RE: ********Watercoolers*********Terrific Tuesday, June...
Morning Coolers,
Today I have not worked out yet. I came in early so that I can attend oldest DD's track banquet. So yesterday I find out that I have to make a main course for this thing. What to do! What to do! I'm standing in the grocery store (because I have time to kill waiting for my mini van to be done at 5pm), and nothing is there to inspire me. I ended up buying frozen meatballs, and making some brown gravy. Instant main dish, as far as I was concerned. :7 :7 :7 Of course I had to taste last night, and it was quite tasty. :9 Will try to get in an interval run on the TM when I get home, or when my stomach will let me.
My mini van was sparkling clean when I picked it up yesterday. Has bright crome pieces on it! :7 Now I guess I should clean the crud off the wheels, so it looks even better. :7 :7
Sandra, It sounds like you are enjoying your new venture at the Y. I'm guessing that you are almost finished, since you will be teaching your own class soon? Yes the faire season is upon us already! I really didn't want to go on Sunday, my mind just wasn't into it. But when we got there it turned out to be ok. Guess I just needed to see the summer family once again.
I will be joining you on that rotation next week Monday! DH said he was going to be home early tonight, so I'm really getting him to install that pull-up bar for me.
Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to report an accomplishment on that.
Carol, Bootcamp and the bonus burn, WTG. DD said the same thing as you did about working just as hard for that metal.
I'm thinking that one of her coaches told her not to feel guilty about getting the metal too. Now I have to get her a lettermans jacket, because in both Xcountry and track she was on varsity. And of course all those metals need to hang someplace.
She keeps mentioning it, and pointed out the store that sells them in town.
Jeanette, Hope you get your ride in this afternoon, but then again if it is windy remember you cell phone. We went from the 80's to the 50's overnight. x( When I took Cami out for her walk this morning, the wind was blowing full force. DH does where tights, but of course he wears the puffy pants to. In the time of the Renaissance the calf and thigh muscles of the male where what was sexy (they liked the athletic leg).
If DH had been around during that time, his legs probably wouldn't be concidered athletic. ;-) I was planning on getting DH a Starbucks gift card, since he loves to walk there from work.
Otherwise it is so hard to think of something for him.
Debra, I'm very proud of you for getting that workout in. ;-) Oh fish tacos sound wonderful, just wish I could convince my family that they are tasty. :7 Fish and my family don't usually go hand in hand. :7 The "creep" seems to feel that he needs a special invitation to join us. DH told him that even though he isn't part of the management staff anymore, he is more than welcome to participate. No one is able to figure out what the guys problem is. He is just a bumm, really! His marriage recently ended, he lost his job just after they got married. He never tried to get another job, and his wife got fed up. I don't know what he did all day long at home (just worked on his computer), but he never cleaned the house or went grocery shopping. Just a bumm!
DH would have had a great time with the butt comparision.
Kim, Glad your DD's recital went so well. I to am glad that the activites are ending for the summer.
I know that DD has a meeting tomorrow for X Country, so I'm guessing they will be getting their summer running schedule. That I can handle, unless she wants me to take her to the park for a run.
Hmmmm they do have a beach at that park!
The lurker used to be on the management staff, and there where so many issues with him. He was a rules are rules, and you shouldn't let anyone vary from them. His i-con was a German general from WWII. That didn't sit well with a lot of people. Guess I can understand. ;-) DH fired him from the job at the end of last season.
Patricia, I will still call you that. ;-) My family and I are part of the Guilde of St. George, and we participate in the Bristol Renaissance Faire for 9 weekends during the summer. My DH is in charge of the Guilde which has over 100 members. I am the Ladies Captain, so I am in charge of scheduling the ladies for their duties for the day. For our wedding cake, our topper was a prince and princess on the drawbridge of a castle. The whole thing was made out of blown glass, and the vendor was at the faire. So it has become a very important part of our lives. I really like the people, but it can really get the gossip rolling with all the personalities involved.
Here is a link to the recipe that I used, it was really really good. I used to eat it raw too. Still do in fact.
Wendy, WTG on the LIC workout. I'm going to guess that you are asking about the cardio portions of the BBC workouts. I would say that the one with Joey, the Shoulders & Back workout I would rate as the easiest, then the Chest & Abs. Barry's is the killer one. x( Hopefully I will talk to my Mom tomorrow, when I'm actually home, :7 and see about the crust recipe for you. Congratulations on registering for massage school. You will do a great job at it.
Hope I got everyone,