Shout out to the Chinners and P90X folk


I'm looking to get a chin up/pull up bar. I want one that works in the door frame. Does anyone have any suggestions on which one I should get?
i use a doorgym. cant remember what web page i used but you can search for it on the internet.

I got an Everlast - works great. I like the different hand placements you can use and flip it upside down to do pushups when my wrists hurt.

They have it on Amazon - don't remember where I got mine but seems that it was about the same price.
Hey Christine! I haven't tried any other ones, but I have the P90X/ beachbody pullup bar and I love it! My brother, 2 brother in laws, and a few friends have bought it also and have been really impressed with the quality.

But... my dh had made me a cheap pullup bar w/ piping in the garage last year when I started P90X... it was fine but the garage got cold this winter so I was happy to be able to do my pullups indoors! Good luck, feel free to email me if you have questions!
Which one did you decide to get?

I got the one from BB. No complaints. I don't screw it into the door frame. It stays in place without the screws, and doesn't mark up the wood.

I would have preferred the doorgym or P90X bar but couldn't due to clearance and corner issues with the door I use. I purchased one from K-mart for $12 that requires installing brackets in the door frame. Then the bar sets down in the brackets and locks in. It is heavy duty and supports up to 400 pounds. The hand grips velcro around the bar so you can adjust them for your grip width.

This is a link to what it looks like off Amazon's website.

The ends of the bar and brackets are hex shaped so there is no movement. The brackets are rather wide so you do need a wide door frame.

Just thought I'd throw out this option in case you don't want to spend as much and don't care if you have to drill into the door frame :)


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