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  1. 6

    *******Watercoolers********Wavin' atcha Wednesday, June 4

    VERY late last night was CC #1 and a little stretching on my own. I didn't wear my HRM, but got a good sweat!!! I don't have SJP, so I'll have to decide which circuit to do today. Perhaps a premix of something short since I've got a doctor's appointment and registration this evening. dd isn't...
  2. 6

    ********Watercoolers*********Terrific Tuesday, June 3

    RE: ********Watercoolers*********Terrific Tuesday, June... Hello Ladies, Taking a break from an all day torture fest. Still have a couple more history lessons with eldest, a science project, and spelling on my to-do list. Not to mention, I'm meeting a lady at a local public location. She's...
  3. 6

    ********Watercoolers*********Terrific Tuesday, June 3

    RE: ********Watercoolers*********Terrific Tuesday, June... Jeanette, I posted before you posted last night. It was probably posted after you started your last post. Clear as mud?:+ Sandra: That sounds like a lot of work. So, you're learning step routines, practicing step, and helping teach...
  4. 6

    *** Watercoolers --remember to flip your calendars

    So, I decided to beef up my circuit dvds. I ordered BM2 tonight from I was going to order HSC or HST but couldn't make up my mind. Which one should I try first? Which one do you all like best? Patricia: Do you workout on BB game nights? I haven't thought to see. My BFF...
  5. 6

    *** Watercoolers --remember to flip your calendars

    LIC DONE! DONE! DONE! Darn Pinkie Promises. Well, I got it in before midnight.:7 Opening up a window for personals. Wendy
  6. 6

    *** Watercoolers --remember to flip your calendars

    Did you guys see the STS Coming Soon You Tube clip on the homepage? It looks so cool. It comes at a timely manner. I was having second thoughts. Thought about canceling my pre-order. Jeanette: Dang it! Thanks for reminding me of the pinkie promise. :P LIC sounds good to me. I think I'll do CC...
  7. 6

    **** Watercoolers - Lazy Sunday *****

    What did everyone jump ship today? I've told ya'll how much I love my therapist? Thought so. She is soooo good!!! She broke up one of the knots in my glutes. I have two there that give me some aggravation from time to time, especially when I so step. Anyhow, it's an old one... a trigger...
  8. 6

    So you want to keep your dog outside

    I told my dh about this thread and my reply about our dog's massive shedding. His response, "With all the stuff our kids put the dog through, it's a wonder she's still got hair!" I'm always stumbling across evidence of my kids' cruelty when I scroll through my cell phone pictures. Case in...
  9. 6

    Shout out to the Chinners and P90X folk

    Which one did you decide to get? I got the one from BB. No complaints. I don't screw it into the door frame. It stays in place without the screws, and doesn't mark up the wood. Wendy
  10. 6

    So you want to keep your dog outside

    I didn't even think about shedding when I got my dog from the pound. When I went to see the dogs, I looked at their personality. Had I considered it, I would NOT have given my dog the time of day. Maybe that's why she was in the pounds for months without ONE inquiry. She seriously sheds, BIG...
  11. 6

    **** Watercoolers - Lazy Sunday *****

    Debwra;): Look ^^^ Wendy
  12. 6

    **** Watercoolers - Lazy Sunday *****

    Hi Ladies! We got home from MIL's house a little before 3 AM. Phil and I took a nap in the evening before driving home. I have a massage scheduled in a couple of hours. :-) :-) :-) I doubt I'll want to workout after my massage. Maybe, I'll do a quick sumtin, sumtin before I get ready to go...
  13. 6

    ******Watercoolers*******Saturday Sendoff to May

    Phil would like to warn you guys to beware of engaging in any conversation with me. }( sigh Jeanette and Kim: I should pull out a CC when I get home tonight and release some endorphins. Coach Sean can find them. Right?!?!?!:7 Jeanette: What a ride you had yesterday!!! One nice thing about...
  14. 6

    ******Watercoolers*******Saturday Sendoff to May

    Guess where I am? On the Schukyll Expressway typing on my laptop. Yeah, I'm milking this free month of cell phone modem usage!!!! Anyhow, we didn't leave for MIL's house last night. Phil got home late, and I was exhausted. FYI, Lindy is on a rampage. UGH! Sandra: Nice to see you up and about...
  15. 6

    ~~~Watercooler~~~ Festive Friday

    Laurie: How awesome!!!!! The Best News I've heard all day. That's even better than finding out Tracey is shipping Strike Zone on Wednesday!:7 :7 :7 (Did you hear that Traci?}( ) You must be so proud of your genetic offspring!!!! Jeanette: The Tropical Skin Smoother is a 1 minute exfoliant...
  16. 6

    ^^^^^Watercooler^^^^ Tousled Thursday

    I see that Jeanette has already posted tonight. Can someone remind her to look here tomorrow morning. She always thinks she's the last one to post! I wonder why?!?!?!:-) Okay, good night for real! Wendy
  17. 6

    ^^^^^Watercooler^^^^ Tousled Thursday

    Hey There! I'm sorry I've been MIA these past couple of days. I've been so exhausted with trying to get everything caught up before the end of our school year. Remind me of this the next time I get an itch to fly off to some third world country for a couple of months!!! My MIL and Phil did...
  18. 6

    ****Winging It, Wednesday Watercoolers****

    Hi Ladies, I'm here. Just cramming as much school into our dwindling school year before evaluations and testings in a couple of weeks. We're headed out the door for dinner. I'll catch up with ya'll late tonight. Debra: What did the doctor say was your problem? Okay! I know that's a loaded...
  19. 6

    *** Tuesday Watercoolers - Calm & Collected ***

    What a day! Tuesdays as Mondays are so much harder for me to get back into the groove of things. Anyhoo... I'm feeling up for a circuit rotation too. I need to melt some of the flab off my body!!! I think I'll do CW tonight!!! Patricia: Snow at the end of May!?!?! UGH!!! Knowing my luck --...
  20. 6

    ++++Watercooler++++ Memorial Monday

    Good Evening Ladies, Phil is picking up the clan at movie theater. The girls and neice went to see Narnia and the boys went to see Indiana Jones. We'll be taking off in an hour or so. Patricia, I totally missed most of the commotion. I saw what Beth posted only after she posted an...