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  1. S

    Quick poll to mothers of daughters

    I don't have a daughter, but I have sisters who have daughters and I have a teenage son. Your daughter may be a very sweet girl but I can tell you that my teenage son if he happens to notice a thong sticking out of a girls underwear, he's not thinking about what a nice personality she has. I...
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    P90X, again...what are the bare essentials!?!

    Kathryn, where did you purchase the bands from? If you bought them from P90X how much were they? Do you think they could be purchased somewhere else for a cheaper price? I don't want to have to order anything with a card? Thanks
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    I DID IT!!!

    >I ordered on 6/14 and am waiting for my package to arrive. >Anyone know how long it usually takes?? I'm getting so >anxious!! }( I heard it should take anywhere from 7 to 10 working days. However the first time I tried to order it online and I called to check on the order a few days...
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    P90X equipment/time

    Thanks for all the responses guys. At first I didn't think I would get any. I'm going to try and order my DVD's this week. Now I know what else is going to help this to work for me. Thanks alot. I hope I see results in just a week, you guys almost sound like an infomercial. How are the...
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    P90X equipment/time

    How long did it take you guys to get your DVD's and what is the first set of equipment that you must have in order to get started? Thanks
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    I am giving in..

    Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate it. I'll give it a try. Thanks again.
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    I am giving in..

    Another question what additional equipment will you need at first to get started with these workouts?
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    Question about Muscle and Weight Gain

    Thanks for the replies guys. It makes sense.
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    I am giving in..

    Can you write down again what that additional link was for the 10% off. I tried the link a couple of times and they said it wasn't a valid site. I'm also interested in ordering the P90X. I don't know if I'm ready for it but I'm certainly willing to give it a good try. Thanks for any help.
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    Question about Muscle and Weight Gain

    I'm glad everyone's happy about their p90X equipment. How much is that with the thread of 20 and then 15% off? Anyway, my real question was if you are truly gaining muscle wouldn't it make sense that you would also eventually gain weight? Or would you stay steady? I've seen definition but...
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    Shapely Vs. Larger Calves

    Whats the best formula for developing shapely vs. larger calves? That seems to be one of the most stubborn places on my body. My calves are actually pretty small so I would like them to get larger. However I would like to know the formula for doing one or the either? Any suggestions?
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    Water Retention

    Thanks to both of you for your replies this is a frustrating problem. The only diuretic I've really tried is the one they say is in pamprin or midol for bloating. It's really nice to know that I'm not alone in this problem. Thanks again.
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    Water Retention

    Does anyone else get the water retention weight gain 2 weeks before the start of their period? I always here on the commercials about the week before the period but I swear for me it starts 2 weeks before and then levels off the week before my period. Does anyone else have this problem or am I...
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    retracting shoulders

    I'm glad she asked that question too. I didn't exactly know what she meant either. Thanks so much for answering that Kathyrn.
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    I would consider if you've recently switched your workout program. Maybe the newness of the routine as got your body feeling taxed. Maybe not necessarily overtraining but just a new routine. Maybe.
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    Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Hopefully one day soon there will be something out there that really helps without any fearsome side-effects attached to the product. I understand growing older gracefully, however the main reason that I exercise is to grow old gracefully and if there is something that I can do to ease my way...
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    Cardio w/Weights or Muscle Endurance

    Thanks for getting back to me. I have done Muscle Endurance before and the ab section is a killer, especially felt the day after, but I do like it. Thanks
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    Sorry I'm just now replying to all of you guys, thanks for your responses. I hope I'am gaining some muscle and losing some fat. I certainly workout hard enough. Good suggestion with taking photos.
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    Cardio w/Weights or Muscle Endurance

    Can I get some replies for this one? I need to know which one is the most fun and the most endurance based? Cardio w/ weights on the from the Intensity Series or Muscle Endurance from the Intensity Series? Thanks
  20. S

    Muscle Endurance or Cardio w/Weights

    Which do you guys think is the better endurance workout? I've done Muscle Endurance twice and I really think it's a good workout, especially the killer ab section. Which do you guys think is the better endurance workout? Which do you think is the most fun? Thanks