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  1. J

    stomach problems

    I was just diagnosed with IBS, too. The IBS websites don't want to give you the real info, they just want you to buy their book. So I went to Amazon to check out the books available, and they all sound like good books, so I ordered a couple of them. One of them is "What can I eat if I have IBS?"...
  2. J

    Music Makes the Workout!!!!

    Hey Kweller, I know what you mean about cardiokicks being cathartic. When Cathe brings the guys up front and we're all punching like crazy, and the music's going "Get-get-get-get-get off on b----" I practically collapse into a laughing/crying mess! Thank God nobody's watching! Do you think...
  3. J

    the pill at 36???

    I'm in the same predicament. I quit Depo because I was either bloated or bleeding, it made my hair stop growing, and supposedly it decreases your bone density. I'm looking for a permanent solution, and I think I found it, but it won't be FDA approved until next year. It's a non-surgical...
  4. J

    My 3rd Cold This Year!

    Hi Jillybean! I don't know if this will help you, but something is helping me, I'm just not sure what it is. I can't remember my last cold, but I think it was 6 years ago. It's really bizarre because I'll get all the symptoms of a cold coming on, and then they just disappear. I started taking...
  5. J

    Zzzzzzzzzzz . . .

    I was in zombie-land all day yesterday! I compensated for the lost hour by going to bed an hour early, so with lack of sleep not being a factor, I was amazed by how messed-up I was. I'm ok today, and I don't recall it ever taking more than 1 day to adjust. Try to have a nice week anyway!
  6. J

    knee pain

    I never got CardioKicks because I was so not thrilled with CTX Kickbox. The arm drills just bore me. If it's a better workout than Kickbox, then I guess I'll go ahead and get it since I have to find ways to give my knees a break. Thanks for the advice!
  7. J

    knee pain

    Thanks everybody for all the suggestions! My shoes are quite old, so I guess I'll start there and make some other adjustments before I try the doctor. A massage would be great, but I had one many years ago and I'm so ticklish that I laughed all the way through it!
  8. J

    knee pain

    I'm 37 years old and have been stepping on a 6" step for years. I started having knee pains recently, different pains in different places in each knee. I read the thread about Glucosamine/Chondroitin and decided to start taking it. After about a week of taking it my right knee started...
  9. J

    Landing toe-ball-heel

    I keep getting a strange injury to the back of my knee that feels like a hyperextension, and I'm wondering if that's what happens if you don't always land toe-ball-heel, or if you come down hard with the foot that you're supposed to just tap lightly on the floor with. What kind of injuries would...
  10. J

    Breathing for shoulders

    Hi Cathe and everyone! This is my first post, so excuse me if I mess it up. My question is about breathing. During weight work I exhale on the exertion part of the movement for every body part except shoulders. For some reason my body wants to inhale on the exertion part of those movements. I'm...