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  1. S

    Rock Bottoms week of July 1st.

    Hey Jenn, I'm still here. Was away most of last week. I stuck with the plan while traveling, except Wed. I slept in so missed cardio session and couldn't make it up later (meetings all day and evening). No exercise on the weekend, though. We were camping and I never got around to trying...
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    Rock Bottoms June 25th

    Hey Lori, I didn't do anything yesterday either. Lower back was sore (has been since my 45 min run last weekend - maybe there's more to why I hate running!), plus I was busy getting ready for my trip to Toronto today. I've adjusted the week somewhat to account for travel, so this morning...
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    Rock Bottoms June 18

    Sorry, I did have you guys mixed up - but only in my typing, if that makes sense. I knew it was you Lori going heavy. I hadn't had my coffee yet, so I'll stick with that excuse!! I did BBW yesterday afternoon. Went with 50 lbs for squats and 60 for deads. This morning was drillmax. Boy...
  4. S

    Rock Bottoms June 18

    Good morning Ladies. I'm here - checked in yesterday morning too. Today is coremax 1 and BBW, so I did Coremax at home this morning and will do BBW a the gym this aft. Good for you Jenn for bumping up those weights! I was using 45 for squats and 60 for deadlifts, but I should likely...
  5. S

    Rock Bottoms June 18

    Good morning fellow rock bottomers! Yesterday was upper body & BBW. This morning was KickMax. Boy, that's a tough one the day after BBW! I think I need to up my calories a bit on the day I do upper body & BBW, cause boy am I wiped out after that. I can barely drag my butt around the...
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    Rock Bottoms June 11-17

    Happy Saturday ladies:D It's a rainy morning here, so I ran 45 mins on the treadmill. Not sure if I'll get in a leg workout later or not - depends on how the days goes :-) Cheers, Susan
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    rock bottom rotation

    Hey Annie, It's the 'Bonus Butt Workout' that Cathe wrote into the rotation (see the rotation from June 2006). There are a couple of us doing this rotation now - you can see our progress reports on the check-in. I'm just finishing week 2 and Lori is at just over 2 weeks (she started a few...
  8. S

    Have to get diet serious...?

    LauraMax, I wonder if you do okay on this plan because you 'carb up' on the weekends? I know when I go too low, I can make it a few days and then I lose it and eat a bunch of carbs and feel better... Just a thought. Susan
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    Have to get diet serious...?

    I think everyone is different. I was recently training for a figure competition and as such, ended up going really low carb. While I looked pretty good, I was crying at the drop of a hat, yelling at my kids and didn't have enough energy to do anything other than my regular workouts (and those...
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    Feeling discouraged

    Kim, I was laid up with a bad back for about 9 months. Since then I've gotten into the best shape of my life (I turn 40 this year). Don't panic, you'll get back to it. I had to start slow, but as I felt better I did more and it just escalated to the point where I rarely have back problems...
  11. S

    You must see this! OT

    The thing that made this even more heart-wrenching is that he was so nervous and self-conscious! Brought tears to my eyes! It's amazing to think that someone that talented can be oh so not confident. Glad he pushed himself and performed!
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    Favorite childhood food?

    Wow, ready this post brought back so many memories of food I don't eat anymore! Love the PB&J, oreos and the no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies that someone else mentioned. My mom used to make corn fritters and we'd have them with sausages and maple syrup! I gotta get my mom to make some...
  13. S

    Thoughts on Imax 2?

    oooohhh, you're gonna love drill max!
  14. S

    Rock Bottoms June 11-17

    Hey Lori, I'd go for the outside run unless it's too hot - the fresh air makes it so much easier. (Maybe I'll have to try that tomorrow morning if it's not raining.) RS was a blast this morning. I'm still messing up some of the moves, but not too bad. I definitely think I'll do this...
  15. S

    Thoughts on Imax 2?

    Imax 2 is great fun and goes by really quickly. It's definitely one of my faves!:7
  16. S

    Rock Bottoms June 11-17

    Good for you for getting it done Lori!:-) Today is upper body & BBW for me. And tomorrow morning will be Rhythmic Step, which came in the mail yesterday. I previewed it last night and it looks like fun! :P Can't wait to try it out! Have a great day! Susan:7
  17. S

    Rock Bottoms June 11-17

    Good morning ladies! Yesterday was upper body and BBW for me. Boy, it must be the cold, cuz I definitely didn't feel as strong yesterday as last week. Serious butt cramping by the end of BBW. My legs weren't sore from the walking lunges, though, so that's progress! This morning was KPC...
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    Three things that make you smile

    Nature Being half my former size (Okay, I LOVE buying small clothes!!) My family :7
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    Rock Bottoms June 11-17

    Hey Jenn, I can totally relate - if I don't get my workouts in before the end of the workday they just don't get done. I do my cardio before work and I go to the gym on my lunch hour to do weights. That way, the evenings are mine with my family (although, getting up at 5:00 am or earlier...
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    Precision Nutrition vs. BFFM

    Thanks for the response DeeDee!