Quitting the Pill


Hi everyone! I've been a lurker here for a while (mostly on the Ask Cathe forum, but now that we are planning on starting a family, more so on this one!). My husband and I have decided that we want to start trying to have a baby within the next 6 months to a year. I have been on the Pill for about ten years. I have an appointment in Feb. with an ob/gyn to discuss stopping the Pill, but when I asked if I could stop now, the receptionist mentioned something about being "weaned off" the Pill. I have never heard of this before, and was wondering if anyone else had and could tell me about it? Also, I was wondering if anyone else used the Pill for a long time and had problems getting pregnant? I previously would go to my family doctor for my yearly check-up, who would assure me that it was fine to continue on for the length of time I did. I would like to know others' experiences, though, if anyone would like to share. Thanks!

I'm very confused about the being "weaned off" too. I have never heard of that. I will be trying to have another baby next year also, and my ob-gyn told me to just stop taking the pill and wait until I have 2 menstrual cycles and then I can start trying.

Last time when I became pregnant (my son is 4 1/2 years old), I had been on the pill for 10 years also and it took me only 4 months to become pregnant. (It actually took 6 months if you count the first 2 months that I used another form of birth control to give the pill time to get out of my system)
Good luck to you in the future.

My husband and I are also planning on starting a family and I was on the pill for about 15 years. I went off it in July and was not able to see the OB doctor I wanted until October. I was NOT told anything about "weaning" off the pill, and when I saw my doctor, she said everything was just fine for me...I think you need to find out what was meant by "weaning" off the pill....

I, too, am a lurker, but I couldn't resist responding to you--your initials, KJD, are my initials, with my maiden name! And then when I read that you had been a long-time pill user and planning to start a family, I thought I was just meant to write you a note!

After I went off the pill in July, I kept careful track of my cycle by marking down the first day I got my period for every month. Since July, my cycle has been anywhere from 28-30 days long, so I have been pretty regular. Now, here is something I have been dying to share with someone (other than my husband)--I am now on day 31 of my cycle and no period!!! Could it be??? I am going to take a home pregnancy test tomorrow and see...just had to share this or else I am going to explode!!

My doctor did tell me that when a woman goes off the pill, there is a surge of hormones which can mean a stronger fertile time--I don't know the details of this, so please do some research on this or check it out with a doctor. Well, thanks for hearing me out, let's keep in touch...best of luck and have fun!!

KJT - Hope you get good news!!

KJD - I just read this in the August Redbook - don't know how accurate it is:

"An oral contraceptive increases the odds that you'll conceive," says Emmett F. Branigan, MD. When you're on the pill, you're ovaries are not subject to the hormonal shifts that can trigger fertility-hindering cysts or endometriosis. What's more, when you quit using the Pill, your ovaries are ready for action right away. "The old recommendation to wait several periods before trying to get pregnant is wrong. The first ovulations off the Pill are the most likely to result in conception," he says.

Personally, I don't know if I would choose to get pregnant immediately after stopping the pill - I would worry about any hormones lingering in my system. JMHO!

Good luck!

I was on the pill for 7 years prior to having my son. I had a preconception checkup in July 97 and my dr said it was fine to start trying as soon as I went off the pill if we wanted. I quit taking the pill in August and was pregnant the following month. I had a normal pregnancy and a healthy 8 lb 2 oz boy. My son is now 2 1/2 and very healthy. I have several friends who also got pregnant the first month or two after stopping the pill and their children were also healthy. On the other hand, I have a friend who was on the pill for several years and it took her eight months to get pregnant.

Hope this helps!

That's encouraging to hear that you and several of your friends were able to conceive so quickly after coming off the pill.

It was a big disappointment last time (when I was trying to get pregnant 5 1/2 years ago) because doctors would tell you to wait at least 3 cycles preferably 4 cycles before trying to conceive. Let's face it, when the maternal bug hits, you're usually in a hurry. So, I was relieved this time when my doctor told me to wait 2 cycles. (Actually not even 2 full cycles, she told me to wait 6 weeks). Not near the dreadful waiting period as last time. Anyway, I'm babbling. Thanks for the encouraging news.

Congratulations!! Hopefully the test is positive!!

After reading everyone's posts, I did call the doctor back. I'm thinking it may have been the way I stated my question. Last time, I asked if there was anything I could do to start preparing now, and was told about "weaning" off the pill. This time, I said I wanted to stop taking the pill. All I was told this time was to make sure to stop at the end of a pack (which this one will end right around the end of the month-so I'll be beginning the New Year pill-free!). Since my appointment is the beginning of February, we will probably not try until after I see the doctor.

We had been discussing starting to try within the next year or so (we've been married for three and a half), but this weekend we went to a friend's baby's first birthday party. There were a lot of kids and babies there, and now I've really been itching to speed up the plans a little. Thanks for all of your responses!
Glad to hear that you got clarification on quitting the pill. It is a very exciting time.

Well, my test is positive!!! I will be calling my doctor this morning to make that first appointment...I have to say that I am surprised at how quickly this happened--though I went off the pill in July, we really did not start "trying" until October. I guess I am pretty lucky that my cycle is very regular--it was pretty easy to "find" those best days for getting pregnant. I was very nervous that it might take me a long time to get pregnant because I am 38...good luck and have fun. I have to say that this experience has been one of the best and most exciting ones for my husband and me (and my doggy, too!).
Congratulations on your positive results!! What an exciting time in one's life! My little boy has made me and my husband the happiest people in the world. I hope you have an easy, smooth and wonderful pregnancy.

Thanks for the congrads! I am having hard time concentrating on anything else! Just called my doctor to get my first appointment scheduled. Your little boy sounds wonderful!

Thanks, Kellie

Sooo glad for you and also that your DOG is HAPPY Too!! Enjoy the experience! Keep us posted. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

How exciting for you and your husband! You are embarking on a grand new adventure. My toddler boy is the best thing that has ever happened to my hubby and I. Being a mom is WONDERFUL!

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you that have been sending me "Congratulations" and best wishes on my news.

I will draw on the support and wisdom of this group throughout my pregnancy as I really feel the need to have this in my life now. I am very close to my family and they do not live near me, so I have been feeling that it is very important for me to create a support system of folks that can talk with me and guide me and I think this forum is perfect!! Plus, I get to talk about fitness as much as I want....

Thanks again for all the kind words!

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