What do you crave most?


Active Member
Lately it's been cheddar cheese and triscuits.

Also, my car seems to know the way to the local ice cream parlor and it takes me there almost every day for a small, soft chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles...

Oh, and just about everything else. I'm thinking of changing my name to "bottomless pit"

Hi Amanda (aka Bottomless Pit),
In the first few weeks all I wanted was mashed potatoes. I would eat them anytime of the day. My husband would eat dessert at 10:30pm and I would eat mashed potatoes.
Recently, it's been yogurt, but generally I haven't been experiencing any more strong cravings.
The first trimester I craved cheesburgers and/or Sonic's chili cheese tater tots with jalepenoes!. Then (and sometimes at the same time) I craved hot fudge sunade's with bananas! OH MY

My cravings settled down (thank goodness!) the second trimester. I rarely have a total "need" for something other than chocolate :)

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002
4 days to go​
The first few weeks I HAD TO HAVE strawberry bubbalicious bubble-gum but I switched to bubble yum because it stays softer, plus berries and cherries popsicles - and I wanted NO meat!
It's been the same in both my pregnancies -- Chick Fil'A sandwich with extra pickles. I've been feeling like a bottomless pit myself in the last couple of weeks -- I hate feeling nauseous and hungry at the same time!
I'm only 4 weeks and don't have any nausea or smell aversions (I won't say yet, because I'm hoping not to this time around), but the thing I've been craving the most is WATER!!!!!!!!! -- Renee
JUICE! As boring as that sounds, I can't get enough of it as of the last two weeks. Cranberry, pink grapefruit, grape juice, orange etc. The only one I don't care for is apple juice.
ebh87 - I couldn't get enough mashed potatoes my first trimester, only I would melt cheddar cheese into them! Yum!

AmandaVL :)
I ate a 12 oz bag of Calmyrna figs every day for about a month when I was pregnant. I would eat them first thing in the morning. No black figs, only the white ones would do! Then I had to have chicken salad from a particular restaurant in Virginia Beach, so I used to go there almost every day. It was amazing how strong those cravings were.
The most consistant cravings I have are for grapefruit and pudding (especially butterscotch - the kind you cook not instant). I guess I should be thankful that at least one of those items is super healthy! :)

When I was pg with my daughter I craved beef jerky, cheeseburgers, and butterfingers (not the small ones either--the bigger the better). We're trying for #2 now and I'm hoping I crave salad and chicken breasts LOL!!

With pregnancy #1, it was an awful craving for Whoppers with Cheese. I thought it was so weird... because I usually don't eat a ton of red meat, and my body was very specifically wanting the Burger King variety. No home grilled burgers or other fast food would do.

This time, I have days where I'm specifically craving peanut butter (I think it's my body looking for iron)...and definitely for sugar in general... but I've also craved the healthier variety... fruit, juice, and yogurt. A little healthier than Burger King LOL.

>Spinach and turnip greens. Pretty
>weird, huh?

I've heard worse!

My cravings have been for Weetabix and really cold milk (skimmed of course!) and Vegemite on toast (Yes, I'm an Aussie, can't you tell?)
Liz N
Do I have to pick one?

lol!! I'm 37 weeks and I am craving so much food, period, now!

Lately it's been fruit--I can't seem to get enough of it!

Another craving is cereal--pretty much any kind--with skim milk. I try to at least make sure some of the cereal is semi-healthy--i.e. Special K, All Bran. But I also have been indulging in some Fruity Pebbles! :)

Of course, dessert of any kind is always welcome--I like pudding with cool whip on top, ice cream, Italian ice, and I've been craving key lime pie lately (Florida native here--it's one of my faves!!), so I am going to whip one up tonight....yum!

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