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  1. C

    My DH's secret Myspace account

    I know this thread is a few days old but I felt compelled to post. I'm recently divorced for a lot of reasons that are similar to your situation...Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde behavior - when he was happy you couldn't meet a nicer guy, when he wasn't happy nobody was happy, lots of verbal abuse and...
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    My 3-day details

    AWESOME JOB LORRIE!! You and your friend are fast! I was one of those turtles way back in the back. Only one blister, woo hoo! It seemed like to me last year that blisters were what did most people who didn't finish in. Yikes on walking in the cold and the rain!! It's too bad they had...
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    Best Wishes Lorrie (L Sass)

    Good luck this weekend!!! I did the 3Day last year and it is an amazing experience. You will have a great time!!! It was so awesome that I signed up to do it again. Wishing you no blisters and good weather!!!!
  4. C

    ? for those that use iTrain workouts...

    I recently tried iTrain for the first time. I got a code over at VF for one free workout. Here's a link to the thread:
  5. C

    Thinking of doing the 3 Day for the Cure

    I did the 3Day last October in Dallas-Ft Worth. It was amazing and I'm signed up to do it again this year. Thanks to my generous family and friends, I didn't have any trouble with my fundraising. I have several family members who are planning to do it also this year so my fundraising may be...
  6. C

    Does anyone use Arbonne Facial Products

    My aunt and cousin use it and sell it. I tried my cousin's kit a couple of times while I was visiting and had some type of reaction to it. Both times I used it my face got very tingly and itchy about 30 minutes afterward. My skin's not usually very sensitive so I was surprised that it...
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    Austin, Texas

    Here's some links for you This link is for Zilker Park. There are many things to do at Zilker and most of them are free or very low cost. There is sometimes a small charge for parking in the park. There is a huge playground, a hike and bike trail, a...
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    Austin, Texas

    I live in the Austin area and there are a lot of fun things to do with the kids. I would love to give you suggestions but it depends a lot on how old the boys are.
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    DFW Breast Cancer 3Day Report - Long!

    I'm mostly a lurker here but I posted late last year about my plan to do the Breast Cancer 3Day and some wonderful ladies shared their stories of this event and other similar ones. I also had some donations from people I didn't know that I think came from here. So I wanted to share my story of...
  10. C

    Biggers breasts anyone??

    Interesting thread... I've dealt with the size acceptance issue but from a different viewpoint. I've been a D cup since I was 14. My cup size does not change if I lose or gain weight. Honestly being this size is a pain. High impact requires 2 bras or one of those super duper ugly Enell...
  11. C

    Gayle here, FINALLY checking in after marathon!

    CONGRATULATIONS GAYLE!!!!! What a great story! You did awesome! Thanks for sharing your story with us. I can't wait to see your pictures.
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    Anyone tried Core Secrets?

    I have the Full Body Challenge and Ab Assault Core Secrets DVDS and I really like them. They are way easier than Cathe though.
  13. C

    L'Oreal Hair Colour

    I changed my avatar because I remembered that I had a newer picture on my photo bucket account. The new picture was taken shortly after I had colored my hair with the Loreal kit. I had some problems with brassiness or dry hair with other brands/kits but I haven't had any problems with the...
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    L'Oreal Hair Colour

    I have been coloring my hair myself for about 10 years. I have been using this kit for a little over a year with very good results. Personally I think the key to getting good results w/ home hair coloring is to not deviate too far from your natural color. My natural color is dishwater blonde...
  15. C

    Teaching Kids Fitness and Health

    How fun! Mindy Mylrea has some kids PE oriented DVDs on her site. You might take a look there.
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    Magic Bullet

    I got mine from HSN when it was the special value for the day plus someone posted a $15 coupon. Total was around $47. I mostly use the individual cups to make protein smoothies. I have also used it to make salsa. I haven't used the juicer or blender attachments but the blender attachment is...
  17. C

    I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk today!!

    RE: I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk today!... Thanks for sharing. I just sent you an email.
  18. C

    I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk today!!

    RE: I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk today!... Thanks for sharing your experience Christine. I will definitely keep all your suggestions in mind.
  19. C

    I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk today!!

    RE: I signed up for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk today!... Thank you all for your encouragement and support. I really appreciate it. Gayle, I am very sorry for your loss. No one should have to lose their spouse or father at such a young age. Thank you for sharing your experience with me...
  20. C

    When do you tell your kids....

    I think that when they start asking is the time to tell them. My DS is 7 and he knows that Santa isn't real although we still pretend. When he was in kindergarten, his best friend who is a Jehovah's Witness told him Santa wasn't real. DS asked me and I said "What do you think?" He said "I...