Weight-training questions - also ultrasound update!


Active Member
I am at 20 weeks and having trouble with pushups. They seem so much harder (even on my knees) with that extra weight. Can we do pushups through the entire pregnancy? I will soon need to put my hands on a Step to accomodate the belly. Also, when we do weight-training on an incline, how much incline is enough? Should I put one, two or three risers under one end of the Step?

Had my ultrasound and it's a girl! My two sons were so disappointed but they are getting used to the idea of having a sister now.

Hi Windy,
I think in an earlier thread, Cathe mentions doing push-ups against the wall when you get too uncomfortable doing them on the floor. She also suggested doing triceps push-ups against the wall - with your elbows close to your body around midchest level.
That's exciting about your little girl! Funny that your boys are disappointed - I have three boys and they are all hoping for a girl. I was really surprised - I thought they would definitely want another boy.
Congratulations on your little girl :)

Another modification you can make is to do a pushup on all fours.
Get on all fours (like you are crawling), making sure that your hips and shoulders are square. Then, keeping your boobs (sorry... that's the best cue I can think of LOL) in between your hands, go straight down and press up... don't lift your feet. You'll resemble a chicken pecking, but you'll also be protecting the ligaments that support your growing uterus. You can increase your sets if you aren't getting enough of a challenge. The drawback to these types of push-ups can be uncomfortable wrists... carpal tunnel due to water retention isn't uncommon in pregnant women. I'm 25 weeks now, and I do these along with chest presses on the machines at the YMCA where I teach.

Make sure you aren't doing anything that makes you physically uncomfortable... you've got a lot of relaxin in your system (loosens up your joints), and your "weight plate" (the baby, uterus, placenta, and amniotic fluid)will grow rapidly in the next few months.
Hope this helps!
Susan Hyde
Healthy Moms Certified Perinatal Exercise Instructor
Hi Windy!

I found I had trouble with pushups around 20 weeks also - even the pushups from the knees - I would also say try the pushups on all fours - I've been doing them since 20 weeks and now I'm almost at 31 weeks and they're still the most comfortable!

Take Care!
Hi Windy! Oh a girl, how exciting! You have already gotten great advise on push ups so I will comment on the incline of your risers. I asked my doctor this a few months back and he told me that even a slight incline is enough to keep blood flowing to the baby(therefore one riser is acceptable). But if you want more of an incline that is totally fine too. Good luck!

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