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  1. S


    I know! I just got a surround sound system for Christmas. Put KPC DVD in...I loved the result. I can enjoy my DVDs even more! Lisa
  2. S

    Please post your BB DVD premix reviews here!

    I didn't even think about using the work out blending. I just used my remote to go through all the chapters and pick out the weight work I wanted to use. However, I am going to play with the workout blender today and see how it works. Lisa
  3. S

    Please post your BB DVD premix reviews here!

    Well, it is not really a premix but...I just did the upperbody weight portion of the timesaver. It took me approx. 45 min. I tried to go very heavy and I am feeling it right now. It had alot of ab sections. I am one that had a mix up with the supersets dvd so I had to use the timesaver to...
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    ruptured disk

    Hopefull, My husband had a herniated disk in March. It took a while for the drs' to get the correct diagnosis. But, once they did, they increased his pain meds immediately and had him in for surgery within 4 days! Waiting until the end of July is outrageous! They had my husband on Aleve...
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    Did Gauntlet for my bday!

    I did Gauntlet for the first time today. It was great. I however, did skip through the interval blasts and recovery. It was 55 minutes this way. I don't think I could have done the entire thing. Really loved the workout. My goal was to work up to doing the terminator dvd. If you can do BC...
  6. S

    where to add circuit max into my rotation

    thanks guys you answered my questions. I will try it saturdays instead of super cardio. Glad to know it is more cardio than strength. Lisa
  7. S

    Can someone tell me....

    it is not yet available SNM videos recently posted that the release date will be soon. Lisa
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    where to add circuit max into my rotation

    I am currently doing a PS rotation. Circuit max/cardio kicks dvd is being shipped now. Can I do it and my PS at the same time? or should I wait until I am done with the PS rotation? Here is my workout schedule Su: 30 min cardio and PS CTS Monday: IMAX or other cardio Tue: PS legs Wed...