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  1. C

    Terrible customer service ????????

    Tonya--It's really simple: If you don't want people to be angry with you, don't call them liars! I would hope that you would understand that being called a LIAR (in all caps yelling tone) for commenting on an experience, might just make some one mad. Or am I silly to speak rationally here?
  2. C


    Tracy, Thank you for your kind offer. Could you email me the rotations? [email protected] Thank you! cindy
  3. C

    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    RE: Rotations Hello Kathy, Could I be added to your list too? Thank you SOOO much for doing all this work! :) Cindy [email protected]
  4. C


    Hi Lex and thanks for the super speedy reply. I will email you directly too. I actually tried the Body Ecology Diet--for about 5 days :-rollen And then I freaked out! I also have read the False Fat Diet and have somewhat tried to implement his suggestions. For example, I know I feel better...
  5. C


    I hope you don't mind me writing to you, but I was struck when reading your response to Crystals post a few months back--we have much in common. I too have serious asthma and it affects my ability to exercise and the meds I have had to take over the years (you know, prednisone), have helped me...