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  1. F

    check in 8-11-01

    Well, I'm here to check in. The weight work had slacked off quite a bit the past few months. A little too much cycling, not enough lifting! That, however.... has CHANGED as of this week. I intend to get back to "whence I came"!!! Or at least work on it. Monday: Step Aerobics Class at the gym...
  2. F

    Check in for week ending 8/4

    In Limbo.... Well, I'm in limbo as to what to do. Thought I was headed for a slump, but I think I'm ok now. :-) Started a Firm Rotation, that lasted 3 workouts. Missed biking, spinning, and trying to vary things. Oh well, that's this week, ask me next week! ;-) Here it is: Monday: Rest...
  3. F

    check-in 7-27-02

    Gettin' Back into the Swing of things! Hey Folks! Been yet another week. Hard to believe that it was only a week ago we had the victory parade in Boston. Seems like months! :-( I am happy that the let-down blues were only minimal. Maybe cuz I was prepared for it (this time!) and got right...
  4. F

    step fit or power max?

    My vote goes to STEP FIT..... Cari: Step Fit was one of my first and FAVORITE Cathe tapes. It's longer then alot of the step workouts (something like 70 minutes!) I absolutely love the warm up (use to use it for warming up before running) and it just seems to flow. I don't seem to get too...
  5. F

    Check-In For Week Ending 7/22/01

    Better Late Than Never..... Mornin' Folks... I know that this is late, but I'm back from NorthEast AidsRide and It was the absolute thrill of a lifetime! I say to anyone who might be considering doing this type of event, but are waivering, JUST DO IT!!! The people, the experiences, the fun...
  6. F

    Check-In for week of 7-8-01 thru 7-15-01

    My Rest Week..... Or as close to a rest week as I'm going to come! ;-) Hi Folks... I take off on Wed. a.m. for the Day Zero of the AidsRide and I'm excited/nervous. Opening Ceremonies are actually Thurs. morning! Our schedule is 85 miles Thurs. & Friday, 110 on Saturday and 50 on Sunday...
  7. F

    My disappointing 10K race! :(

    Every Race is as individual as the person running it! And don't forget that.... What you have to do is not judge the 10k by the previous 10k you ran 3 mos. ago, but rather, run it NEXT year and see how well you do against yourself on the SAME course! So much plays into running, the course, the...
  8. F

    Check in for 7-8-01

    Well, another week over. Where do they go? Everyone's weeks look great. The holiday in the middle of the week was a bit wierd. Let me get right to it: Monday: Biked 56.21 miles, but was tired. Tuesday: Yoga For Athletes (first two sections) Still don't like Yoga, but KNOW I have to stretch...
  9. F

    Check-in 6-30-01

    Still Jumpin' Is Christi Taylor's new video. It's a hi/lo video that has some excellent music in it. The choreography is not as difficult as some of Christi's older tapes can be (hi/lo Heaven, Happy Hour). it's just a bunch of fun.... And trust me, I never jump very much... EVER! ;-) I ended...
  10. F

    Check-in 6-30-01

    Thanx Wendy!!! And btw.... I fully expect to see "Still Jumpin'" listed in your future check ins... (tee-hee.... love to spend other people's money!!!!)..... LOL. Cleda
  11. F

    Check-in 6-30-01

    RE: Atta Girl Again! Debra: I've truly appreciated your help along the way! thanx! Nope... didn't cure the "sunburn" problem, BUT the sunscreen under all layers seems to take care of it. So, I should be ok. They mentioned the slow miles, flats, etc... but the problem is, I have hills all...
  12. F

    Check-in 6-30-01

    NanC..... GREAT week!!! I wish you WERE on the ride with me (but there's always that Century you told me about!!! hint, hint!!! ;-)) I've been told I really shouldn't give up cycling, even when the event is over. Have considered maybe BUNGEE JUMPING next... but I don't think it's my style...
  13. F

    Check-in 6-30-01

    Comin' Down the Home Stretch Hey Folks! Well, the AidsRide is 2 weeks from Thurs. (Day Zero -- Checkin Day is Wed.). I am coming down the home stretch in training and if I'm not ready now, I NEVER will be! :-) Debra: I broke down and bought a pair of long cycling pants (with padding)! I...
  14. F

    Early check in for w/e 6/23

    Still in the Quandry...... Debra: I thought of you this week, cuz NO! I haven't gotten the biking shorts yet. :-( I still am not real sure about getting them. Might pick up a pair on Tues. night to try them. I did get sunburn and/or heat rash through my leggins'. Nothing major, just never...
  15. F

    Early check in for w/e 6/23

    It's that time again! Figure I'll do this, while I'm thinking of it or it will be mid-week and I'll wonder where the time went! :-) Monday: Rest Day Tuesday: Rest Day (I was very tired, figured my body needed it, with last Sun. made 3 nice rest days in a row. Life got kinda hectic and...
  16. F

    Check-in 6/16

    Better Late Then Never....... I can't seem to get back into the groove of checking in! :-( Anyway, late, but here: Monday: Step Aerobics Class with favorite instructor Tues: Rest Day!! Yep -- still need 'em :-) Wed: biked 52.31 miles Thurs: biked 10.87 miles Fri: Step Aerobics...
  17. F

    early checkin for week ending 6-10-01

    RE: are you nuts? Yep! Anyone who has met me will tell ya... I am (see subject line)!!! ;-) However, I must tell you.... I have MOST of the gear... except for the shorts. I have the 100 oz. camelback (MULE), clipless pedals, helmet, sunglasses, and gloves.....I come with quite a bit of my own...
  18. F

    early checkin for week ending 6-10-01

    Whole Lotta Cyclin' Goin' On..... LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-01 AT 04:32PM (Est)[p]Everyone's weeks look great! Happy Birthday Trevor Quick Recovery Suzanne (that sounds AWFUL!) Erica: when it rains, it pours, doesn't it? Emily: WB, I just got back myself (no baby here...BTDT, just not checkin'...
  19. F

    Check-In for June3rd.!

    RE: tipping my helmet to you! Why thank you Debra! I always read your cycling mileage with awe! I often wondered how anyone could bike SOOOO much! ;-) Now I know I guess. No, I don't train with a group. I have read several books, become best buds with the bike shop people, ask tons of...
  20. F

    Check-In for June3rd.!

    Ahhhhh just like Old Home Week!!! Glad to see YOU post also Kim! Wondered where YOU got to. What a lengthy recovery on your hamstring...... I say it's time to get the old familiar faces BACK in here and postin'....Thanx to all who kept the check in going!!! (At least for me) it's a new...