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  1. T

    feet that fall asleep?!?

    Hi KellyK! Have you ever tried massage? I'm a massage therapist and I have worked on many people that have your problem. You could have really tight calf muscles or any of the other muscles in your legs and feet. If you havn't tried massage take a look into it. It can help! But, don't go...
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    HELP!!! I'm a sugar-aholic!!!

    Thanks so much everyone for all your replies! I've recieved a lot of good advice. I learned two things that I think will work for me. One, yesterday I was doing some research about this on the internet and I realized by a couple of things that I read, that I'm probably hungry all the time...
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    HELP!!! I'm a sugar-aholic!!!

    Hi Everyone! For the last three and a half months I have been working out 3-4 times a week with a goal to lose 10 to 15 pounds. I have been doing step aerobics and weights. I have lost about 9 pounds and 6 inches total. I know that I could have lost it faster if I wasn't so addicted to sugar...
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    Utah Body Blast Viewing party

    HI! I'm a Utahn, but I just moved!!!!!:( I really really miss Utah!) My husband got a job in Idaho, in the middle of nowhere!!! Wish I was there! Teeny;-)
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    Need help choosing workout!

    Hi! I'm just getting into Cathe's workouts. I only have her All Step tape but I want to get a couple more. At this time I only have fifty dollars or less to spend. What 2 tapes or 1 DVD set would give me the best all around fitness, including cardio and weight training? I have 10 to 15...
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    just started Cathe workouts

    Hi, I bought a step about 5 weeks ago and Cathe's video Cross Train Xpress All Step was in it. So for the last 5 weeks I have been doing it about 4 times a week. Ever since I had my baby I have been trying to get into regular exercise and have been on and off. Since I started this workout I...