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  1. R

    Do rotations exist for LIS and other workouts?

    Thank you so much! I was hoping something like this existed. I really appreciate you directing me to it!
  2. R

    Do rotations exist for LIS and other workouts?

    I'm wondering if there is any place on the website where I can download each DVD's rotation. I want to keep track of the weight I use for each exercise, and was hoping that lists of the exercises exist somewhere for the LIS series. I know they have it for XTrain and STS, but haven't seen them...
  3. R

    What is considered "active recovery"?

    Cathe, can you provide some direction as to what kind of activity (and how much) we should be doing during our active recovery weeks? In looking through posts, some people seem to be doing as much, or more exercise than they do during a meso cycle! So I was wondering what kinds of activities...
  4. R

    Active Recovery Week

    Does anyone know how much "activity" we're really supposed to be doing during the Active Recovery Weeks? In looking through old posts, some people appear to be doing as much, if not more, than they do during a Meso Cycle! Has Cathe ever given any direction as to what she considers "active...
  5. R

    Significant strength difference in right and left arms

    I have a very significant difference in the weight that I can lift in my right and left arm. The difference is about 40%! (In other words, if I'm using a 10 pound dumbbell in my left arm, I can only use a 6 pound in my right arm.) I have two questions related to this. First, for exercises...
  6. R

    Confused about target weight with dumbbells

    When the program calculates your target weight, based on your 1RM, is that the TOTAL WEIGHT you should be lifting, or is it the weight PER DUMBBELL? On the tutorial, Cathe said to put down the weight of one dumbell, not the combined weight, when figuring out your 1RM. So, for example, with...
  7. R

    STS 3-1/2 month vs. 6-1/2 month

    Can someone tell me what the difference is between the 3-1/2 month STS and the 6-1/2 month? I see references to the longer format, but haven't found any information about it. Thanks!
  8. R

    Drill Max with Tall Step?

    I do not own an "original" step. However, do own a High Step and I love High Step Challenge, High Step Training and Boot Camp. I've read on this site that Cathe's new Drill Max workout is excellent and I'd love to try it. Can I do Drill Max using High Step (with only a few risers, of course)...