Search results

  1. ccbw03

    Cathe Live #30 on Roku

    firemedic, did you have to download anything to get it to play on firestick? I tried to do this just the other day and it went to my tv but was choppy.
  2. ccbw03

    Trade ins

    Hi Cathe! I'm a huge fan, have been for SEVERAL years but have been out of the Cathe world for some time. I had to have back surgery and started gaining weight due to that and the change in my wonderful metabolism as I entered my 40s and lost my motivation to exercise as I was not seeing...
  3. ccbw03

    Travel Fit

    I LUV, LUV, LUV Travel Fit! I did it today for the first time. I have been struggling to find one of your workouts that does not affect me too badly. I have been a LONG time fan, and REALLY enjoy your workouts, but unfortunately had to have back surgery 5 yrs ago because of a hernitated disc...
  4. ccbw03

    Stuck in the 40s

    Thanks!!! Thanks to everyone for all the encouraging words. Why is it that we are so hard on ourselfs? I am going to try to do some more circut/interval type training. Problem is I need to find something that won't irritate a bad back, knees......I started with the weights because it was...
  5. ccbw03

    Stuck in the 40s

    I am just starting Meso cycle 3. I was just wondering if it was normal to feel like you have really put weight on before you really notice a difference. Does that make sense? I really love the way weight lifting makes me feel, strong, energized, but I am feeling really fat. So do you get...
  6. ccbw03

    what first??

    Thanks to both of you for replying. My back issues are lower. L5 - S1. I have had surgery -- 2005. And things have just seemed to go down hill from there fitness wise. Also turning 40. They weren't kidding when they say your metabolism changes!! Didn't think it would happen so darned...
  7. ccbw03

    1RM question

    This is probably a dumb question, but want to know if I am approaching these workouts correctly. Should I go through the list and establish all of my 1RMs before even attempting the workouts and or is this something you do as you go? Thanks, Cara
  8. ccbw03

    what first??

    Hi Cathe, I just received my STS today and have been reading the book.* I do have a question.* I have gained quite a bit a weight over the last 3 years (loss of job, going back to school at the young age of 40) and have had back trouble.* (Herniated disk)* I used to do all of your workouts...
  9. ccbw03

    Travel to Australia advice....

    Congrats on her trip to Australia!! I went when I was 19 as an exchange student. I stayed for a whole year. I had never flown before and all my Australian families used to kid me about really doing it up right! I have since been back twice and have found that having a bottle of saline...
  10. ccbw03

    Disc Herniation and training

    Not sure if I was the one you were asking to respond, but I still workout. I have recently been using the Low Impact Circut. I have yet to try pilates, but think this would benefit. I also have found that a deep tissue massage works wonders. She really works over my backside in the gluteus...
  11. ccbw03

    What to do with....

    Cathe, I was wondering what other type of workouts could be done with Low Impact Circut. If I do LIC on MWF, would it be okay to do the gym style series on T,TH,Sa, or should I stick to some sort of just cardio? Once again you have "WOW'd" me and everyone with the new workouts. LOVE the...
  12. ccbw03

    Disc Herniation and training

    I too have had surgery. I had it about 2yrs ago. I have been experiencing the pain again but mostly seems to be in my sciatica. I was also wondering what type of exercises Cathe would recommend. I have been doing the new series and have found that I am really sore after attempting the one...
  13. ccbw03

    VHS to DVD

    Cathe, I was wondering if you and your company have ever thought about a trade in your VHS tapes for DVD's type promotion. I have well over 20 of your workouts in VHS. I would love to have some of the newer workouts, mostly the ones in series, CTX, Power hour ( I know that isn't a series), or...
  14. ccbw03

    take care of you!!

    First of all, I think you need to worry about getting you back to good health. I would hate to have you think you could go easy and go ahead and tape, then REALLY injure yourself. Make sure you are at your best, we can all wait. And those that can't, well too bad. I would hate to have my...
  15. ccbw03

    Circut training

    Hi Cathe, I was just wondering if the circut style workouts were meant to be done with a day of rest in between because of the weight segments? Typically, the weight is not heavy, correct? I was wondering if a person still needed to give the muscle's a rest because a light weight is used and...
  16. ccbw03

    Help for American jobs

    Thanks a lot! Every little bit helps! Cara
  17. ccbw03

    Help for American jobs

    Okay ladies, I need help. I was told in February that I would no longer have a job at the end of this year. "Restructuring" is the politcally correct term they like to use. Whatever the term, my job will now be done offshore. Our community has been hit hard by this "restructuring" and has...
  18. ccbw03

    Rainbow Bridge

    Hi everyone! Thank you Cathe and everyone else for your kind words! I'll pass them on! We know he is in a better place, he was in a lot of pain, but still makes it hard! They become such a part of our family. Thanks again! Cara
  19. ccbw03

    Rainbow Bridge

    Hi Cathe, I need your help, I know this is not a fitness related question, but could you post the "Rainbow Bridge" poem for me. My sister just had to put down her Rotweiler, Bozly, this morning and I remember reading this at one time and was very touched. I thought it would help her through...