well...We will be with you all the way! Be safe and let us know how everything goes...

love, from your personal cheerleader!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

I'm still here, eating my oat bran with blackberries in it. Did the upper body premix from Push Pull. 46 minutes and I feel worked! Now I need to jump in the shower and pack to leave.

Kim, ooooh, nice new applicances!!! They don't seem to last like the old ones did. What color were your old ones? I sure miss that avocado shag that we had when we were growing up. I remember what a treat it was to "rake" it. Actually had a carpet rake to make it stand up. With 5 kids, how long do you think that lasted? Have fun at the cottage!

Deb, will come back tomorrow and find out how the dinner went last night. Hope nobody was uncomfortable. Thanks for the well wishes. I will be thinking of you on the "LeMond Walked" hill.

I'll catch up with you all tomorrow afternoon.

Back from the 8 mile run, ds rode his bike and seem to really enjoy it. DH did most of the packing while I was out so just need to do a few things and we'll get going.

Jeanette our old appliances are almond/beige colour so pretty neutral looking. Good luck on your race!
Popping in... did Eoin last night... Long day... finished catch-up homeschooling... going to MIL's house sometime today... plan on doing some sort of circuit and Eoin later...

Jeanette: Good Luck on your race!!!!! Sending you lots of hot air!:+

I'll pop in later if I get more time!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!

Wow, everyone's got plans this weekend. I'm pleased to announce that we DON'T have any plans, the weather is pure gorgeous, and we are lounging around doing only what strikes our fancy. It's a vacation, Baby!!

Although, I did two things this morning that didn't strike my fancy: Upper Body+ and Core/Abs+. I'm learning that the 3rd Plus weight workout of the week is tough tough!! But I made it through. Only one more week like this, then I'll have to figure out a recovery week. I may do the one suggested in the rotation, or do some Cathe weight work instead.

Kim - Have a GREAT time at the cottage!!! Sounds like a blast. And new appliances too? We bought black appliances when we moved in here 2 years ago, and I really like them. I guess it depends on the rest of the colour scheme of your kitchen. Nope, the rash is still a mystery. The strep test came back negative. I'm putting it down to an allergy. I'll talk to the doctor next week, as to what we should do from here.

Jeanette - Let me second Debra and say: May the wind always be at your back!!! Have a GREAT ride! Thanks for the pedalling tip. I'll try to remember that when I'm out on my ride tomorrow. Oh my gosh, those are some funny pranks your family pulled. Thanks for the chuckle.

Debra - So, how was the dinner last night? You and CBL taking the trip to Toronto by yourselves, hey? Sounds like a fun time! When does your 1st date anniversary come around? If XBF's wife got in touch with you over email, that doesn't seem to indicate that she hates you??? Who could possibly hate you??

Wendy - Ballistic hugs right back at you!!

Laurie - Your DD should be in the middle of her recital, as I type this. I hope it's going well!! I've decided that Amy's Hi/Lo Knockout is my favourite non-step workout of hers.

Time to take the kids to Mega Sports at the Ymca. BBL!
Good Evening Coolers

1st time I sat down anywhere near the computer today. Up and out for our weekend family breakfast and on to Costco and Chapters and a nice lunch at Montanas. Raining here the whole weekend so today was a good (not to mention expensive) day for shopping. Bought some w/o clothes at Costco and some capris. Glad they fit once I got home as would have been a pain to return.:p Our Chapters (like Barnes & Noble) has a Starbucks in it so got my Caramel Machiatto fix too:p :p Picked up Patricia's Kickin Core and PY4H2 also so a good day for me. Also p/u Barbara Walter's book as I think it will be interesting.

Got DS a haircut and after renting a few movies and having a lovely steak dinner we're now sitting and relaxing in front of the t.v.

DH took yesterday off to help with drywallers at our cottage - just the ceilings, he'll do the walls over the few weekends. I don't normally entertain even going swimming at this time of year even for a bath until sometime in June. But kids don't feel the cold the way we adults do.:+

Will take today as a rest day and try Jillian's 30D Shred tomorrow I think.

Glad to see everyone is having a good day or weekend so far.

Will have to remember to "push" Jeanette along around 11am our time here tomorrow.

Visiting my brothers tomorrow so won't get back until late in the day (about 3 hr drive 1 way).

Hi all!! Back for a quick hello...and to let you all know I survived the evening last night...although CBL and I got into a fight a little before my friend got here...about something else...but I think that it had some to do with the possibility of uncomfortableness (is that a word?). Anyhoo....the wife of my XBF did not show up (which is the third or fourth time that this happened over the past few times we were supposed to get together)...she was 'sick'...whatever. The reason I think she hates me is that she has always been jealous of my relationship with XBF...which really isn't even an accurate description...he is like a brother to me. Once he got here last night, I think CBL realized that he really was just a friend...we were talking about old times...who he and I dated and when, how glad he was that XDH and I split up, how happy I seemed with CBL, etc. So, I think it turned out to be a good night....CBL also saw how strong my XBF's ties with his wife are, so there weren't any more questions...I don't think...Also...keep in mind my friend is about 100 pounds overweight...so there is obviously no physical attraction on my part! Okay...glad that is all over...Hopefully everyone can just learn to get along!!! My goodness, our romantic relationship was over 24 years ago! Get over it already, people!

As far as today is concerned...DD and I went to a local carnival (and no, we didn't get caught in some ride like those poor people in California!). She has been out playing with her friends all afternoon...and I have been doing a lot of nothing...except I did workout. I did Kenpo and added on 4DS back. I am starting to run out of cardio workouts I can do without tennis shoes on. I have been doing nothing but kickboxing for a while now...LOL! I will probably do 'willPower and Grace' tomorrow and either bis or tris plus core.

Well..sorry for the completely self centered post, but I promise to be back in the morning...or maybe even later on this evening to catch up with personals. CBL is coming over in a bit to pick up his car (a very long and boring story), and we are going out to dinner...and then back to our own private abodes.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


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