* * Monday Musings at the Watercooler * *


Hi all,
No workout for me this morning. Monday is my rest day. Will go play golf tonite to get a little stretch to the legs. Where is everyone this morning? DH and I have to start getting ready for Memorial Day camping. We'll be gone for about 4 days altogether.

Oh yeah, I checked the mileage on my Honda Civic and got 39.92 mpg. That included crossing the Sierras and back so I was pleased with the mileage and performance of the car. Pretty peppy too for a 4 cylinder.

Morning Coolers,

So sorry I was not around this weekend, but TTOM arrived and I was not in the best of moods. x(

DD's recital was wonderful, and she did a fantastic job. I teared up just watching her. Even though I have seen this dance at every class, it was great to see her right in front of us. :D

Saturday I ran 7 miles, and yesterday I didn't do anything except laundry! x( Just a really bad mood for me. Everyone stayed away! :7 :7

This morning while I was running with Cami, there where sirens going off all over the place, and a flight for life landed in a field near our house. Don't know what happened, but I hope everyone was OK. And that is not the only bizarre thing. As I'm driving down this street, and old lady standing by her car, falls backwards and is on the ground right as I'm driving by her. I slam on my breaks, but thankfully I didn't hit her. The lady behind me got out of her car to help the lady, I was just to rattled! All I can say is that is enough for today!!!

Leaving work early to go watch oldest DD run the mile at her Regional Meet, she may or may not be going to state. If she does go to state, it will be as an alternate in the 4x800. My MIL wants to see her run, and if that is the case we need to be there right as the meet starts. The mile is usually one of the first races run.

Jeanette, Dang on the weather, but you finished! Congrats on that. Bet you are looking forward to this long weekend just as much as I am. I'm just hoping that DH doesn't have to work, because that means that I will have to drive up north by myself. Not that I can't do it, I just hate all the traffic from the vacationers from IL. :D That is very good mileage on your Civic.

Sandra, I didn't get the Amy Hi/Lo KB workout in yesterday, but I'm keeping it on my agenda. Now it might just be something that I need to get in this week. :D

Kim, Hope you have a great time at the cabin. Must have been fun to run, and have DS ride his bike with you.

Debra, Sounds like a good dinner was had, even though the wife doesn't seem to want to make friends.

Patricia, Let me know how you like Jillians 30 day shred. I watched it again on Exercise TV, and they look like good short workouts.

Well I have to run to get downuts for the troops. We are in shutdown right now, so my boss just asked if I could go. x(

Morning Everyone

Having a relaxing morning. Got to lie in to around 9am (with a brief wake up between 6:30-7:30 when DS got up and joined us in bed) DH finally took him for breakfast to allow me some rest for a change.;)

I did 30D Shred last night. The 1st 2 levels. After the 1st level which I thought was good but I had enough steam in me for more (+guilt from all the candy I've been eating lately) I went ahead and did Level 2. I was DRIPPING SWEAT by the end of it. I liked it more for the intensity factor. I started out using 5# and had to go down to 4,3,2's - mainly for shoulder work. The weight work is all compound moves which I'm not crazy about - I prefer isolation work. I'm interested in doing some HIIT w/o's so I think that is how I will use it. The cardio are all drills like jumbing jacks, skating, running. I think I will pull out the rebounder next time as it lends itself very well to this. I'm going to try mixing this in with PUB & PLB over the next week or so. I've got 10# I want to lose and maybe this will help me lose it.

So today will be PUB any maybe a quickie. Have baseball tomorrow night so will miss my yoga.

Sat for about 6 hours in the car yesterday. Its amazing how I feel more tired and drained sitting in a car all day long.

Jeanette - I'm glad you made it through your race. It kinda of S**Ks when the weather doesnt' co-operate. That reminds me, I have to p/u a fan for my w/o room as even though it's in the basement it still gets hot in the summer for working out it. They say a breeze on you is better than a/c. Hope you have fun camping next weekend. I feel sorry for anyone camping this long weekend here. It's rained the WHOLE weekend.

Laurie - your day sounds like it started off awful. I hope it only gets better. I'm blaming my candy binging last week soley on my TTOM. Have my fingers x-d for your DD race later today. Hope the weather co-operates better than it did for Jeanette.

Okay, the sun is out today, but coolish but time to get DS out for some fresh air.

Will BBL to chat and see how everyone else is doing.
Well I'm back after the donut run, and staff meeting. I realized that I didn't give any information on what I have done for a workout today. :D Today was a 3m Run and CTX Kickbox. Will do the BBC Chest & Ab workout later today.

I'm not planning on staying for the whole meet, and I'm sure that my MIL isn't either. DD is only running the mile. MIL doesn't like to drive in the dark, and I'm sure this meet will not be done until late tonight.

Patricia, Enjoy your day off today with you DS. Our weather is probably a lot like yours. It is sunny out, but only in the high 50's. Not bad, but I will be making sure that I dress warm for DD's meet today. :D Thanks for the info on the 30-day Shred. I'm going to get that one too. They only had 1&2 on Exercise TV, and I have heard that #3 is even harder. }(

Have a great day ladies, and I just saw my typos! x(

Good Afternoon Ladies,

Got home late from MIL's house. Everyone except Phil slept in this morning. Can I hear a collective, "Poor Phil!";)

I ordered some curriculum for next year. Since eldest will be in 6th next year, she'll be finishing her elementary math books. I got a panic attack over eldest dd's math course till college. Which author, which edition, which sequence, etc... So, I spent some time researching math books. My head is spinning. Not to worry. It'll all come together once I figure out what to do or sign her up for community college.:7

I'm selling my Fluidity Bar and tapes. Someone is interested in buying it. I don't really use it anymore. I also have the Bar Method dvds if I get a hankering for that type of workout.

Laurie: You really like BBC. I previewed the Jillian Michaels. Os that her name? It was the 30 Day Shred 1 and 2. I think there's a 3, but On Demand didn't have it. Anyways, it reminds me a bit of Jackie's One on One Workout as far as the style. It's the same set. I don't know if I'm so used to Cathe and Tony, but I'm not impressed with these workouts. They look to be beginner to intermediate circuits. Cardio (jumping jacks, running in place) mixed with light weights and body weight ( 5lbs?, push-ups, planks). I just don't see that I would use anything like it. What a strange day you had yesterday! Did you feel like you were living a some strange dream or rather nightmare?

Patricia: LOL You did 30 Day Shred!!!! :7 Maybe, I was wrong about it looking beginner to intermediate circuits. I'll have to put it on my agenda today.

Jeanette: I'm here!!! Just busy this time of year with homeschool and life!!! Sorry, I haven't been here to chat with you guys more. I do think of you all often throughout my day!!! Oh! Man! That sucks to have gotten off course in that heat!!! I would NEVER point you in the wrong direction. You can blame Stacy on that one!:p ;) OMW! I'm so sorry that mostly hot air comes out of me!!!!:+ Yes, in all fairness, blame me!!! ;)Congrats and a Power ^^5^^ for finishing strong!!! ROFL about your friend. She must think I'm full of toxins. And, Phil would have to agree with her.}( I live on microwaved coffee mixed with corn syrup solids. My fingers have constant ink from the dry erase markers and art projects. Wow, I'm going to poison myself to death. The only saving grace is now I use MyChelle facial products. LOLOLOL I can't say that I blame her for quitting extreme sports. It is taxing on the body... not that I would personally know.:7

Sandra: Will you ever get to ride your bike in Canada?!?!?! I think you need to move to Philly. The weather is much more agreeable to outdoor riding.... Spoken by a woman who loves her bike trainer. :7 :+
At least you got a Cathe fix. But, man! Can you walk today?!?!?! I was planning on doing the 4DS legs and step today. But, Patricia has me thinking that I should try out the 30 Day Shred.

Tracy: That is a good idea... a weekend thread. We all have such busy lives. Knowing us, the first time we'd decide on a weekend thread, we'd all want to chat and hit an all time high.:7 :+ If you do a month of X+, just stay safe. Does X+ not have enough leg work? I toyed around with the idea of buying X+, but now that my shoulders are easily aggravated, I'm going to hold off until I heal.

Okay Ladies, I've gotta hit the books. Debra, I'll catch up with you on my next break. Hi to EVERYONE!!! Lea, Stacy/Traci, Nicole, Carol, Kim, Christiane, and anyone I might have forgotten at this very second, but think about during the day.

Have a great day ladies!!!!
Just finished PUB and need to get changed quick and wake up DS.

Invited new neighbours down the street over for a play date. Their in-laws are visiting too so they maybe coming over. I know the kids names are we're always yelling at our kids right? For the life of me I can't remember the parents names so I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to get thru the afternoon w/o having to say their names..:eek: :eek: No fair, b/c when they moved in I gave them my name and number as we were talking outside my house so they'll know ours. + my license plate has my name on it so everyone remember me.

Wish me luck

BBL to let you know how it went and catch up. They're due here any minute.
You all remember me saying how I don't like watching other people's kids. And, that ALL my gfs know not to ask me unless it's an emergency requiring a trip to the emergency room. Well... That day has arrived!!!! My neighbor called me from work. She works in the public schools with children with special needs. Anyhow, she had surgery during my stay in Thailand. Apparently, she has shortness of breath and thinks it's a result from that surgery???? Okay. She needs me to get her child, who has PDD (a form of autism), off the school bus. Going to take a long calming bath before he arrives. He's a sweet boy. He holds it together all day at school and when he gets home, he needs to unwind. Sometimes he plays rough. I'm hoping all goes well for my tiny girls.

Patricia, I'll trade places with you today.;) Just be up front and tell them you are in serious need of ginko biloba! I do it ALL the time.:D :+

Debra: I'm not forgetting you. Just can't track back to weekend posts right now. If I were your XBF's wife, I'd be jealous of you too!!!:*

Chat more later
Good afternoon,

Gorgeous holiday Monday here. We got up and took the kids to a wonderful river valley park this morning, then spent the afternoon playing outside with the neighbour kids. Today's my rest day.

Jeanette - Wow, I applaud you heartily for pushing through such a tough ride! And you did an extra few miles? Well, heck, you ARE an Xer! We're the sort who always go the extra mile, aren't we?

Laurie - OMG, how awful would that have been if you'd hit that lady??? I'm sure you wouldn't have been legally responsible, but how does one live with themselves after that, even knowing it wasn't your own fault? What is a "flight for life?"

Patricia - What's 30D Shred? That's at least the 3rd time today I've come across it. Obviously someone's come out with a new workout. Oh, wait, I see from Wendy's post that it's Jillian Michaels. I get it now (but now, I won't be getting it LOL!). All the compound weight work sounds similar to P90X+ workouts. How'd the playdate go? Did you ever figure out their names?

Wendy - This homeschooling stuff is a lot of work. I hope you see the benefits of it when your children are older and exceeding beyond expectations. I've actually managed to do 2 outdoor bike rides, believe it or not! A big part of the problem is that I only have 1 day each week where it's a viable option for me, and if that day's got crap weather, I'm out of luck until next week. People who can pick and choose their days can get out much more often. Oh my goodness, good luck with the neighbour boy. Babysitting him sounds like a tough job.

Tracy - It was great to see you post yesterday!! Are you making progress with the ACE? Hmmmm. About doing the Plus workouts: I'm finding that three workouts/week that work the upper body so much in the form of push/pull ups is really taxing. In the past I would, at most, work every part 2x/week. So, this is taking me to another level, although I'm feeling it. I'm not looking forward to this third week at all, and considering changing. On the other hand, I won't progress unless I persevere, so I'm trying to stay on track. A positive note is that although there are pull/push ups in all of the workouts, they are fewer of them, than in the P90X workouts. So, I'm not feeling the joint stress as much. My core is responding very, very well to the plank/core work in all of the workouts. And I prefer to do Abs/core+ 3 times a week, over ARX, any day!! For the lower body, I'm adding on 2 Cathe 30mins standing legs workouts each week. For my schedule, that works best following the Total Body+ workout in mid-week, and the cardio workout on Day 6. My workouts are taking, on average, 1hr 15mins every day. I don't know if this helps with your decision or not? So, the June rotation is good, is it?

Have a nice evening,
Hello all, we're home from the lake. Not a very nice weekend but we made the most of it lots of boating, ATVing, walking, bon fires, etc. The kids had fun playing with their cousins with only one big fight. Three days is alot of time to spend together in one small cabin;) We did fireworks one night. Not warm enough to swim though. Holidays are over and back to work/school tomorrow.

Exercise wise I did lots of walking at the cottage and I did do a yoga dvd on the deck of the cottage on Sunday am, thought some others might join me but I did it mostly alone. Tonight I got S&H Legs/Shoulder done.

Patricia We were at Montana's Friday night! The kids always enjoy it. I couldn't eat much after having the dental work done earlier in the day. Did you have a good visit with your brother?

Debra- Did you have fun at the carnival? What happened to the people in California?

Tracy Nice to see you! I thnk one weekend post would be a good idea.

Jeanette-WTG on finishing the race! Did they not have the turnaround well marked?? That must have been really frustrating. It's been so cold here, I'm worried about the weather turning just before the marathon and we won't be used to running in the heat. You're right that a person really needs time to get used to the climate change before a race. Enjoy your rest day!

Laurie Sure hope you're feeling better today! Congrats to dd doing well at your recital, let us know how the other dd does tonight. Was 7 miles your longest run yet?

Wendy- You sound like a busy lady! How's the shoulder feeling now? Hope everything went well with the neighbour's son.

Sandra- I'm glad that you had a good holiday weekend! It sounds like you had much nicer weather than what we had here.

Did everyone see the blog update? Sounds like STS will be a long time yet :-( Maybe I should buy P90X+ for a rotation after I finish my running since STS won't be ready for awhile.

Okay, I went and ordered the P90X+ workouts I guess I am missing Tony a bit and since STS won't be here for a while. Since I'm obsessive compulsive about workouts I need to start planning my summer now ;-) so can anyone give me the rotations with the X+ ? Thanks, Kim
Jeanette - did anyone follow you on your extra leg of the race? That would have been hilarious:p :p Hope you're all recovered now.

Kim - glad to hear everyone had a good time at the cabin. I've often wondered if I would get up the courage at our cottage to do any excercise/yoga at the cottage once it's built. Our neigbours on both sides are really close. How do you like S&H? I only have 2 of the VHS tapes - still trying to aquire back & chest. We ended up going out for lunch with my brother and family as they're in the middle of re-decorating their bathroom and the place was a mess. It funny b/c we dropped off the ATV and trailer and when we got home DS kept asking where it was. He thinks it's his own personal toy!

Laurie - I'm trying to figure out how to fit Shred into a rotation. I didn't go as heavy on the weights today b/c my UB was a bit sore from yesterday even though I didn't go heavier than 5#. Probably b/c there was a lot of push up work. Wondering if it is better to follow it with a leg w/o instead. How did the race go tonight?

Wendy - do you think you could apply for the show Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader now? I wonder if they filter out teachers from that show. Got thru the play date no problem. The husband came later and I didn't need to introduce Brent to the wife so I got his name from her soon after they got here then when her husband arrived during conversation he mentioned his wife's name so now I've recorded it on paper so easy reference in case I forget. :) Generally once I write something down I don't forget it. Took DH and DS out for dinner afterwards at Boston Pizza and won't go back there in any hurry. Subpare food and not a cheap price.;(

Sandra - glad you had a good day. We usually get your weather so sometime this week I may see the sun.

Kim - I am a bit disappointed too in how long its taking STS to come out. I think I've gone out and spent more $$ on DVD's looking for something NOW to get me into better shape.

Well, time to go clean the GP's cage one last time and hit the sack. I'm going to TRY and get up early to do PLB since I have baseball in the evening.
Well, what can I say. Other people's kids aren't all bad!!! I don't know what they are teaching this boy at this very expensive (paid for by the local school district), private school for children with autism. Whatever it is, it's worth every cent!!! OMW! He was so well behaved, polite, and laid back!!! He ate a snack, did his homework, played a board game, ate dinner, and watched a little tv until his mom came around 8:00.

I was wrong about her surgery while I was in Thailand. She had another surgery for her gallbladder during my weekend in NC. She's fine. They ran a few tests and a cat scan. Everything came back normal. She's to follow up with her doctor this week. They think her body is still adjusting and healing.

I finally finished both 30 Day Shreds and Shoulder ^^. I agree with Patricia. They work the shoulders a lot!!! There was ample back work and ab work, some bicep work, but no isolated tricep work. The strength exercises are basically squats or lunges mixed with back or shoulder moves and/or bicep curls or hammer curls depending on the level. In my injured opinion, the shoulders are overworked in comparison to the rest of the upper body. The cardio factor seemed more steady state with a Cardio Coach level 2 and at times a low 3. I wonder how 30 Day Shred's Level 3 is. I thought the second workout was easier than the beginners. That's only because there was breaks between push-ups. In level one, she has you doing push-ups for a minute. In level two, you got to touch your toes and walk out into a push-up position, do a push-up, walk back to your toes, stand up and repeat.

Sandra: What a lovely rest day for you and the girls. I'm itching to buy the X+ workouts. I've even dreamt about picking up where I last stopped before my rotator cuff injury. Crazy! I know! Yeah, this homeschooling stuff isn't as laid back as I used to think it was. Gone are the days of thinking it was easier to sleep in instead of getting the kiddos ready for school at the crack of dawn!!!:7 Really, it's not that difficult. I can always use a new-age traditional math book like the public schools if I shy away from proofs. I've already decided not to force dd to go through Euclid's Elements. LOL Oh!!! Hon!!! See, if you moved to Philly, I'll babysit for you so you can take a ride outside. After today's pleasant experience, I'm optimistic that I won't lose your children! :p :+ How's the instructor's course coming along? Learning lots of new ways to torture prospective clients?;)

Kim: Hi! What a fun weekend!!! Next time, I wanna come along for the fun!!! Ewww, on second thought, I just read how small the cabin is. LOL My shoulder has moments of normalcy. That's about the only way I can describe it these days. It's sore from lots of repetitive movements with light weights. Maybe I can get dh to massage it for me tonight. Are you planning on doing an X+ only rotation or mixing it up with other workouts? Oh! I am so jealous!!! I wonder if I can modify some of the moves for my shoulder. Nope. I'm going to wait by golly!!!

Patricia: Have you ever thought about doing the X? I started a round of the X after working out for only 2 months with Cathe's beginner and intermediate workouts!!! I noticed huge strength gains. I didn't really lose any weight, but my measurements got smaller. Then again, how does that saying go about diet being ?% to size. I did not eat very clean at all during the X!!!

Debra: Where are you?!?!?! Is everything alright with you and CBL? Haven't you tortured the poor guy enough by making him spend the evening with your ex highschool bf?:+ How Miss. Diva doing these days? Is she still singing while doing her hair. She must love life!!!

Okay ladies, I'm off to tempt Phil into giving me a massage. He's so over me being injured. I can already see his eyes rolling. Oh well. I'm no quitter!!! }(

Sweet Dreams to ALL!!!
Patricia: I've never watched that game show. However, I do have problems with the premise. For one, not all schools teach the same scope and sequence. There will be gaps in the best education. So, to say that something is of a 5th grade level is not entirely accurate. At any rate, I highly doubt I'd do well considering my mind is in serious need of ginko biloba!!!!:7 That's my story and I'm sticking to it!:+

Good Night!
Good evening,
Hope everyone is doing fine. After work today, I played 9 holes of golf by myself. Did okay. Then came home and cleaned up the camp trailer a bit. DH also was busy making preps for our trip.

Laurie, hope you are feeling better now. What a bizarre morning it was for you. Glad that lady didn't fall where you'd hit her. Doesn't it just seem sometimes like the world is out of control? How did your DD do today at the meet? Sure hope that your DH doesn't have to work this weekend. Crossing my fingers for you.

Patricia, your Shred workout sounds interesting. How was PUB? I sure like that one. May pull it out tomorrow. Hmmmm. Do you play baseball? That was nice of your DH to let you sleep in. I think I'll get to sleep in a day or two this weekend. Our weather is hot today (in the 90's), but will be windy tomorrow, cooling down on Wednesday thru the weekend. Should be in the 60's for our camping trip, which will be okay. Will make the campfires feel good. LOL about not being able to remember the parents names. So you too have CRS? There might have been others following on the bike race but they were probably doing the route correctly (longer route). I was supposed to turn around long before I did. That'll teach me to pay more attention in the pre-race meeting.

Wendy, hope you get the schoolwork decisions figured out soon. You are such a good homeschooling Mom. My sister is too. Her youngest of the 4 kids is her best student and the only one a home now. My friend also thinks that cell phones give you brain cancer. Seriously, I think she believes it. She has gotten waaaaay into this stuff, but doesn't surprise me as she was waaaaaay into the Ironman training thing. Just her personality I guess. I like her though. I'm sure she is appalled at what I eat too. She hasn't worked out except to run a couple/few times a week since her October Ironman in Hawaii. She hasn't even been on her bike. I think she's done, as in finished with it all. BTW, did you ever buy an espresso machine? Hope the babysitting went okay. You are a good soul neighbor to help out. Oh, I see now that he was good for you. Yaaaah!

Sandra, thanks for the applause for the bike race that wasn't so good for me. I really had hoped I'd do better, but oh well. I read somewhere last night that it takes a couple weeks to acclimate to the heat. Riding on the flat is a lot easier than hills and more air flow around you to keep you cool. That climbing can just be a cooker sometimes.

Kim, sounds like you had a holiday. Hoping we have a good one this weekend too. The turnaround was only for those doing the Olympic distance. The 1/2 Ironman riders were to go on, so no one tried to stop me because they just assumed I was doing the longer distance. What a dufus I was. I think I was just not thinking correctly with the heat thing. I'm wondering now if I wasn't sweating and that's why I feel coldish. Clammy I think is how they describe it. I may have to start riding with my Camelbak in the heat as I can squirt water on my head, legs, arms, etc. Really hope that you either have cool weather for your 1/2 Marathon or the weather turns warm at least a couple of weeks before.

Well, better get to doing some more reading. Pleasant dreams everyone. Have a ladies bike ride tomorrow after work. Hope it's not too windy. Will do some kind of upper body weight workout tomorrow. Maybe Patricia's PUB!

Debra, where are you today? Did I miss that you were leaving for somewhere?


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