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  1. C

    How about photos too?

    Hi Cinza, I just wanted to suggest that you might want to delete your address from your post and have people email you instead if they would like you to scan their picture in, especially since you have your picture posted. JMO, but there are a lot of people out there who could be lurking that...
  2. C

    What's YOUR "Day Job"?

    I am an attorney and I work for a state agency conducting administrative hearings via telephone regarding entitlement to benefits. I really like my job except for the 2 hours a day I spend commuting! That will change sometime next month when I get to start telecommuting. I can hardly wait...
  3. C

    Cathe's Tank Top

    Hey Kathy, I did Leaner Legs the other night and I think the blue tank she has on in the introduction has a Nike swoosh on it.
  4. C

    EARLY Check-In W/E 4/21

    Quick Checkin... Just got in from out of town and have tons of laundry to do. Very busy week with sick toddler and lots of errands to run. I can't remember what I did when so I'm just going to list my workouts. Here's my week: Walk around the neighborhood with the toddler boy MIS UB Todd...
  5. C

    Early check in week ending 4/14

    RE: Hi, Christina! Hey Gretchen! Yes, my UC symptoms are under control at the moment. I go back to the gastroenterologist Friday. I am a little bit concerned because I am starting to get skin lesions again and they often precede a flare up. I am hoping that doesn't happen! I definitely...
  6. C

    Early check in week ending 4/14

    RE: Returning to the checkin.... Hey Deb D! We love Austin. Hubby and I both grew in Waco and love it too but the job market stinks there. We tried Dallas twice but didn't love it. Austin is definitely a great place to live for musicians so I bet your cousin loves it here.
  7. C

    Early check in week ending 4/14

    Returning to the checkin.... I stopped checking in back around Christmas time due to some medication issues. I am now off that horrible prednisone and back to feeling normal. I am trying to get back into a consistent routine with my workouts so I will be checking in again. Here's my week...
  8. C

    Advice needed on exercising with 1st trimester nausea

    Lynn, If you think that your prenatal vitamins are contributing to your nausea, I would recommend taking them at night with your dinner. My best friend gave me this tip and the only time I actually threw up while pregnant was when I forgot to take the vitamin with dinner and took it later on...
  9. C

    Hi Everyone!!

    Austin, TX
  10. C

    CHECK-IN WEEK OF 2/12-2/18

    Hey Gretchen! I just wanted to tell you that I think that you have a great attitude! I have really been slacking and feeling sorry for myself the last couple of months due to prednisone side effects. Your post has inspired me to quit whining and get off my butt. I checked out your homepage...
  11. C

    9 wks - first preg - please help!

    If the prenatal vitamins are making you sick, try taking them in the evening with your dinner. The only time I got sick after taking my vitamin was when I forgot to take it with dinner and took it later in the evening. Hope this helps! Christina
  12. C

    Recipes for no-dairy sweets

    If the reason for no dairy is lactose intolerance, you can use the 100% lactose free milk which is what I do. I also use soy cheese. Some of the soy cheeses are pretty gross. Definitely stay away from the Smart Beat Lactose Free Cheese. I have found a brand that I like but I can't think of the...
  13. C

    Check in 12/16

    Wow! Everyone's weeks are so good. I am amazed at how you guys manage to fit so much in during the holidays. My week was pretty lame. But I was very excited to discover this morning that I lost 4 pounds this week. My medication adjustment seems to be working and I am starting to lose the...
  14. C

    Early Check In W/E 12/9

    Checkin Everyone's weeks look great! I had another one of those life gets in the way weeks; hubby was sick with the flu all week, the toddler boy suddenly hates his bed and doesn't want to go to sleep, etc. Mon - Wed Nothing Thurs - am 20 minute treadmill walk Fri - am overslept - Planned to...
  15. C

    Quitting the Pill

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting for you and your husband! You are embarking on a grand new adventure. My toddler boy is the best thing that has ever happened to my hubby and I. Being a mom is WONDERFUL!
  16. C

    Quitting the Pill

    I was on the pill for 7 years prior to having my son. I had a preconception checkup in July 97 and my dr said it was fine to start trying as soon as I went off the pill if we wanted. I quit taking the pill in August and was pregnant the following month. I had a normal pregnancy and a healthy...
  17. C

    Checking In

    RE: Christina - question for you The toddler boy was 2 1/2 the day before Thanksgiving. He takes good naps at day care but unfortunately he won't nap at home unless he is sick! I REALLY miss nap time! He is very much into his I'm independent phase. His favorite phrases are "I do it!" and...
  18. C

    Candy Bars

    Hey Honeybunch! The toddler boy and I made this yesterday with Reese's Peanut Butter cups and we loved it! We had fun making it too! He really likes to help Mommy cook so I am always looking for easy recipes that he can help me with. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
  19. C

    Checking In

    Wow! Everybody seems to be keeping on track with their workouts despite the holiday season. This was one of those life gets in the way kind of weeks - hubby is replacing the engine in his car so we had to carpool all week and the toddler boy is going through a difficult stage of not wanting to...
  20. C

    Check-In for Week of Nov. 26

    It sounds like everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I had a good week. Mon - nada Tues - am - Vol 4 Wed - am no workout because I was baking & cleaning house before my parents arrived. pm - 30 min run/walk on treadmill Thurs - pm 30 min run/walk on treadmill - the toddler boy came in the room...