Search results

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    Carol Elizabeth is here!

    Hi Cathe and everyone! Well, Cathe, it looks like I beat you! Carol Elizabeth was induced on 3/22 and arrived at 12:36pm, weighing in at 4 lbs, 14 oz and 18 1/4 inches in length. Her APGAR scores were 9's :) She went directly to the "Newborn" nursery, but then presented with some shallow...
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    Just checking in...

    Hi Susan! Thanks for your response... I'm almost at 36 weeks, which is a good thing. I'm glad this problem didn't arise earlier, but at this point the baby would be just fine on the outside if she needs to come out early. My due date is April 23... I am going a little nuts lying around -...
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    Just checking in...

    Well, for the past week I have been on bed rest, as per my OB's request, in an attempt to keep my blood pressure down. When I'm lying down it's near (what is considered) normal range, but when I'm up and moving around it gets pretty high. I called my doc early last week and went to see her...
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    Fit Pregnancy Books

    I second the recommendation of "Expecting Fitness" by Birgitta Gallo - it has been an excellent reference throughout my pregnancy. It even includes exercises that can be done if you're put on bed rest (as I have been) Take Care! AmandaVL
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    Cathe how are you doing?

    Hi Cathe! Glad to hear that your checkup went well :) I hope that I'll be able to report the same this Friday after mine... Thanks for sharing with me the story of Eric's birth. My mother had her first 3 weeks early with no answer as to why either, and also delivered a healthy baby. My...
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    Cathe how are you doing?

    Cathe, Just wondering how your checkup went - was it this past Friday? I hope all is continuing to go well with you. My next checkup is this Friday, although I think I may call and make it earlier - last week I saw my primary care physician (for a cold) and my pressure was up in his office. I...
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    Cathe at 34 Weeks

    Cathe - wow , you look great! And your son is adorable! I'm glad things are going well with your pregnancy and hope they continue to do so - please keep us all updated :) AmandaVL
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    Katie is here :)

    Congrats! I'm so glad to hear everything went and is going well for you and Katie! AmandaVL
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    Weight Gain

    Hi LizN! They say that fiber fills you up, but I'm beginning to think that's a myth! I eat a lot of fiber but I'm still a bottomless pit. Although, I must say it IS true about fiber helping to keep you regular - I have not had any problems with constipation at all throughout my pregnancy...
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    Cathe - my checkup

    Hi Cathe! I just returned from my checkup - everything seems to be going well - this past month I've gained the most of any month so far - 7 pounds! So it's a total of 28 so far. I'm not going to diet or anything, but I hope I don't gain too much more - I feel like a stuffed sausage as it is...
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    birth plans...

    Thanks everyone for responding - there were some things mentioned that I didn't think about that I will definitely include in our plan, like the idea about holding off on the eyedrops for awhile, not giving the baby a pacifier, etc. I'm hoping the labor plan will go smoothly BUT will try not to...
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    Our Baby Boy Has Arrived!

    Congrats Wendy! AmandaVL
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    birth plans...

    This is a question for women who have already given birth one or more times. I'm wondering if any (or all) of you had a birth plan in place before you went to the hospital (or where ever you gave birth) and how many of you were able to actually carry out every aspect of your plan? I'm a...
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    crawling out of the woodwork AGAIN!

    Hi Cathe! Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well. I guess if my favorite fitness instructor isn't worried about her weight gain, then neither should I :) I wonder which one of us will deliver first??? I, too, have had minimal swelling in hands, face, and ankles, although I have removed...
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    What do you crave most?

    ebh87 - I couldn't get enough mashed potatoes my first trimester, only I would melt cheddar cheese into them! Yum! AmandaVL :)
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    Hey Everybody!!

    Congrats Tricia! :) AmandaVL
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    What do you crave most?

    Lately it's been cheddar cheese and triscuits. Also, my car seems to know the way to the local ice cream parlor and it takes me there almost every day for a small, soft chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles... Oh, and just about everything else. I'm thinking of changing my name to...
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    Weight-training questions - also ultrasound update!

    Hi Windy! I found I had trouble with pushups around 20 weeks also - even the pushups from the knees - I would also say try the pushups on all fours - I've been doing them since 20 weeks and now I'm almost at 31 weeks and they're still the most comfortable! Take Care! AmandaV
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    crawling out of the woodwork AGAIN!

    Hi All! I know my posts are few and far between - I should be more consistant about posting - I hope everyone is doing well with their pregnancies - mine is going great so far and I attribute most of that to keeping fit and eating right. My doc says I'm right on schedule with everything...
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    crawling back out of the woodwork...

    Hi everyone! It's been quite awhile since I've last posted - life has been really hectic lately. My pregnancy is going well, thank goodness. I had my ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and we're having a girl! We'll be naming her Carol Elizabeth, after my best friend that passed away in August...