~~~Watercooler~~ Fiesty Friday


Just starting us off....back in a bit!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning! I'm up early and have the chance to do my workout now, instead of waiting until mid-morning. Yay! I'm going to do Amy's Hi/Lo Knockout. I know I should have a small snack before I do that, but nothing looks appealing. Well, the mini-banana muffins look appealing, but are probably not an ideal source of energy. I'm still dealing with some residual congestion from that cold last week.

Debra - Your dinner party (tonight? Last night?) sounds interesting, for sure! Do you socialize with XBF often?

Jeanette - Thanks for the reassuring words about my speed. I'll be going out again on Sunday, and hopefully it will be a calmer day. Your ride is almost here! That's going to be fun! I'm impressed that your friend will be doing both the swim and the run portion.

Have a great day!
RRRRRoar this Fiesty Friday

TGIF but holy cow May is 1/2 over. Planning a company function in June and it's just around the corner now. Yikes better get cracking.

Jeanette - real bummer about the delay at work to see any $$$$. Hope they don't take too much tax off at once then. My BIL paid a speeding ticket earlier this year but he got a notice in the mail the other day to say his license is expired for non-payment of the fine. So had to go to court and re-pay and now has to look to see if his 1st payment was ever cashed. It also takes a week or so to get a new license in the mail so he took time off work rather than figure out how to get to work w/o a car. It's funny in that my DH played a nasty joke on my sister last year after she got a Vespra bike. He called in imitating to be a police officer and had her going that someone reported her bad driving. So she sends an email to DH to say now do the trick on her hubby. Its funny b/c she was furious last year with my hubby.:p I live in northern Ontario so just a few hours drive for the Yoga workshop next month:)

Wendy - got PY4H in last night's mail. Depending on how I feel might pop it in tonight and try the Quickie:p


Is it just Canadians with a long weekend?
Dang, I lost my post. My workout this morning was the step and blasts from Cardio Fusion. Easy bike spin tonite.

Sandra, your speed will definitely increase, and a lot the more you ride. Work on your cadence and think of pedaling in circles, pulling back at the bottom of the spin like you are scraping mud off your feet. A lot of us ride in the morning if possible to avoid the wind, but remember "the wind is your friend" if you have to ride in it. My friend does Ironman competitions so this little race for her is nothing.

Patricia, while my sister and I were sitting in the bedroom with Grandma last Thursday afternoon, Dad was in the living room with the TV cranked up (he's hard of hearing). My sister got out her cell phone, dialed my Dad's phone #(red old style rotary phone is sitting right next to his easy chair) and pretends she's a neighbor complaining about the volume of the TV. We were cracking up! He did too, afterward! Wednesday night, I'm over there at Mom and Dad's house around 8 p.m. He calls her up and says he and Mom have been waiting for their "meals on wheels" and they are starving. Of course he was joking, they had eaten about an hour ago. Now that Grandma is gone we aren't doing the meals for them on Wednesday and Friday. Anyway, it was funny. Paybacks!

Okay, got to go now,

Deb, hope the dinner goes good tonite!

I'm back :+ Super busy but productive couple of days. The president of our national association was in town to hold a membership forum one night and one night was our new grads/awards dinner. Since I'm the provinicial rep for another 4 months (but who is counting ;-) ) and was helping organize everything. I took both days off as rest days which was planned as I was stressed enough already as these two events were taking place in the evenings after I had worked all day.

But now it's a four day weekend for the kids and I, DH has 3 days. Saturday we are heading to my family's cottage at the lake. There will be 13 of us in the cabin for the weekend, the kids are excited.Today is just a catch up day on laundry, housework, groceries, etc. I have a trip to the dentist to finish up my crown and someone is coming to give a quote on getting the driveway paved. My running partners are busy (one out of town) for the holiday weekend, we thought we would have a step down week. So I was thinking either a 6 or 8 mile run so either need to do that tonight or early in the morning before we go.

Jeanette CONGRATS on conquering the hill! Good luck this weekend!

Debra LOL on the driving school. Did you get CBL's dd all moved?

Laurie Did you get a chance to eat last night? What a busy day for you!

Wendy Yuck! on being sick. Hope you're feeling great now! LOL on the weight of the barbell. I did something similiar when first working out with Cathe and realized I was lifting more weight than I thought.

Sandra Nice to hear from you! Did you fiqure out dd's rash?

Tracy Glad to hear from you! WTG on shaving off the running times!

Okay...back for a few minutes...I have no idea what workout I will do today....probably Kenpo..I am still having some problems with my ankle and it is hard for me to wear tennis shoes....so I can't do anything that I need to wear more than flip flops. Nice, hunh?? But at least I can do Kenpo naked...lol.

CBL and I had a nice day together yesterday...He is coming over tonight for dinner with my XBF and his wife...to smooth things out a bit...The wife hates me...but she tolerates me because my XBF and I have been really good friends for a lot of years...Truly no romantic involvement since high school (which was obviously more than a few years ago)....but a lot of folks can't understand that. Oh, well.

Nothing else exciting to report....so I guess I will start with personals...

Hope you enjoy Eoin tonight!! And no, we don't have a long weekend this weekend....ours is next weekend. Glad things are easing up a bit at work for you. Instead of a child working out with me, I have the dog....she always likes to watch me workout...especially yoga...she does down dogs beside me...LOL! It's not weird for me or XBF, just for his wife and CBL...LOL. Oh, well. What can you do??

Sorry that cold is still lingering...Aren't you a good girl for thinking of healthy snacks before your workout! XBF and I used to hang out together all the time....but of course, I have lived away from this area for so long that over the past few years we have only seen each other once a year or so. I have been giving he and his wife some breathing room since moving back to NC...especially after XDH and I split up...I didn't want to give her any reason to think I was interested in her man....but I ran into him at the hardware store a few weeks ago...and she got in touch with me over email, so that is what led to this dinner. Glad you are caught up on your mini assignments. How much longer is your course running?? I am really looking forward to Toronto since I have never been to Canada before. I will be able to spend a few days with CBL just exploring the city which should be great fun. No, the Diva is not coming...she will actually be in NYC with her dad during part of our trip and then she will be with my mom for the last part. I will take her to the beach a few times this summer and we are also going to visit Wendy and her family this summer at the Jersey shore. The Diva is going to Washington DC with her dad while he is here, too. How is the rash today?? Poor girl...Hope it turns out to be nothing. How did the desensitization go at the dentist?

Glad you got that lawn mowed...What a good grasshopper you are! Glad your promotion was back dated...Does that mean that you will get back pay as well? I am excited to cheer you on Sunday!! Think of me running beside you the whole time...LOL! When do you leave to go? Saturday? I am always impressed by people who want to be teachers...and this poor girl has been assigned one of the toughest elementary schools in the area to do her student teaching...They are tough there even at 6! If she can do that, she can handle anything! Glad you enjoyed SS yesterday...I feel like we worked out together. My uncle is more than a little eccentric...so he has never had a driver's license. He has always ridden his bike. When he was younger he would ride 100+ miles a day. But I tell you what, he is the healthiest 80 year old I have ever seen. He may be crazy, but he will outlive us all!

I am going to have the Childress Sangiovese tonight! Almost like we are together again...lol. I went to take a peek at what I had to serve tonight with spaghetti...and I picked out that one. Wow...you had a busy night last night...between the dog and the kids....and church. Hope you got your workout in. I hate putting buns in DD's hair...it is just a little too short. Luckily for her dance recital she only has to have the sides pulled up.

Has Lindy been visiting other websites??? I thought you were trying to keep her locked up. My biceps are weak too...I can deep up with Cathe on most every thing except for biceps and legs...well, with the legs, I think it is more laziness than lack of strength....LOL. I also have to go lower on shoulder presses. I just don't do those well. Ugh. I am sooooooooo excited about Toronto...I promise I would not have ditched you even if CBL couldn't come, but then you would have had an uninvited roomie...LOL.

Glad to see you shining face yesterday. Hope things are going well in your world. I guess you are looking forward to summer vacation coming up soon!

Okay...think that catches me up. I guess I will actually have to vacuum and clean out the cat litter before I have company tonight. I cleaned the toilets the other day, so at least that is done! I actually vacuumed the other day, too, but between the dog, the tick and the child, they make a lot of messes! Laundry is on my to do list today too, but when isn't it??

Hope everyone has a great day!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was suppose to be a 7m run, but I am going to save that for tomorrow when I have more time. I'm thinking it will take me more than an hour to run that far. :7 :7 Anyway I did manage to get in the BBC Arms & Abs workout that I missed yesterday, and seg #1 of Stretchmax.

Managed to handle everything last night, and get in a quick salad too. :9 DH said that youngest DD really did a great job at her practice, and we got her pictures to. So tomorrow is the big day for her, and I can't wait to see her in costume. :D

Debra, If you had to go up and down stairs or lift things, that is a workout in my book. Dinner with the an old BF, I don't even know where my old BF lives. :7 :7 And that is the way I like it. :7 :7

Sandra, Still need to try the Hi/Lo Knockout workout, maybe will give that one a go on Sunday. DD's recital is on Saturday afternoon. She is very very excited. I think more so now that she has advanced. You have been doing some great workouts, and I have to agree. You need to have that Cathe smile at least once a week. Your binder must be very organized for you to find that thread, since it was from '04. So she used the mix'n match feature, guess you would need to go from the PP menu to SS. Guess that would give the muscles a rest durning that time period.

Patricia, Strawberry/Rhubarb pie might just have to be the ticket. :9 I have made my Mom's Custard Rhubarb pie for years, and this year I found a recipe called Oma's Rhubarb Cake from allrecipes.com. Sounds really good, and I think I will be trying it out for next weekend when we see my family. My Mom makes the best Rhubarb Crisp. Yes only you Canadians have the long weekend. Ours is next week. ;-) Bet you can't wait for the end of this week to come around. :7 :7

Wendy, Hey WTG on trying out that Jackie workout, don't think I'm going to be spending the $ on that workout. Have you seen the 30-day Shed with Jillian on Exercise TV yet? I looked once, but didn't find it. Maybe I need to look again. I want to see how these workouts are. How does your face feel today, after the sample kit?

Tracy, Glad to see you are doing so well, and WTG on shaving off 10 min. That is great.

Jeanette, Hope you get your $$$ soon, they do the same thing to my DH too. And yes the taxes kill you on that check, but that is probably why we didn't have to pay in so much to the Feds this year. :7 :7 So you are going camping next weekend. We will be headed to my brothers cabin, in the great North woods. Should be fun checking the dog/kids/myself for ticks. x( Dang just thinking about them makes my skin crawl. :D Do you have the same problem in CA? Or are there other pest to bother you? :7 :7

Kim, Had to edit to include you too. Sounds like you had some busy stress filled days, but now you can relax and enjoy your 4 days off. Yep I managed to get a salad into the tummy, before I had to head back to church. Glad that is over for the month though.

Have a great day!

Oh I hadn't thought about the ticks! There are probably out at the lake, hope they're not too bad this weekend. Wondering if the ice is all melted off the lake yet, the kids seem to think that they are going to be swimming.:p Kim
Kim, My kids think that they will be swimming too. We just have not had enough days of warm weather to get the lake up to a reasonable temp. I bet the lake is still in the 30's for temp.

Debra, I really LOVE that wine! I think it was my favorite overall. :9 Hope I have a chance to give the place a call to encourage shipping to me. Will have to tempt them with my membership. :D

I'm here! I'm awake!:+ Just got myself one crazy life!!!

I am feeling sore all over my upper body today. I swear Patti finds new muscles to aggravate every time she massages me. But, I do LOVE her!!!! She went straight to that spot on my butt when I told her about my sciatica nerve was bothering me over the weekend. OUCH! I thought I had gotten over it. Anyhow, she's going to get me in touch with a personal trainer to make sure I'm not transferring weight loads into my shoulders. She gets this concerned look on her face every time she starts massaging my rotator cuffs from the front. She probably gets that look on her face when she's massaging my back, but I can't see her face when I'm looking down. :7

Okay, so what's up with you ladies?!?! Going back to yesterday's personals....

Let's see. Bottom's Up!

Somehow, I can't envision you storming into the office demanding, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!" I'm sure I'd be falling out of my chair laughing hysterically if you did!!!!:7 :7 :7 I used to mow the lawn when I was married to my fat ex!!! Now that the boys are older and Phil needs a hobby:p, I haven't felt the need to touch the lawn mower.:7 The Captain would cringe if he saw the dings on my station wagon. We'll trade it in for another car next year. So, I highly doubt we'll get the dings fixed. Yeah, I posted on VF about Workout's One on One. I was a bit harsh about it. I'm not a big Jackie fan to begin with and those trainers, with the exception of Agostina, look like they don't get enough nutrition to support breathing much less exercising. ROFLOL!!! That is soooo funny!!! Have your mom do some Eoin instead. Or have her just play his free podcast while she's on the computer. His voice is sooo relaxing!!!!!!!!!

Glad to hear work is less stressful. Take a breather with Eoin until the next wave of stress arrives. I was harsh about the Workout workout. But, I just couldn't spend $$ towards the financial gain of that woman!!!

Are you sore from packing up Miss. CBL? So, what cha making for dinner?

Good Gracious Lady! I miss you!!! I miss your expertise and knowledge big time!!! WTG with the running!!! Maybe you could take the dogs for a run to keep you company until your son gets back.

LOL on knowing what's important!!! It's good to hear you are kicking away in style.:7 OH! How the dental drama deconditioning go?!?! There's always something going on in your home!!! Hope the baby doesn't have strep!!! The twins had the rash from untreated strep. Nothing that an antibiotic couldn't cure. On second thought, hopefully it's from strep and not an allergic reaction. We still haven't figured out where Phil's red lobster rash came from.

Your chauffeur day had my head spinning too!!! Where do you get your energy?!?! Street Drugs?:eek: Spill!!!!:7 :+ ;) I love watching River Dance. I'll have to check out the link. I bow to anyone who can make a decent rhubarb pie. Mine always come out tasting too sour. I give up. I know where my strengths lie. And, it's not rhubarb pie!!!! Wasn't that terrible! Even if Jamie Eason wasn't a BC survivor, that was so unprofessional. But, I'm no better with my thin actresses comment. Oh, well. I don't care if it makes me a bad person.:p :D

Okay ladies, I'm all caught up on yesterday's personals. I need to drag my butt away from the computer for a bit. I'll catch up on today's personals latter.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!!
Hi ladies,
Going to make this quick as I need to get to bed. Got off work today, did some errands in town and then came home and took a wee nap. After that, donned the bike clothes and did a 15 mile easy spin for the legs. Also cleaned my bike. Tomorrow morning will workout upper body, then pack to leave around 10 for the valley. A friend of mine was down there today and emailed me that the temp was 102 degrees today and yesterday. I ride around 8 until 9:30 a.m. or so on Sunday so hope it's not too hot at that time of the morning.

Debra, wondering how the dinner went tonite. What did you cook? The promotion is backdated to November 30th and I'll be receiving backpay, which will be nice. Your uncle sounds like a character. Never had a driver's license? That's rare. Bet he is healthy. I'm seeing lots more people riding to the store and such due to the high price of fuel.

Kim, glad you got back okay. Have fun at the cabin. Wow, 13 people! We'll be camping next weekend. I love camping. Thanks for the well wishes for the tri. I'm excited!

Laurie, what a busy day you got thru yesterday. So you are camping too? Hope you have a great time. DH and I are really looking forward to it. He has to go fuel up both diesel pickup trucks. Not fun to pay out that $$$. We need one truck to pull the camp trailer, and one truck to pull the flatbed with the toys on it (Rhino, 4-wheeler for Mom and Dad, generator, etc.) We don't have the ticks up in our elevation like they have down in the valley, but we do have some, mostly out in the sagebrush.

Wendy, glad the massage lady is helping your injury to heal. Did you ask her about the rotator cuff? Hope there isn't a problem there. The lawn mowing isn't too bad as it's a riding mower and doesn't take very long. I really need to get the weed eater out. I don't think demanding my backpay would work well at all. That personnel office is a joke, they are so far behind. Every department is complaining. I've never seen it so bad.

Better get my rear to bed now, it's after 11.


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