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  1. Diane15

    What equipments do I need?

    You probably have enough to get started, but may want to buy a band for Butts & Guts. Cathe also uses a barbell for Pyramid Lower Body but I think you can easily get by with just dumbbells if that is all you have. In Coremax some segments use a medicine ball, but again I think a light dumbbell...
  2. Diane15

    Question about MET values

    Hi Cathe & anyone else who may know: I apologize if this has been addressed already, but when you select a DVD in the workout manager, it gives the MET value. This is probably a stupid question and one for which I should already know the answer, but could you explain what this is? Thanks, Diane
  3. Diane15

    need explanation of PS leg excercises

    Hi, I will try to explain these for you. Inner thigh body bar: Lie on one side (for example, your right); rest one end of the body bar on the arch of your right foot (foot closest to floor); hold the other end of the bar in your hand. Now you will raise and lower your right foot using the...